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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. When I did TSD, we "shared" our space with a very good Jujitsu instructor. Like Shorinryu Sensei said, the styles were so different that there wasn't (still isn't) any problems. We even shared students. 20% of the TSD students cross-trained with him, and brought what they knew to us. He didn't have a problem with that. As far as finances and things go, I wouldn't know. I learned the stuff for free "second hand" LOL. It wasn't much. Just a few takedowns (other than what we were taught anyways) and a few grappling things. But they were useful (we learned a bit of Hapkido, so it was somewhat the same in that degree).
  2. Thanks. I'll try it like you said (on a different piece of clothing). If it doesn't bleach it, then I'll give it a try on my belt. Anyone else?
  3. I do TKD (or try) three days a week. Monday, thursday, and saturday. I do Jujitsu on friday. But tonight, I kind of mixed both LOL. I was in TKD class, so I decided to practice jujitsu techs with my honey (who takes both with me, and he was my partner tonight). So we were throwing each other around a bit LOL. Other than that. I try to work on one steps, forms, and stuff like that at home (I have a test coming up) as much as I can.
  4. I saw one of Bong Soo Han's videos, because I wanted to take Hapkido. That was actually one of three choices I wanted to take besides TKD. It was either Hapkido, jujitsu, or Judo. I did a bit of Judo. And I got the chance to study Jujitsu .... WHOOOHOOO. Anyways, I think Bong Soo Han's system is cool. But it's more kicking than I thought Hapkido would be. But then again, I know very little about any system of Hapkido (except what my TSD dojang taught).
  5. Same here. I did TSD as well as ninjanurse. So I do agree with her advice. In the beginning is mostly basics, but keep practicing as much as you can.
  6. My jujitsu instructor told me that friday. In any self defense situation, with a knife for example, expect to be cut. But use what works to excape with your life. I'm no where near that good yet, but I do see his point.
  7. My best bud is at a different school, but same system, and her hubby teaches me Jujitsu. So It's kind of the same thing. My friend Renee isn't into MA yet, but she wants to learn (downfall for her, she has no money. She just built a house). So I am going to teach her the basics for free. I know she will like it, and I know I could change her life as well (not that she's that bad off, but it would make her more able to deal with her daily life).
  8. We have 2 self defense techs each belt rank in TKD. In Jujitsu, there is so many. But I just started to learn them. The kata's have way more, but I haven't learned one yet.
  9. younwhagrl, good post. I was like you. I was very timmid, and shy. I only had one really good friend (she was like a sister ...still is) back in NJ. But MA gave me more self esteem, confidence, ect. All my friends I have now are all into MA one way or another, except one, but I'll change that hehehehehe. My best bud and her hubby live like an hour away, but we became such good friends that miles don't matter. So yea, I totally agree that MA can change a person's life.
  10. Pacificshore, that won't bleach my belt, will it (my red belt, that is)?
  11. That is great news Kicks. I'm happy to hear that
  12. I do forms, one steps (yes you can do them alone ), I hit the heavy bag, and I practice falling (for jujitsu).
  13. Your english is fine, to me anyways. I actually use Polmolive, so I can see where you are coming from. I'm American, and I still call it that. I use the "brand names." I don't say "dish soap." If I see a really confused super market worker, I will, but I don't see them much here. Sometimes I say dish liquid LOL. That throws people for a loop LOL.
  14. Hey Kicks, and folks affected by both storms. We are thinking about you here in NY. My prayers and well-wishes to all of you. Kicks, let me know what you decide to do. I'm helping a friend with her school when it gets going, so we can share info (mainly with her). Best of luck to you, my friend
  15. LOL. I been there (still am with some tricks). Just keep at it Just don't hurt yourself like I did. I'm working on the 540 lately. It seems like everytime I try this trick, I land it, perfect. Then I hurt myself. Then I have to start from scratch So, be careful.
  16. If someone was bad mouthing my jujitsu intructor, I'd definitely laugh it off. This guy is amazing. He can take care of himself. He would (if he had to) shred them big time. I wouldn't be too worried about it.
  17. Wow. Thats hard. We have 4 dojangs now (one is about to open). We have one Master instructor (8th dan), 4 3rd dans, I believe, 3 or 4 2nd dans (two of them are juniors), and I couldn't count the 1st dans. In My dojang alone, there are, at least, 10 that actually train.
  18. Amen, Kicks. We have a fund going at work for you guys. I always drop my spare change in there (it's a can of change). It's not much, but it will help in the long run, I am hoping. God bless.
  19. I have been trying too. The only thing I can give you is the https://www.bilang.com site. There's tutorals on that site. They help some, but you also need to build speed and leg muscles (depending on the trick, that is).
  20. I tried that. It will take a LONG time. It's little black speckles that I would have to pick off one by one. There's LOTS of them I'm glad I'm a white belt in jujitsu. No picking nothing off my belt LOL (unless I get it dirty, then a wash would do great LOL).
  21. One more thing.... Isn't that Canadian (sp?)? hehehehehe
  22. Callin me a yankee, scottnshelly!?!?!?!?!?! I'm in NY. Na just joking (I'm originally from NJ) and some of these "yankees" do say the stuff you mentioned. It tripped me out at first (sorry, that's slang, not a NJ thing LOL). The "pop" thing still drives me bonkers LOL. It's SODA dang it! LOL I'm from NJ, but I don't say up or down. I say I am going to the store, or to the movies (maybe because my mom and grandmom are both grammer nuts).
  23. LOL. That's funny hehehehe. The thing is, I do two arts. Jujitsu, I have no clue yet (I'm white belt). TKD, it goes white, orange, yellow, green, purple, blue, brown, red (me), high or senior red (we call it), prob black then black. In TSD, is was white, orange, green, blue (where I left off), brown, purple, red (two degrees) dark blue (cho dan bo), then black. The kids had more colors, but I can't remember what they were.
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