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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I do the same. I'm not a sensei .... far from it. But in my school, 2nd gup/kyu and above are required to assist in class. I do the same as vertigo said. Specially with the younger ones. I see 10 things wrong with their form (or what have you), but I show them two things that they can improve. Once they get that down, I move on to the next two. It works pretty well, even with the adults.
  2. snazzed, I was in the same boat as you. I was in a different style before moving. I had to totally re-learn everything (except the kicks were pretty much the same). I was corrected all the time. My instructor told me that what I was doing wasn't "wrong," but it is different from how his style is taught. It took me a good year to drop habbits that were drilled in my head at my old school. Even the sparring rules were different. I was so confused at times. But, like you said, it just "clicked" for me. I liked what was said already. If you are not being corrected, your instructors just don't care. It's ok to be singled out and corrected (I've been there). You instructor probably sees talent in you, and wants you to improve. That's a good thing
  3. I wish we were allowed to wear black pants
  4. Thanks for the link I can order it online, too. Sweet
  5. I train at the dojang 3 days a week. But I train at home also, at least, twice a week (or when I get the "itch" LOL). I would train more, but my work schedule is weird.
  6. Hey stranger How are you? I will definitely do that It should be this fall (05) or spring (06). It depends on if I know all the material (and if I'm allowed), and the date of the test. If it's in October, I can't test. So we'll see. I'll keep ya posted.
  7. Grenadier, I'll have to do a search on roasting coffee beans. It does spell great when coffee is brewing, so I can understand about the smell of roasting beans ..... mmmmmm
  8. Only our master instructor and senior instructor teach all classes (except for the tigers class). They are the "engine" of the school. They do things the exact same way (for the most part .... once in a while you catch one doing something wrong LOL). There are people that help out in class (required for red belts and above to keep the ratio of student/instructor at a reasonable level), but they DO NOT actually lead the class. So if I have a question about something, I ask the instructor. One of them is always there.
  9. I totally agree. The training at my school is second to none (as far as I have seen here so far). The school itself is a great facility. Plenty of space, and changing rooms. You can also take both arts they have there (TKD and Tai Chi) if you choose.
  10. I'll move this to the health forum. You'll get much more help there Anyways, I have a "bum" knee, also. I injured it kicking a heavy bag. I went one way, my knee went the other It only took two weeks to heal (and two more weeks of modified training with a brace). But I sometimes still feel a little pain (depending on what I'm doing for how long). I never got it checked, though. So I would suggest getting it checked before it becomes a major problem.
  11. Panties or boxers .... or maybe .......... never mind. This is a G rated forum
  12. LOL. You work too much, Heidi. You need a job with vacation time
  13. WHOOOHOOOO!!! It's about time huh, Heidi? Took me long enough LOL. jarrettmeyer, that's what I'm realizing LOL. So, yea, I agree with you on that.
  14. LOL yes I am. Been there done that *blushes.* But I even seen guys that "show" their undies through their gi with poke-a-dots hehehehehe
  15. Ok, this thread went by the way-side, but I wanna bring it up again. Ok, I am supposed to write an essay for BB (which isn't for a while) but, I have written a few things already (I am a wanna-be-writer also). I am writing a paper on what BB means to me. Here is a sample (I might use this as a KF article as well): "A black belt isn’t something you wear. It’s something you become. Although the outward benefits of being a black belt, may at first seem materialistic and superficial, an extra line to fill on your job applications or an achievement to brag to your friends about, its real significance goes much deeper. The black belt encourages you to set a good example, to be a role model both in and outside of class. Having a black belt adds a responsibility of acting like a black belt, of behaving responsibly, working diligently, and outwardly projecting and living by the tenets and the student oath." Another part says: "Martial arts are unique. It constantly challenges and shapes you, making you come face to face with your own weaknesses and insecurities, you only have two choices, to overcome them or give in. Every time you overcome them you become stronger and more positive. This is not only a great personal realization and benefit; it is also a valuable gift to share with others. " Opinions?
  16. Yea! Do post the link. I'd like to try it
  17. Well, 1:45 is the test on April 9th, so we can skoot over to the coffee place (which ever one we decide on) about 1:00 or 1:15. Is that ok? Let me know Grenadier, you ARE a coffee snob LOL. Na, I see where you are coming from. I'd like to roast my own coffee beans, but I lead a busy life, so it's hard. Buying the beans and grinding them before brewing is alot right now LOL.
  18. I obviously didn't get that far. I'm just a 2nd gup/kyu. But in TKD a master rank is 5th dan, and in TSD a 4th dan. But I believe a good instructor (not just a master) knows is students. He/she will push them to do well, but not to the point of "harrassing" them (sp?). Someone who's "standards" aren't low, but knows each student's limitations (previous injuries, ect). Someone who's not in it for the "business side" first. Someone who puts MA first, then his/her business (making a living is ok, but not to the point of charging too much). Obviously, they have to know what they are teaching, and their technique should be on the "awsome side" LOL. They should be modest, humble, and willing to pass this on to his/her students. As far as me becoming a master .... I have years to go. I'll make first dan next spring (06), hopefully. 2 years from there, if the test goes well, I'll be a 2nd dan, ect.
  19. vertigo, I totally agree with you on that LOL. I have "blackout" days, too. Good thing it wasn't last night (my night to assist in class)
  20. Deal I have to go with Brian anyways (I'm helping out with the test .... holding boards, ect), so I'll tell him to go early. See ya then! LOL aefibird. Na, we are not training that day. Just watching/helping BUT it will give me a "boost" of energy LOL.
  21. I plain on sticking with it for the rest of my life, as long as my body can take it. I'd like to open my own school. But I'd like to be, at least, 3rd or 4th dan in TKD. And, at least, 2nd dan in one other art (to give my students more than one choice). But that is way off in the distant future.
  22. $125/month. My school is expensive, BUT in this area, you get what you pay for. If you pay, less you get less. It's sad but, I rather pay this much to this school, and earn what I get, than pay less and have the "standards" way too low, and not earn crap. When I took TSD in NJ, it was the opposite. I paid $80 a month, unlimited classes, and free uniform. In that area, if you paid more than $99 a month, it was a McDojo (90% of the ones that charged that much were, anyways). So I'd say, it also depends on the area, the taxes, overhead, ect that your school has to pay. Where I live, the taxes are outrageous! So, I kinda understand why the tuition is a little high.
  23. I think it has helped me. Like everyone said here, I like KF, because everyone can give their honest opinion about their MA without arguing (for the most part .... except for the occational troll). There is a mix of MA's on here. I learned a lot about other arts on here. I even get help with TKD from non TKD martial artists. I think that is great. Everyone is willing to help everyone. Everyone is pretty much open-minded here. It's not just Patrick that makes this site great with his hard work. I wanna thank the members, too, as well as Patrick Ok, back to the question LOL. KF helped me though two schools (after moving to NY). I went to this school, quit, went to another one, then came back. But KF members helped me with advice through the whole thing. Now that I'm getting closer to BB, I'm sure I'll be popping more questions at you guys LOL.
  24. Yes, I see it all the time. The ones that fail, they get the next belt, but they get a yellow stripe on their belt, meaning they have to re-test before learning any new requirements. Most people who get the yellow stripe are embarrassed to have it, so it is a learning experience for them. But for black belt tests, if you fail, you simply don't get anything. You stay where you are. I have seen plenty of people fail BB tests, and I'm not even that far yet.
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