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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. What was I thinking last night? "Man, you're an idiot!" Meaning me. I blew my stripe test cause I had a mental block on one of my forms
  2. Na, it's the first I heard of it. Maybe I'll do that when I hit BB (if I ever do ... it's seems like it's taking for ever ).
  3. Heidi stole my answer LOL There is another thing with our school. When a new student recieves their white belt (after two trial classes), the instructor will stop the class and have the class welcome them with a salute and bow. Pretty cool. Another thing we do is when we have a seminar, special class or whatever, my instructor will take us out to lunch (he did that when I took the instructors course .... I have two more to go, and more lunches hehehehe). We also have potluck dinners at the dojang twice a year (I think) and cookouts there also in the summer.
  4. This might help, too. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6186 It's a thread on stretching. There's a lot of good stuff in there. I hope this helps
  5. My dojang is strict about clean uniforms (even clipped nails so you don't scratch people). But then again, so am I. I have two uniforms. I wash them twice a week for three classes. That leaves me an "open day" of a clean uniform in case I don't get to do laundry that day.
  6. Not that I know of, isshinryu5toforever. I did TSD first, and my association only had 10 dan grades. I think most styles are the same as well.
  7. I agree with isshinryu5toforever. Just train hard and work on your technique. Don't worry about rank so much. That will come in time.
  8. I have seen, at the earliest, is 2 and a 1/2 years, but that was someone who had previous training (and rare to boot). The longest I've seen was 7 years. I've been traing 4 and a 1/2 years and I'm still a red belt (by choice .... I'm not ready for BB).
  9. Yes, I know more than I really need. But in my situation, I learned them at a different school. My instructor knew that, so he doesn't have a problem with me practicing them.
  10. EEEKKKK I sweat bad. I have to wash my uniforms (I have two for the purpose of what strangepair03 described) after every training session. Of course I shower before class, but I will NOT put a sweaty uniform back on for the next class .... no way.
  11. Arrrggg!!! I had to wash my belt for the second time since I got it. I was carrying my stuff (uniform included) and dropped my belt in a muddy puddle. So yea, if it gets dirty or smelly, I do wash it, but not to purposely fray it. Like Grenadier said, washing it in the gentle cycle when needed isn't doing it harm (but don't throw it in the dryer. It will shrink .... depending on the fabric ..... I learned the hard way LOL). I used to follow the "tradition" of not washing belts, but that faded when it got dirty (I'm a very clean person ... my clothes and body HAVE to be clean if all possible, and I'm not Japanese LOL).
  12. Slydermv, thanks. You answered my question. Now, to me anyways, it doesn't seem like you are in a McDojang at all. Did these other people have previous experience at MA (the ones who test faster)? But I do see your point about your technique, attitude, ect are better than some. I'm kinda asking myself that too (for my dojang that is). BUT people are made different, and can't do certian things like we can. Some have physical "troubles" but yet, they work their tails off. They may have a physical problem that limits some techniques that you don't know about. People wonder why I'm a red belt and can't do more than 25 push-ups. They don't know I have CTS in my wrists. Anyways, my point is, don't judge a book by its cover. Like you said, worry about you. Not them. Work on what you need to work on. It sounds like your dojang is ligit, so just train hard
  13. Sheesh! You guys are good! I have to run 1.5 miles for my BB test in 12 minutes .... yea right (at this point). My fastest was 18 minutes, but that was brisk walking, not running. Of course I got till next spring (2006) to improve on that for my BB test, so I'm not worried (well, kind of LOL). It's not easy for someone like me who has athsma (sp?) but its not impossible either
  14. I'm a coffee drinker. The key is if you drink one cup of coffee, drink one class of water, so you don't get dehydrated (sp?). I do this always, so it hasn't effected my training. So yea, if you drink a cup of coffee before training, it will give you a little boost. Just don't forget the water either
  15. Hehehehe I did that before I stopped in the middle of a form for no reason ..... well there was BUT >>>> hehehehehe
  16. I totally agree with you, kicks. I know my dad is free of the pain he was in. Just like your friend, GojuRyu Shawn. Just keep the good memories in mind. He's looking down on you from heavin, saying " we had a great time." Just don't forget the good times you had with him. They will live on forever.
  17. I totally agree with you odd ball, I mean Kicks LOL. Seriously, in both your posts, you have good info there
  18. Hey, swdw, can you give me more info on the Fitness Trainer course? You can PM me with the info if you want, so the thread would stay on topic. Thanks in advance.
  19. We have good mods here Anyways, I totally agree with you. Eventhough, there are Mcdojangs out there, it does come down to the practitioners attitude. Some might like the sport side of TKD, and would love a dojang that does nothing but kicks. But there's people like me (eventhough I don't mind sparring) who hate the rules of the sport side of TKD. BUT my dojang covers everything (forms, one steps, combat tactics/self defense, ect). So I'm happy here.
  20. Wait. You do WTF and there kid BB's? I thought the WTF had an age limit for that? Anyways, I wouldn't necessarily "dub" your dojang a McDojang. You are in the typical sport WTF school. But that doesn't make it all bad. It sounds like you guys do train hard, and you are getting in good shape, so it isn't all that bad. But the "belt test a month" thing, I have a question about. In my dojang we have tests every 6 weeks. BUT, we CAN NOT test every 6 weeks. Like me for example (when I was still a brown belt that is .... testing for red belts are different) I would take one test, skip one test, the take the following. That works out to be three months at one rank. That how our testing works. So here's my question, if I was at your school, would I be testing (getting a belt) every month? Or is it like my dojang, I have to skip a test? Just wondering. Because if you were allowed to get a new belt every month, then yes, that sounds a little McDojang-ish.
  21. I have an thought to think about. If you are describing what I know as a cat stance in Korean TKD terms, then your forward heel is raised and your weight is 70% on your rear leg. This would indicate a front leg fighter. Is that typical in your style? I know some people who are front leg fighter, using their front leg for over 75% of their kicks. I find it fairly to defend against them since they are reasonably I used the "cat" stance in the past. And I was a front leg fighter. You are the first person I heard say that, Kicks LOL. I mean, about the front leg fighters being predictable, specially being a TKD guy. I learned to kick/fight off my front leg in TSD, and when I use it in TKD, it throws people off. I guess they're not used to someone using it. Because they don't "train" like that. Not here, that is. Anyway, back to the topic. Now I use more of a neutral stance. Since I tend to fight with both legs equally now, the "neutral" stance makes it easier for me to do so.
  22. AARRRGGGGHHH!!! Don't remind me of last summer. EEEKKK!!! (I lost my dad). Anyways, you and his family are in my prayers. I know how you feel, dude. If ya need someone to talk to, just PM me.
  23. I did see that. That wasn't very funny. But my boyfriend bought the DVD. Now we are stuck with it Oh, I was refering to Wayne's World LOL
  24. I had one the other night. It was a dream that had something to do with the time just after I got my BB (which hasn't happened in real life yet). I was in my dobok .... I guess just after training or something and I was challenged to a fight. I was actually doing pretty well. It was a fair fight, trading some good shots with who ever it was. But I didn't know how it ended, cause I woke up Does that mean I'm going to get in a fight after I get my black belt ....
  25. I like the "stupid" funny movies .... Guess this one: Shwing! "As IF!" hehehehehe. I'm such a dork LOL.
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