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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I totally agree with this. I was in a motivation "slump" again recently till I saw these amazing video clips of talented martial artists (there is a thread on video clips in the Korean forum). I said to myself, I have good technique, but these people make me look like a white belt! I started asking myself questions like, "How can I make my kicks better? How can I make my forms better?" ect. I think my technique has gotten better since then. This is me, also. I never stuck with anything in my whole life as I do with MA. People say I wouldn't stick it out like anything else in my life. But it's going on 4 and 1/2 years now. I test for BB (hopefully) at the end of this year. So, this kind of motivation helps, too.
  2. Lately, it's been almost every class. It's getting kind of annoying, because I hate WTF rules. We usually gear up and use WTF rules with light to mid contact. But the higher ranks (me included) go all out somethimes
  3. I kinda agree. There are two students at my school, who either refuse to learn correctly and their parents force them to go, or they are just plain lazy. I'm a coach at my school (coaching is a requirement for red belt). I tried my hardest to get one girl to do what she was supposed to, but she just plain out refuses. I gave up on her. There is another kid that was lazy. I gave up on him, till recently. I think he is making a turn for the better. He just needed a little "push" to get going. The best thing to do is try to help them. If they refuse, tell your instructor the problem. EDIT: CompactDinnerFork, you do have a point. Showing some disipline helps. Show them that you are not a push-over. But I don't agree with the shouting thing. You can be strict without shouting.
  4. Not that I know of. We wear the plain standard TKD dobok.
  5. I never had to grapple a guy I "liked" except when I did Judo and I wanted to grapple my honey (for practice) who wrestled. Well ..... enough said. This is a G rated forum LOL
  6. I agree. I was never a natural athlete or anything. I never did any kind of sport, except a little soft ball in high school, and a little sprinting (that was for gym and I was "average" at it). But I think in martial arts, I was somewhat of a natural. When I started, I couldn't even touch my toes or anything like that, but I was still able to pick up the 360's and fancy stuff only 6 months into training. Now I can do splits (right side) and kick way above my head. BUT there is still stuff I stink at (sparring). But I know I can "rip" on forms and breaking (I was always good a forms .... not an ego ... well, maybe .... but I know some are better than me .... Heidi ).
  7. I had one belt that was way too long (knee length), and I did get popped in the eye a couple of times when I kicked. So that's why I like the mid thigh length. It might hit me in the chin now, but not my eyes LOL.
  8. Me too. I like my belt to be loosy goosy (stange way to put it, I know LOL). One reason is because I use my belt as a training tool. When doing a technique, if it doesn't move, I didn't use my hip or I did the technique wrong. I love my red belt. It is perfect in length (mid-thigh) and it's not stiff at all. I hope my future black belt is the same way.
  9. Wow! That reminds me of a friend I had in my dojang that quit (do to my dojangs tuition ). She was good. She never made it to BB though. Congrads to Danny for his effort
  10. Good topic. I'm not a master (I'm just a lowly 2nd gup), but I can answer your question, I think. I took to martial arts like fish to water. As a white belt in Tang Soo Do, I was pretty bad, technique-wise. But It didn't take me long to learn all the forms, ect that I needed to (even past my rank). My technique really started to improve in 6 months time (according to my instructor). I was learning even the fancy stuff early hehehehe But my master instructor was strict on technique and I'm a perfectionist, sort of (when it came to MA, that is). I still strive for good technique. And I still think I suck LOL. I hope this answered your question.
  11. I agree scottnshelly. I have been a red belt forever. But I'm in no rush for BB (which is after high red in TKD). I have pretty good technique, but I have a lot of other stuff (mentally) to work on. I'm supposed to test for high red in April, but I don't think I will do to the fact I don't know my stuff as well as I think I should.
  12. We were talking about this the other day in class. And I thought about it long and hard. I've been training for 4 years and I really don't know why. I was like Michigin explained when I was younger. I got into MA for self defense. Then the character building helped (was also timid and had no self esteem as a kid). But I think Michigin it the nail on the head with his last three sentences, for me anyways. I went through rough times during my 4 years of training. But MA gave me an escape from life or a "release." It helped me through those rough times. Now I just can't do without training.
  13. Yep. I downloaded the whole thing. I got pretty good technique, but those guys make me look like a white belt! They are awsome
  14. I also have those. My God! They were good! Those ITF guys and gals were good. I have lots of demo stuff, but it's of mostly "tricksters" and stuff. Let me know if you still want them. I'll post them.
  15. I believe in God and all. But I'm not what you call a "practicing Christian" (sorry my spelling stinks. I'm sleepy). One thing my pastor said when I was a kid that I totally believe is that going to church doesn't make you a Christian, just like going to McDonalds doesn't make you a hamburger. I pray regularly, but my martial arts isn't a religion, it's an addiction LOL. I'm just glad that addiction wasn't crack or something (sorry, bad joke). I do thank God for that Oh, I was baptized as a baptist, anyways (s or z .... sorry, I need sleep. night all).
  16. I was the aggressive type tonight in sparring class. I sparred a black belt and a high red belt (my boyfriend hehehehe). If we weren't doing just drills, I would have got them both I was having an "on" night on sparring But, I do have my "off" nights, too. They suck
  17. Wow! This thread keeps coming back when I get in the non-motivated "slump" again. Cool. I blew my stripe test on purpose ...... oops
  18. I've been a red belt for ever LOL (red is one rank below black .... high red is next). Well, 7 months to be exact hehehehe. I'm in no rush though.
  19. I studied three arts officially. When I took TSD, it was mixed with other stuff so that don't count LOL. Then I moved and started TKD. I studied Judo for a short time (hopefully getting back into that soon) while doing TKD. But I never studied more than two arts at once. I think it would be very confusing, specially if the arts are very similar. I took totally different styles (Judo and TKD) and I thought they went well together, and didn't confuse me one bit.
  20. Good luck Well, it's probably a little late. But let us know how you did. Tang Soo!
  21. Wow. That's interesting. I didn't know that. I was told they did it like that because it shows that you have no weapons and are respecting the other person. Or something to that affect.
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