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Everything posted by Goju_boi

  1. you also have to see how the person that's going to draw works.Because if you don't like their work,you won't really like what you will have permanently done to you.
  2. are u talking about using a persons arm as a bo?
  3. I see , I guess it's one of the "what works" things for jkd.
  4. I guess it's not very good,since it's not widely known.
  5. I've seen that exercise in a stetching book, but I thought that it was for endurance or something like that.
  6. hmm,haven't heard of him.I guess it's in a genre that I don't listen to often
  7. the bio said he did dragon style kung-fu or something like that.
  8. well for me I would do a weak punch like a backfist, but then follow it up with a reverse punch or something of that sort.
  9. ok heres the thing I can do the splits both ways, but when I do a front kick or side kick I can't take it all the way up.What gives?I'm flexible enough to get into that position.
  10. Ok theres the song by Juanes : La camisa negra.What does this guy mean by saying he has a black shirt?Is there some hidden meaning behind it?
  11. very good point.I think it looks very sexy , but down the line the cute little hear on your belly will make you look like care bear.
  12. it's all about the stro's!I've been wearing my jersey to college and if we didn't have uniforms at work, I would wear it there too.
  13. get a the double light saber used in the star wars movie at wal-mart seriously though why would you want to carry around a bo staff?
  14. this kind of makes me feel better about not having cable or satelite
  15. lol,I think this move would really help you out on the street
  16. Goju_boi


    isn't punch=zuki? and isn't thank you=domo arigato? That's how it is at my dojo.
  17. wing chun is very simple,efficient , and for actual fighting.Wushu is a sport with it's roots in martial arts and if you can do it,it means that you are very conditioned.
  18. wushu is just a sport, but it's roots are in martial arts.Also if you can pull it off,means youre in great shape.
  19. both are great, but wing chun looks too simple.Then again it's extemely effective.
  20. exactly, you may do the book thing for one style and sign up for a completly different style.
  21. is this art still being practiced?
  22. Well sometimes when you get hit it's no big deal , but the next say your body feels the paijn all over.
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