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Everything posted by Goju_boi

  1. well if it says okinawan Goju Ryu then it most likely is.
  2. lol, I meant if you can actually do all the physically demanding things in wushu.I'm sayinng this becuase from what I've seen you need a lot of flexibility ,agility, and physical conditioning.
  3. Just curious ottman, what part of Mexico did you visit?
  4. "I want to clarify two things: If you're not making contact, are you still sparring? I don't want to come off as a violent person but wouldn't some contact be necessary to be truly sparring? Which, of course, I see as a way of practicing your fighting. " Just take a look at Aikido.That's still a martial art.
  5. Anyways monkey girl I understand what he's saying , spanish is my native tounge.What I didn't understand was the hidden meaning of the song.Thanks for telling me though
  6. he's french, but his music is in french,spanish , and english.Anyways he is great.
  7. that movie was great.Theyre coming out witha new one next year.
  8. lol,your experience sounds like a modern kung-fu hustle
  9. Well as for kata,the answer is no.Then for fighting the answer is somewhat.I just like it for the look of it.Anyways Meguro what your saying is that I should practice more high kicks and leg swings?i will also try what aodhan said, thaks everybody.
  10. maybe it was just a fad art or something of the sort.
  11. well I've actually seen a 6ft wooden bo at my old school that you could just unscrew into two pieces.That probably fits in your Austin Powers car
  12. why do you say that?
  13. they have kyokushin where you live?If they do youre one lucky dude.
  14. I guess he could take some books once he ships out to help him practice
  15. so is USA goju a pretty common art or is it in small numbers?
  16. "my uncle who is from Jamaica always performes this art infront of me. he says there is many uses for this art in Jamaica." can you go into more detail about that please?
  17. 9 goju in your town?We only have 2
  18. Goju_boi


    well at least I know I wasn't way off.
  19. ewwwwwwwwww, that happened to you right?
  20. so I'm guessing there was no second match?
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