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Everything posted by Goju_boi

  1. exactly.I guess participants would have to signa waiver of some kind.
  2. oh sorry.I guess if someone wanted to get in touch with African influences through martial arts.they would be better off learning Capoeira.
  3. well that's good, no problem in that
  4. that's a good idea,unless everybody else does the same.
  5. guess I should be happy that I haven't injured those parts yet
  6. but according to you it's not really an african art,so theyre really not getting in touch with africa.
  7. which art?
  8. dude if you have a good kyokushin dojo around seriously go check it out.
  9. I was joking about selling it, don't take that comment seriously
  10. You can't water down the techniques, because if you do then you can't show the art to it's fullest potential.
  11. If I'm not mistaken aefibird is a girl.Anyways I don't know if I could get in trouble for saying this, but I work at Quiznos .
  12. Why do you want to avoid Cancun?Anyways I meant that you should go to other parts of mexico that aren't big tourist attractions.
  13. Goju_boi

    Self Study?

    just take ma at your college.It's cheaper and you alredy study there.
  14. I'm the same way.Since I work at the sandwhich place,I haven't been goingto class as much, and my back is starting to hurt.
  15. It could however be made into a documentary or be in martial arts magazines.
  16. so does wushu have sparring or is it just forms and things like that?
  17. those are good examples but there's also Taekyon and chou jiao.anyways Savate and mok gar aren't that common. I guess they are in thier countries though.
  18. so at what level are you in your styles?
  19. Cool,I guess you weren't too verbally challeneged being that theres a lot of tourists over there. You should visit the other parts of Mexico.Theres a lot to see there.
  20. you should trade that car in for a F-350
  21. "We're not studying the arts for other people's entertainment." it doesn't need to be televised.
  22. so if you specialize in one style, will the instructor go and teach this to you and the regular stuff to everybody else?
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