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Everything posted by GhostlySykanRyu
Welcome to the boards rabbit. I'm short myself...the MAs for the most part were created by the diminutive anyway!
Not a problem, we hear a lot worse from some blatantly ignorant people You've stated your opinion on the matter better than most! I suppose it would be hard to believe in the paranormal if you were both raised that way, and heave never experienced it. I understand fully, to a lot of people in a lot of places the paranormal is still considered taboo (a lot of people have experienced things but were afraid to tell anyone due to fear of being sent to a mental home!). Anyway, I'm not familiar with that area...I'm sure if you did a google search (type in "haunting" or "paranormal" or something like that, along with your town or county) or just asked around you'd find some information. I can't speak for Paranormal investigators and believers as a whole of course, but myself and my society aren't out to prove anything to those who refuse to open their minds...we're in it to learn some things for ourselves and those interested, to help those who are in fear of hauntings, and in some cases to help the deceased pass on. If someone is adamant that ghosts do not exist, they will believe so no matter what evidence they are shown. Anyway, heres my take on ghosts and spirits, and how I and some other investigators use the terms anyway. Everything is just theory, we cannot prove anything absolutely...keep this in mind with anything paranormal. When we venture into the "unknown", experimentation is vital. "Ghosts" are not the souls of those that have passed, as is common belief. Ghosts are sort of a constant reenactment of what has passed. They can be tactile, auditory, olfactory...any of the senses really. They often occur roughly at the same time and maybe even on the same date, though they can be random. I would consider coming into contact with a ghost akin to walking into a movie theater as the movie is playing. It doesn't interact with you. It's believed by some that ghosts just die out over time, and that stone structures hold them longer, and can even attract them (I won't go into vortexes right now ). Ghosts are common place on battle fields, places of death, or near points of monumental actions. "Spirits" are well...spirits...those that have "died" and remain in our realm (partly at least), for one of any in an array of reasons. Perhaps they have something to say to a loved one, something yet to achieve, or pehaps they seek revenge. Well, I'll end the rant for now. For anyone who actually bothered to read it, I hope it wasn't too boring!
If the instructor is capable, any style of Ju-Jitsu will have combat application. I know for a fact that Danzan Ryu and Sykan Ryu (it's base taken from Danzan Ryu) are useful for "street" application...but I'm sure that any capable instructor in any system will show you how to control and subdue your opponent.
Aye, weird and sometimes intense. We've already had people break down crying during investigations because of the negative energy, and we've had a man choked by a unseen force as well... One of my more successful investigation was in an old jail...if you've heard the story of the Molly Maguires and the ghostly "hand print on the wall", then you know the place Anyway, our group was invited to run an investigation there...and while I'm not allowed to give out details, I can say that it was well, interesting. We had people breaking down cying in the old dungeons of the prison (where prisoners were mistreated to say the least)...and the largest man in our group was choked. Anyway, myself, the founder of our society, and his wife ventured into the deeper dungeons (where they don't allow people on the jail tours)...there was intense negative energy there. Anyway, sorry I can't give any actual result information, we are bouind by contract
Aye, I grew up in a haunted house as well...a parapsychologist actually expelled the spirit over the phone...or at least calmed it. Orbs are a sign of present energy, not necessarily of the paranormal (though they often can be). If you want to know for sure if there is a ghost or spirit present, you may want to look into EVP, or equipment for tracking such things. The opera house in the town next to mine (Jim Thorpe, a tourist attraction) is also haunted. You can occasionally here music coming from it even when it's empty. My aunt had an experience there. MAny years ago, there was a flood in the town that killed a lot of people, including a little girl at the opera house (a lot of places in that town are really close to the water, some houses even have hatches in the basement that go to the river). My aunt turned off a faucet, which in turn went back on. This repeated three times, untile she spoke up.
OH I can believe it. Well let me start off by telling you that I'm a paranormal investigator...our group is small and we enjoy it very much. Our organization was thought up by Rick Fisher, one of the world's more prominent paranormal investigators (You might have seen him on the discovery or travel channel, his website is paranormalpa.com). At one of our meetings he stopped in and told us about the Kecksburg investigation that he was heading. In the seventies three teenagers witnessed a UFO crash into a large lake in Kecksburg Pennsylvania. Many people witnessed it glowing in the lake for many hours. Amyway, like in any UFO situation, the government came in with a lift and a large truck, covered the object, and drove it away. Military personnel threatened the lives and families of the witnesses present, telling them not to mention a word of it to anyone. They even threw a railroad lamp in the water, trying to convince the media that it had caused the glowing! Anyway, Rick's investigation has been underway for a while now, if you'd like more information I can Private message it to you. Most of my personal experiences have been with ghosts and spirits. I've inestigated some very haunted places and gotten a lot of good results thus far. BTW, if you've heard of the movie "White Noise"...it's based on EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), something that is quite real... Heres a few examples of EVP samples I have heard, captured either by myself, a member of the paranormal society I am in, or a member os Rick Fisher's organization: "Be my friend" "(Walking noises on concrete, even though the area was grass) Talk" "It's a lady" "I love you" And the most hair raising one of all: "Jesse beat me with a goddamn chain" I've also heard EVP responses of men grumbling and small children... Lots more goog stuff if you're interested...
Well Lee didn't actually finish the movie. If you mean the FOOTAGE of Lee's taping of the Game OF Death, aye it's very good stuff, and relavent to his philsophy. If you mean the movie that was made out of that footage...it is a disgrace that I refuse to watch. It involves random scenes that Lee did not have in mind, stunt doubles, and cardboard cut-outs of him!
EDIT:Sorry, tried something /w/ posting links...it didn't work...
Your greatest achievement in the martial arts?
GhostlySykanRyu replied to 1kickKO's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I'm just curious...how do you keep your pants held up before earning white belt? -
Remind me to stay as far away from you as possible
Yep...most of my kias sound like "hai" as well. I wouldn't interchange "hai" and "osu"...is you replaced "osu" with "hai", that would be a bit rude wouldn't it? Considering that saying "osu" is a sign of respect and preserverance, wheras "hai" simply means yes. Then again I'm probably thinking into it too much
I prefer the Axe stick deoderant...but for some reason it smells sweet like the cream in the middle of those caramel thingies. You know what I'm talking about? Of course not...
Anyone else here a paranormal investigator or interested in the subject? Have anything involving the paranormal to share? If so, please post it here! (Have plenty to tell myself, just seeing if anyone is interested before I bother posting it ) EDIT: No one here has had a brush with the paranormal? No experiences with Spirits, Ghosts, Poltergeists, Visions, Psychics/Mediums, UFOs and Aliens, ESP, Bigfoot, or any other "unexplainable" occurence for that matter??? Stiff crowd
Whle I agree that JKD is very helpful to ones way of thinking and tactics, I wouldn't say that Lee was "the best"...there will never be a person that can beat every other person. I'm sure those who trained under him are for the most part quite capable, but what you said can also be said in many other arts.
Cmon-that sounds fine, just don't go overboard. Taku-Shimazu, I recomended that supplement for someone who wants to gain a lot and fast. I try to eat real food, I might take in one or two replacements a week for the sake of convenience. And if you're going to go with supplements, you'd might as well go with the best out there.
Loose undergarments: Unhealthy?
GhostlySykanRyu replied to ShotokanKid's topic in Health and Fitness
I wear briefs myself...couldn't imagine kicking forcefully without support...well let's not get into that too much.... -
SevenStar is right as usual...you want to train your fast-twitch muscle fibers with quick; explosive movements. In a similar situation, jogging slowly without any sprinting/running constantly can be counter-productive.
Don't go overboard on meal replacements or protein shakes...nothing is better than REAL food. When I do use them I take the Met-RX Extreme Chocolate high protein meal replacement powder. With the milk theres a good 70g of protein in it, and it's pretty tasty if you mix it enough (shaken not stirred). The consistancy takes getting used to though, like with most powders. Milk is great if you can keep up with the carbs...I prefer cow to soy...2 more grams of protein per serving, and doesn't taste like elephant dung
Started training in Syan Ryu Ju-Jitsu... It was created by Shihan Snyder, who had taken the fundamentals from Danzan Ryu style (which was formed by the famed Okazaki, who also created Kodenkan), and formed it into a more street applicable art. Sykan Ryu covers Striking, Kicking, Punching, Hand Arts, Throws, Holds, Grappling, Nerve Moves, Weapon Techniques, Breathing Techniques, and Healing Arts. A well rounded system that I plan on sticking with for a long time.
"I think you missed the point, it is not that what I do is better than what you do it is that it is better for me because I am able to do it not just try and conform to what works for others who may be bigger, smaller, faster or slower, I have found my groove that is why it is better,(better for me)." -Understood (your previous wording just made it seem otherwise, gatcha). Nice definition kickbox...JKD is hard to put into words... Cmon-I'll go through my sources and see if I can find that tidbit again.
Proper Etiquette?
GhostlySykanRyu replied to Kieran-Lilith's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Not sure if many instructors would allow someone who has already started training to become an idle spectator, I know it wouldn't sit well with my Sensei... -
Yep, Chan learns limited techniques just for the movies. He's an actor, not a martial artist, and proud of it. Nothing wrong with that. LOL, on the outtakes of Rush Hour 2 (I think), Chan tells about how he lost sparring with Chris Tucker via kick to the face. LOL... "So then he won't has as long of a film rep. as Bruce Lee." -Not necessarily. Most people watching MA action films don't really care who the better fighter is realistically...it's who can put on a good show. Chan pruduced a lot more films, and is a good actor. His film rep will be around just as long as Lee's...FOREVER