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Everything posted by GhostlySykanRyu

  1. For some reason I don't think tofu would be very good smothered in ketchup, if you want the point to go to the original poster! I love tofu in stir fry and other dishes, for breakfast good ol' eggs just can't be replaced. Well, they can...but I won't let that happen...
  2. My philosophy...well, Jeet Kune Do is more than just combat
  3. "do you wear a t-shirt that says "I'm the toughest, most bad-* MF'er you've ever met!" written on it?" -Definitely not a bad idea! Interesting topic...unfortunately I don't have anything to say that wouldn't just repeat what everyone else has posted. I'll pop back in if I can think of something less redundant to post!
  4. Yep, best organization in pics I've seen since Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere.
  5. And if you're going to, at least wait until your mother understands the art fully herself...
  6. The breathing comes naturally, I never even thought to mention it.
  7. "could he really do it? or was it just to show sum fanciness off?" Those are two question that have little to do with each other. To answer the first one, yes, without a doubt. The second one, yes...it is a movie keep in mind.
  8. I love them all, but Game Of Death is a favorite of mine, even though it was incomplete. It showed a lot of Lee's skill (they had to slow down the footage so it could be viewed in depth), and the signifigance of his martial way. Not to mention the scene with Kareem Abdul Jabar was pretty damn cool!
  9. Fair enough, but I don't think that's the point of the topic. I think he posted it to show his remorse, and how he's grown since then.
  10. It's simply a matter of wording... "Myself" seems to suite just as well, it means I am in search to find the ways of myself at any cost. "No style" and "my style" work interchangably for me...they are on and the same.
  11. To a point it is nonexistant, yet at the same time it is everything. I'm done trying to put a label on it, as we all think of it in a different light. I know what it is to me, and I know it improves me. That's all that matters.
  12. Lazy Scholar-so in you thheory there is no JKD at all...interesting... Again, I'm not going to press the arguement on something that is meant to be applied, not debated.
  13. Luckily the majority of bullies in the martial arts aren't that skilled, at least from the few I've seen. I know how you feel Shorinryu. It's somehow getting around that I'm a martial artist now...and many in my area are ignorant to the subject. It doesn't help that I'm a paranormal investigator on top of it, plus my element of surprise is half gone!
  14. Yeah, don't want to bust up too many blood vessels...that takes a while to heal...
  15. Silk is soy milk...dammit now I have to research that... EDIT:The content of soy milk is said to vary from 6-10 grams per 8 oz serving. Could have sworn it was lower, but it's about the same (but tastes like...soy).
  16. True...I'll have to experiment with this. The small stones can cut deeper than sand I'm sure, and there is a point where you need to draw the line.
  17. You make valid points, perhaps I was getting carried away, exaggerating a point so to speak. My reverence for Bruce Lee is existant, but limited. I do not try to imitate him, for few can, I don't have the time to devote to training that he did...and there are techniques that worked for him that surely will not for me. I take his philosophy and basic techniques only. As I read my posts I see the impression I've been giving, and I've been hasty in my posts (I'm exhausted and have little time, you all know the drill).
  18. God idea, I'll probably bleed less with the sand!
  19. I usually try to down a half quart of skilm milk, 6 eggs, a slice or two of whole wheat toast /w/ peanut butter, and a piece of fruit. Gets me through. If not, a simple Met-RX meal replacement will do (very filling, and with the milk it's over 60g of protein...the taste must be acquired however!).
  20. Might have been the brand, but yes...it was that damn Silk, I think it only had 4 or 5 grams per serving. Maybe a serving is less? Maybe someone should double check, I don't have any in the fridge right now.
  21. If it works for you, then why not?
  22. "as far as i can see, there aren't any cons with having an instructor." -For the most part, students revere their instructors, which is fine. If students have no prior knowledge of martial arts however, they will try to imitate the instructor to as many details as possible. They may become skilled, but will they really have accomplished finding themselves with the exact techniques of another. I believe the original question in this topic was about a JKD instructor. One can teach the basis of it...but to that there is a limited amount. The instructor will then be bound to show the student what he knows...not truely knowing what will fit the needs of the student. And the philosophy can be "taught" in a sense, but one can not be made to understand it. Truely teaching Jeet Kune Do...it would be like grasping water. Showing a person the basic movements however would be possible. Then again, theres really only one place with actual consent to do so... Still, I didn't speak against instructors, I only said that they aren't need ALL OF THE TIME. "Something has to be done about this JKD character. What his motives are I don't know. Is he trying to be a smart *? Trying to be funny ? (not working if that's the case). Oh well I throw my arms up. " -Now you're just trying to be pompous. You can see very clearly that I'm here to learn and share my opinions just as anyone else...the fact that they differ from yours doesn't mean that "something needs to be done about me". I suppose I'll just throw my arms up as well...
  23. I think soy milk is actually lower in protein...not to mention it tastes like well...soy. I like soy...I don't like drinking soy. Meh, I don't have a sinus problem, and I burn enough calories in a day to make up for that. MILK!
  24. I think he just clicke don the wrong topic
  25. Lazy Scholar-your words are very assuming, and in them you seem to show that you have overlooked what Jeet Kune Do is. I was not simply inspired by Jeet Kune Do, I AM Jeet Kune Do, for I am myself in every sense. I train hard using Lee's basis, and now I am growing in the direction of myself. Lee would be honored by his creation being used by martial artists as he had intended, not insulted. As Lee said, do not argue over Jeet Kune Do because it is different than this or that, it's just a name. As for the instructor debate, it's usefullness is running dry. There are pros and cons (if it will be admitted or not, *shrugs*), it is but another personal choice, the traditional simply see it as a confine instead.
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