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Everything posted by GhostlySykanRyu
Yep... If you want to see the punches coming, just clear your head and look at the opponent's trachea. Forcing your eyes to concentrate too much doesn't sound like the best idea.
judo in the street
GhostlySykanRyu replied to superfighter's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
Do it quickly and follow through, they'll go down. Hard. -
"I think theres a fine line between cocky and arrogant- cocky is to have the confidence that you cant be beaten " That doesn't make it a good thing. "Because they havent proven themselves as the other styles have. " Again, because they don't play in the ring. "The nature of combat doesnt suddenly change because we're not in a ring-a MMA fight can easily turn into a fight to the death- all I need do is not let go of that chokehold...... " Always assuming that you'll constantly have the advantage. You need to get the chokehold first, remember? BJJ isn't te only system with chokes...where do you think they came from? "For example, to have 90 out of 100 people of a particular style win their matches against people of another style, it suggests that one is working more effectively than the other." That suggests that there are 90 people who are not ready, and have not trained hard/often enough. TJJ is much harder to grasp than grappling alone, and it take many more years to become proficient...but when that point is achieved, the individual is a very well rounded martial artist, and not just a "jack of all trades".
Black Belt Magazine?
GhostlySykanRyu replied to GhostlySykanRyu's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Yes, the advertisements do get out of hand. Some pages feature about five sentences from an article and three advertisements... Still, I enjoy some of the articles. Will MA Illustrated deliver to the US? -
"Thats the problem is when we label things "sportive styles" as opposed to combat styles. By making it into a sport, they made it a MORE effective style under combat conditions." They are labeled thusly because in part, they are. Making something a sport doesn't necessarily make it better...it makes it a game. Any fight that your life and well being isn't depending on IS A GAME, and that's exactly why you don't see more traditional arts in competition. "Why not? Kimura and Helio Gracie did. Bruce Lee and Gene Lebell did. " Well unless one of us is the next Gene Lebell or Bruce Lee, that holds little meaning... "Nothing to do with fighting either. There are many great fighters who are far from respectfull. A cocky Tito Ortiz is one of the first to spring to mind." Let's put this into someone interested in the sporting aspect (such as yourself, obviously) can understand. Respect is important. Period. If you do not respect your opponent, you will think less of him. Then your chances of losing are greater. You can be as cocky as hell, it won't improve your skills. " If I were closeminded I wouldnt give the other styles the respect they deserve" You don't. "If you (or people in your art) can do what they claim to be able to do, then step into a ring and PROVE it" Ever think that they don't want to play your game? Attack a traditional martial artist, back him into a corner...I gauruntee that different results will be yielded. True martial artists train to survive, and keep to using their skills as a last result. Fighting in the ring is detrimental to that. You can call people cowards for that, they'll let it slide. To fight for the sake of fighting makes you a brawler, nothing more. A skilled brawler perhaps, but still a brawler. "We're not arguing so much over what works as much as we're arguing what works better" "Better" is a matter of personal preference. You can't correctly state that one art is better, you can only point out what aspects work better for you. I'm not even argueing over what is BETTER, that would be petty. I don't care if you think your style is the best around, it doesn't make you correct. I'm simply vouching for arts that are EFFECTIVE, plain and simple. "Explain what statements of mine insult those who have come before me and how they manage to do so. What sickens me about you is your disregard for the facts. " You state that JJJ is all around inferior to your art because a few brawlers from BJJ beat a few from JJJ. I'd say that the masters (though you wouldn't call them that) would be insulted. Disregard for the facts? Nay, I disagree with your opinion. You are adamant about something, That's good. Still doesn't make it right. "Fighting technique is what I (and many who train in MA's) seek." Good luck to you then, fighting without self discipline, and without knowing your current limits. I've had about enough of this conversation, we both know that it's going nowhere. So unless you plan on making any points that you haven't tried to already, I bid you farewell.
My optomotrist said that I could exercise my eyes to help my near sightedness. Poppycock if you ask me...all I get is a headache... That's right, I said it. Poppycock.
"Certainly not the case, but the Gracies had a breakthrough in martial arts that people like you refuse to accept or write it off as "not practical." " Are you even reading my posts? I clearly stated that BJJ is combat effective. I simply disagree with your blatant disregard for where you came from, and your closed mindedness...it sickens me. "Ah, see now lets analyze your VERY train of thought here- by this statement, you're saying that because its old, it MUST be good. THAT RIGHT there is the problem with martial arts." Not so at all. Disrespect and misuse of the martial arts is the key problem, and those who claim they're arts to be supreme (sound familiar???). You're putting words in my mouth...I didn't state that older is better...I'm saying that what works, WORKS. And if something survives for millenia, regardless of criticism and attempts to prove it wrong, it works...nothing you can do to change that... "So, by agreeing that you're disagreeing with whats been proven, are you suggesting that your own opinion is wrong? Of course you're going to get hit when attempting to clinch, I never said you werent, but its much easier to force a clinch than it is to keep the distance. " Do you even read your own posts? I simply agreed that training is important, that does not nullify any of my points (which you did miss, by a long shot...and I refuse to reiterate them yet again). And now you throw your personal preference of technique into the mix? "Funny you mentioned Kano, they said he "spit in the face of the founders of traditional arts" when he introduced Judo and now here we have this great style of throwing. " Now you compare yourself to Jigoro Kano?!? "They"? I am not "they", and I applaud both Jigoro Kano and the Gracies for what they've done. Some of your statements sicken me simply because you insult those who have come before you. "As to WHY I ask why respect is important- its because martial arts are about FIGHTING PLAIN AND SIMPLE. They are NOT about discipline, or finding oneself, or becoming one with nature. " If simple brawling technique is all you seek, then so be it. Finding your center and having self discipline not important. Ok...that's nice.
"The question that has to be asked is WHY- why must we respect the traditional ways? Most schools of martial arts do this for no other reason then the fact that they are traditions and their refusal to challenge tradition is what kept them from evolving and advancing their art." Now you insult the MAs as a whole, and you're missing out on one of the key points of them... You act as if people could not defend themselves before your holy Gracies tweaked an art... "Just because you train something doesnt mean its going to actually work." The same can be said for anything. Just because you train to clinch quickly and avoid being hit, doesn't mean that there isn't a boxer who can't nail you anyway. And save your "it's been proven" please, I've heard it already. I do agree that sparring is important, and so I spar. Where do you get the idea that those who practice traditional arts cannot adapt and use their own training methods? "Are you serious? You realize that you're insulting the style and the practitioners of BJJ with the statements you've made? " You've spit in the face of the founders of the traditional arts (without them your BJJ would be nonexistant), from the fist Indian Monks that started to form the MAs, to Jigoro Kano. In the light of that insulting the Gracies would seem a minor matter. "What makes it more insulting is when every excuse is analyzed, examined, and explained only to have the other person completely cover their eyes and blind themselves to the truth. " My opinion is not necessarily the truth. Your opinion is not the truth. The truth is the truth, and is not always set in stone. "The truth is that the training method that BJJ has is whats responsible for its success, as well as other styles that share that common training style (wrestling, sambo, Judo, boxing, muay thai). " I agree fully...but training is key in EVERY art. Just because something may differ from your ways, doesn't mean it isn't effective. "The truth is there is much more evidence supporting these styles under combat conditions than any other you can name." Sure. By all means, a few decades of scuffles overshadows thousands of years of martial evolution and warfare. Yes, Brazilian Jujitsu has the best techniqiues EVER and the Gracies are gods among men. A striker will never EVER be able to defend against a grappler, even if he has a weapon. Traditionalists are idiots, and we should just forget where we came from. BJJ is the absolute peak of the martial arts and ONLY THAT should be used. There, I said it! Happy now? ...
"Calling someone a "master" can be seen fit if they simply are better than you. He may be excelled in hand to hand (or any other part of combat for that matter) but that does not exactly mean hes a master at it. " So by your definition, the Gracies are not masters of their art. They're simply better than you. Odd. I believe BJJ is extremely beneficial to a person, and is effective in live combat, just as practically ANY MA if the user has trained hard enough. I respect the Gracies, but it does offend me when they claim Brazilian JuJitsu to be "The Fundamental Solution To The Martial Arts"...especially when their foundations and most of their techniques were taken from traditional arts. Are pure traditionalists correct in assuming that their ancient ways are always the best? Probably not...but traditional arts are still effective:this is something "conventional" martial artists can not change. Are martial artists who claims that their new system is "the best ever", and that the old ways are now void, correct? Of course not, in fact they often sound like impudent children (not pointing any fingers, just stating something). There is a happy medium that must be reached; being open to the new and being able to accept and use (or at least respect) the traditional ways. You can argue on the effectiveness of any system...but you still won't change the mind of the practitioner of that art, because that person knows that those techniques work for him/her. Theres my rant...
I enjoyed Living The Martial Way as well, even did a research paper on his views and how they effect the MAs and our daily lives...but again,it had no huge impact on me.
Black Belt Magazine?
GhostlySykanRyu replied to GhostlySykanRyu's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I do find some articles useless, but again: neutral view...they leave the reader to weed out the garbage. I was annoyed by their XMA article in particular, so I simply ignored it. I mostly enjoy the historical articles... I'll have to take a look at MA Illustrated...any good? -
(wrestlingkaratechamp17) "JKD, are telling the 100% truth?" Yes. (GojuRyu Shawn) "Well, My grandfather recently died, and we believe that he always puts pennies in odd places so we'll pick them up and think of him... Is that what you classify as paranormal?" Aye. I've actually heard of this happening twice before. (Kieran-Lilith) "And get a very disturbing feeling, like I'm doing something awfully terribly wrong, something I shouldn't be doing, telling sometheing I oughtn't, every single time I start to talk about any of this. Every single time, I get the most disturbing feeling in the world, that makes me want to delete whatever I typed, and hide, because it's scary. Does anyone else get that feeling, or am I just special?" That's not strange at all...plenty of people are uncomfortable expressing their feelings about the paranormal. Most of us are taught by society what is acceptable/possible and what is unacceptable/impossible, and many people feel that society will shun them (or worse, lock them up) if they come out with such things. Others simply aren't comfortable because they aren't accustomed to what they are experiencing. Let me put it another way. Veterans of war in many cases don't want to talk about their traumatic experiences, which is understandable. If you experience something traumatic, be it paranormal or otherwise...then it is also understandable if you don't feel comfortable talking (or in this case typing) about it.
I personally subscribed and now read it monthly, it's a great source with a neutral stand, open to all types of MA related articles. Only things I don't like are the various ads for "getting your black belt in the mail for only $999"...but then again, they're a neutral source. They have several articles printed on their website, where you can also order some very good books: http://www.blackbeltmag.com
How you've dealt with verbal things
GhostlySykanRyu replied to ShotokanKid's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I let things go...insults do not bother me unless they are coming from somebody I respect. Also helps when you're more intelligent than the person trying to insult you... -
Gumbi-agreed, for the most part. However the best fighters have no strategy in mind, they flow with their opponents. To me, the "Jack of all trades and master of none" "cliche doesn't really apply in the martial arts. Sure, you have a vast array of techniques on your plate...that just means that you need to work a lot harder to get things down and use them in practical application. "What I WAS trying to imply is that these are physical skills like anything else and need to be practically applied to be learned. " Agreed.
"Japanese Ju Jitsu also lacks any real general strategy. Kano described it as a "collection of tricks" to use in different situations." Then Jigoro Kano faultered at some point, if that quote is true, then he just didn't get it I can't speak for all styles of JJJ, but I can say that mine covers pretty much everything, ground grappling included. Much more than just a bag of tricks, Sykan Ryu was made for the street (based on the Danzan Ryu system). JJJ was made for war...I assure you it has practical application. And if you can't pull off a joint lock of some sort in a live situation, you're doing it wrong
Creating your own style.
GhostlySykanRyu replied to Taku-Shimazu's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
ANYONE can create their own style, and with a certain amount of charisma pass it off as legit to a number of people. That doesn't mean that the style will be effective at all, or that it's creator is even a skilled martial artist. Anyone can claim anything... However if you felt the need to create an actually useful MA style that differs from something not yet in existance, then a good thirty to forty years of MA experience would be a START... -
Combat skill or martial art?
GhostlySykanRyu replied to dingyuan's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Maybe you just need a lot more time in the art until you treuly understand? -
Most Embarressing MA Moment!
GhostlySykanRyu replied to SloMo's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Just got back from the dojo... Well, my training partner had me in Kesa Gatame (scarf hold). My sensei instructed me to use the bridge and roll escape...which is fairly difficult if your opponent is well grounded. So we're grappling, I'm shadowing him and about to get the roll. Then the most thunderous flatulence that I have ever heard escaped from me. My sensei was laughing, and I broke down laughing. Afterwards, I had the escape down pretty well... My training partner didn't know why we were laughing...apparently I was squeezing him too hard for him to hear anything All he had heard was his own grunting, he thought we were laughing at HIM... -
I don't think anyone here appreciates your insulting manner Rock-fght Knuckle push-ups mainly condition the wrists, but if you lay down sand or do them on a rough surface, they can help form callouses. Striking hard objects in general tends to do the trick. I like to choose a tree with rough bark and lightly strike it repeatedly.
I know what to say...get the mods in here to get rid of this garbage. Not exactly "appropriate"...