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Everything posted by pittbullJudoka

  1. I was wondering of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practictioners on here, how direct is you lineage to the Gracie family? I can take mine back to Jigoro Kano the creator of Judo which I fins interesting myself. Jirogo Kano> Tsunejiro Tomita> Mitsuyo Maeda> Carlos Gracie> Helio Gracie> Rickson Gracie> Luiz Palhares> Ben Harrison> myself
  2. I've mostley worn judo and jiu jitsu gis. I have an ironman for my traditional training. I just feel if someone gets a good grip on a light weight gi that the collar will tear loose easily. I think a heavy weight gi will hold up over time better than a light weight gi. True todays contruction is better than years past but an 8 oz gi will not stand to the same abuse that a 14 oz will. I'm sure if I can grip a bjj gi and rip the collar loose from the body I can easily do the same for a light weight gi. Heavier is better in my opinion.
  3. Congratulations on a job well done!
  4. I don't think the instructor should teach a "poor" version of any technique. If you are practicing something wrong long enough your muscle memory sets in wrong and then you haave to break a "bad habbit". Thus you have to back up as both instructor and student correcting the poor technique and re-leaarning the correct way to exicute said technique. In this case there are two variations of the same throw depending on body position. But again I've been wrong before.
  5. Welcome aboard you've found the best forum on the net. As for your test as Tallgeese stated above, relax. Do some visualization and run through your sylibus. Most of all relax have the mind set you will not fail be confident in yourself and what you have learned. And do your best and that all you can do. Good luck!
  6. All I can say is wow. I had been to New York twice in my life once before and once after 9/11/01. The last time I was there just looking at the hole in the ground and seeing the cross would put a tear in anyone's eye. But this is is very cool.
  7. We do some nights depending on the class. if it's going to be a hard sweat with loads of grappling or sparring we turn it on. I have around five play lists on the ipod for such classes. But for a normal class I usually don't hook the ipod up. At my BJJ gym there's always music but you do notice it most of the time unless something we find funny comes on and this typically happens during stretching.
  8. I concour with Shorikid. When you start looking into the bunkai of your kata you will find grip strength will be a must. There's alot of grabs from joint manipulation and throws in your traditional stand up kata.
  9. When I wrestled in high school The moto of the number one team in the state was: Good, Better, Best. Don't quit until your Good is Better than your Best. I've remembered this since their coach told me this several years ago. His meaning is never be satisfied with your best always strive to improve yourself.
  10. Also I forgot to mention I'm the one in black. I don't know at what level my instructor introduces leg locks but that fine I'm there to learn. As far as the training set up goes I have it pretty good at both schools I attend. Where I train BJJ is a separate facility from my standup training. Both are nice though. The only time I have to worry about leg locks are rolling with my instructor or when I roll at my home dojo but I have decent defense on the later. I'm sure if I were to compete in a tournament were leg locks are allowed my BJJ instructor would properly prepare me. Feel free to check out any of our videos.
  11. Thanks Tallgeese. Yes the ball of death came out that morning. As for the leg locks we have yet to start with with them but when rolling with the instructor we are reminded they are there. I have had to stop myself several times when I find them. We had a good roll that morning.
  12. As stated above the weight does make a bit of diffrence on the the ground. But there are two types of grapplers those who know their positions and know how too use their weight and those that know their positions and don't know how to use their weight. Now type one is very hard to do anything with you basically have to to wait on this type to make a mistake so you can attack. And type two you can pretty much pick how you sweep or submit. Given both parties are the same skill a much smaller grappler can hold his own with a much larger grappler by faints and sudden short bursts of speed never muscle us smaller guys loose 10 out of 10 on that front. Smaller verus larger far as pure length as Shorikid says sucks very much. The reach he speaks of allows for them to get subs easier and from much diffrent angles. But the length can be a disadvantage for them too. The down fall of long verus short it you have longer legs to get past our guard( more to grab a hold of to keep half guard ect.) Also the major disadvantage for the longer person come when needing to recover position the have longer limbs to try to get past you body when trying to get back to guard or out of side control and of positions of comprimise. Now we add striking. One mistake I've seen most good strikers make on the ground in the top position is they telegraph their strike BAD. They raise up, getting their weight high and wind up for that big shot using all arm. A good ground and pund artist will pop up and drill you they still get the hip torque into it but of course it's not as much. When you are striking on the ground you must learn to use you position to pretorque you body to let it naturally unwind with the strike. Now let's put the this good striker on the bottom. Most are done here unless they have a good ground defence to start. But a good striker from his back learns to control his opponents posture. In this control you learn short but effective strikes and your big strikes will come off of a pushing control. I know that most people never discuss it but there is a lot of very good self defence and striking in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu it just needs some polish and it's being lost due to the natur of most players just want to submit and win medals and fight in mma. So in short grapple with people of the diffrent sizes this mean grappler with the strong, weak, short, tall, skinny, thick, broad, average, fast, slow, good strikes and bad, the more skilled, and the less skilled, the new, the old, and men and the women. Remember be kind and help each other you best tool in a good training partner. Even if they aren't as skilled as you they can still give you feed back to help you improve and you can teach them something new. Jiu Jitsu gives you many brother and sisters who care.
  13. Ok I'll put mine up on here for you guys to pick apart.
  14. Great link thanks for sharing. Makes you look at you own game. I have a video of my self and a guy that I train BJJ with and have shown it to my karate training partners. They say it looks like there's no effort shown in the video and I asure them that it's more intence than the video displays. But this video is inspirational if you as me.
  15. Thanks still kicking it took me a little over a year and a half to earn this belt. But I just enjoy being able to have great training partners and a great instructor. I'm just trying to complete my game.
  16. It's definately not about the rank it's about the skill set. Like I told one of my training partners it's just a piece of cloth to hold my gi top closed and it also hold my pants up. It makes me no better than anyother student.
  17. Style(s): Ryu Kyu Kenpo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Rank(s): Shodan , Blue belt Days: Tuesday morning BJJ, Tuesaday & Thursday evenings Kenpo
  18. It has been a long time since I have been on here. In that time I have been training hard in my studies of BJJ. I have since recieved a few stripes on my white belt some coming as short as three weeks apart. But on Tuesday the 24th I tested for and recieved my Blue belt. I am very proud to say I am a BJJ Blue Belt!
  19. I recently ran into this with my BJJ instructor. He texted several people due for testing and told them to bring their next belt with them. After my testing he asked me if I had my belt and I told him yes it was laying on my gi top and pointed at the belt I had been wearing during my test. He told me no my new belt since I had passed the grading test. I told him I had not even ordered it because I had not earned it yet. His whole reasoning was because he wanted to tie our belt on us. In my case I came home and ordered the new rank and will still get the honor of him tying it on me during the next class.
  20. I would recomend the Shock Dr. with their titanium cup. All Shock Dr.'s cups are comfortable and protect well and as for the titanium it's head and shoulders above the rest.
  21. I had a judo gi from pro force I used in hard bjj traing for about a year before it gave up the ghost. Now mind you I paid $35 whole sale for it and it gave me my money's worth for what I paid compared to the use I got from it.
  22. I'm always working on my sweeps from diffrent bottom positions, and attacking more. I seem to hesitate to attack for fear off loosing position.
  23. I was searching and trying out many martial arts forums. Most had people that were closed minded to their own styles and abusive. Once joining and reading the post everyone here respected the opinions and thoughts of everyone here. And I've been in and out of here ever since.
  24. Congrats on you victories. One for getting you mom to realize you position on the sport and two on your second place in the tourny. I don't see anything wrong with training with females. My self there are certain things myself try not to do if ever training with a female. If grappling or striking I try not to hit them high in the chest in the area of the breast for ovious reasons. when on the ground I never place my hands in the same area even if it means loosing certain moves. My reasoning for this is I don't want to make the female uncomfortable by placing my hands on her breast and I think it would make me feel a little odd as well. Not high crotch take downs, and definately no triangles. This also help be by adding a degree of difficulty for myself which is good. If everyone men and women both conducts themselves as adults there will be no problems with coed training.
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