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Everything posted by pittbullJudoka

  1. At our club the lower rank sets the contact level. Thus if they think they are going to stand toe to toe the the black belts and throw bombs. Then they have the favor repaid. They can also at anytime ask for the contact level to be lowered. There's no shame in say it's getting a bit rough. There are sometimes when I spar I want a knock down brawl and sometimes I want to work new stuff with lighter contact. You should know your limits.
  2. I think my best one was attempting a flying arm bar one the advice of someone in the gym. After securing the arm I flew into position. Then extended fully into the arm bar, when I landed I found the separation in the mats all the way to the concrete floor. Needless to say I knocked myself out. I came to with my instructors grasping my hands telling to let go of the arm bar because he had tapped.
  3. First off congratulations on your sucess. Secondly atleast you're out there trying against someone you don't regularlly roll with. We all get caught sometimes. It's a learning process now you know a position you need to work on and that' what the tournies are really about testing your skill set.
  4. I know a couple that you may be referring to, but I disagree that there is no defending them. By following the general rule that you keep your hanging leg during the body triangle from being pinned beneath your opponent, you almost completely negate their ability to perform them. Also, flexible ankles make them pretty hard to crank on hard enough to get a tap. You are right about the keeping you hanging leg up but flexible ankles may or may not be common I don't really know but one that my instructor showed me puts pressure on both the ankle and knee really the pressur on the ankle is on the lower shin. But I respect you opinion on these locks. As Gene Lebell told me when I had the chance to train with him "Not all moves work on everbody all the time." In this he means what may make me cry like a little girl may not affect you at all.
  5. Congrats to Royler. I read this just this morning amazing accomplishment.
  6. But with using the body triangle and he touches on it in the video that there are a couple ankle locks from there and there's no denfending them as you've basically trapped yourself and these locks are fast.
  7. I'm sure it was in the heat of the moment but in his position he needs to choose his words a little more carefull next time. If he had said something to the effect of "stop resitting" it wouldn't appear as bad if taken before a jury and judge.
  8. The only problem I see with the entire situation is that if this video was used in court is the security officer asked the suspect if he wanted to go to sleep before the choke was applied. I see the force fitting the situation. Noone was hurt so the out come was good.
  9. I think Machida's skip/jump was to close thaat tiny bit of distance he needed to land the the kick. The front kick is used all the time in MMA. The fighters use it as a push kick than a snapping kick. The reason you don't see the head level front kicks is they are a afraid of giving up the take down.
  10. We have what are considered flow drills. But when you start progressing you may be asked for combinations of technique to get to a specific sub and thats about it. But no kata like in traditional martial arts. And you will forever be doing the 3 brothers drill.
  11. He could have hit the spleen then it's similar to a liver shot. And as you eluded to he could have an injury that's not properly healed but I kinda have doubts about that. Tito from what I have noticed never seemed to take body shots all that well. He may have had an injury to that side coming into the fight, because not matter what a fight says they're never 100% going into a fight.
  12. Tallgeese is absolutley right there's nothing wrong with a brown belt instructor. when I started with my ibstructor he was a brown belt. And you may have to be willing to drive some as he also stated. Personally I drive just over an hour each way to train and with the caliber of training I can get it's well worth it. But looks like you have the right idea on your research. Good luck and keep us posted.
  13. [quoteI wonder what is the condition of Tito's right rib cage. Machida kneed him there a couple of fights ago and he went down. In his last fight, I think that Tito was hit in the same spot and went limp. In this fight, Little Nog was aiming for the same spot. But Nog was punching with his weaker hand since Nog is a southpaw. The look on Tito's face was interesting. That's the most pain I've seen any fighter display in years. If I remember correctly In the Machida/Ortiz fight the the knee land on Tito's right side. Thus socking the liver if Nog hit the same spot again the liver was hit. Now if you've never took a good liver shot you are missing the experince of the body trying to shut down to protect its self. Or two he is getting soft in the body and can't take the shots anymore.
  14. Go for it! I do Kenpo and BJJ. It will not corupt you TKD. As for the time management if you really want to do it you'll figure it out. I do all you mentioned but the college but you insert child and running a martial arts school. I only do BJJ one day a week. I do my class in the morning which helps out greatly. But the BJJ will only complement you TKD. It sometimes takes a moment like you had to make people realize they need both a stand up and ground game. Be sure to check out as many schools as possible watch the instuctors teach class to see who you like the most.I spent weeks calling, emailing, and watching instructors before settling with my current instructor. Some people come off diffrently in person than over the phone or through an email. Do your research. But most importantly when you find that school enjoy.
  15. I think if Machida fights smart he can defeat Jones. Yes Michida has an orthidox style but Jones is very athletic and explosive. Jones' explosiveness with be what will give Machida problems but on the other hand if Machida can get Jones to chase him he may have the advantage. I'm hoping for Lyoto to win because of the traditional karate background. I see these two as each others biggest test.
  16. I think it's a good idea if you have alot of students on the same level. Or if you classes are devided by beginer, intermidiate, and advanced levels. I know one of the Gracies ( Renzo I think) does this at his NY academy and it's a three month rotation and the test 2 times a year. With this you know your on track with a given cirriculum and you know what still need to be covered. But if you have a wide range of experince levels it may get stail for you more advanced students when coving the veery basics. I see it having pros and cons.
  17. That would suck! Hope the guy makes the best recovory he can.
  18. I know it sounds I told ya so-ish. But when you pull something of wether it's a sub or a pass you'll know if it's was because of muscle or technique. Like the arm bar you saw me pull out the other night zero muscle all technique I'd like to think that's why it locked up so fast. You'll know young Jedi, you'll know.
  19. Good subject. I've wondered myself for some time. I think that there a diffrent strengths. After training in BJJ for a couple years I don't feel I've gotten any stronger but I do feel that I've learned to better apply my strength. Sure it helps when you add strength traing into the mix. You learn the proper application of strength for given situation and technique being applied properly can be mistaken for strength. A person with decent strength and good technique can seem very strong on the ground. You'll develope the strenght to you most practiced application. For example if you are mostly training stand up your strength will lie in the power of your strikes, if your are grappling you'll learn to apply you strength in that fasset. And some power maybe devloped through training but a work out developed for your give sport at the top of the game I would say is a must.
  20. Try taking same side collar and sleeve grip. For example with your right hand reach under his left arm gripping the collar high as possible and grip the sleeve with you left hand. Pull the sleeve tight while pushing your hand in the collar up. the straighter you get arm the better. Dive through under your grips. Here a video with this throw, at the 45 sceonds, 1:15, 3:00, and3:25
  21. Same here. I'm really bad when it comes to being a threat from guard. But we don't get a lot of practice in ground work. So I have to focus on one aspect at a time until I can put them all together. That's how you have to do it. You put a puzzel together one piece at a time. The same as with Jiu Jitsu. You learn and perfect once position and move at a time until the picture becomes clear. It will all come together one day and you will amaze yourself.
  22. It's ok MasterPain I was that redneck rasslin people until two years ago. I had learned everything from books, fight tapes, and youtube until I found my instructor.
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