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Everything posted by pittbullJudoka

  1. I got a standing kimura, he continued to attempt to drag me down to take my back. His arm was locked when we hit the ground so I kept the pressure on. And it went pop.
  2. This one should work I was using my phone on the link. Shorikid he finally yelled out to stop in his first match.
  3. Shorikid wanted me to tell the tale of by day at the Tn State BJJ Tournament. Well I gave a free lesson of why you should tap. http://m.youtube.com/user/baird79#/watch?v=bjZds5_M9WM
  4. He done great for first on the mats of a bjj tourney. His opponents were probably getting one last tournament in before getting their blue belts. Couple of mistakes but that's how we learn we're improvement is needed.
  5. Best of the Best Karate Kid Red Dawn Goonies The Devils Rejects I'll leave at these for now.
  6. Supernatural Warehouse 13 Justified True blood Survivor man Call of the wild man Myth busters Wild justice
  7. I have one Iron Man for tradtional training gets wash on the ocassion that I get a good sweet going. I have two Kurgans BJJ gis that are washed once a week after training and air dried between sessions. I should have two new break point bjj gis when I get to the dojo tonight. Also have a couple older judo tops kept at the dojo for those that need them during throwing and ground work. My jiu jitsu gis always get washed inside out to protect the embroidery and patches. other than that the just get thrown in the was and air dried.
  8. 8/28 AM: BJJ guard breaking drillings and trouble shooting on guard breaks. Trouble shooting colar choke from arm entanglement. Free rolling 30 minutes: PM: Going to be guard breaking drills and trouble shooting and alot of free rolling 4 days to finish prepping for state BJJ tourney.
  9. I've trained with a couple women over the past few years in bjj. The one I train with on regular basis is hard to handle and has great technique. She can hang with any guy she goes up against. As for the awkward postions and touching. When I roll with her I do keep in mind that she has places that will make her uncomfortable so I do avoid dilibertly touching or grabbling. I respect her as much if not more than some of the guys on the mat. She never has a problm going with anyone. Any good instructor and schoo will welcome you with open arms and respect that you are new and you are a female. There shouldn't be a problem with getting help and respect from the instructor or other students. If there is run. Most BJJ schools are like family so they're not going to disrepect each other.
  10. 8/02 2hr drilling cross side escapes and relversals with a bit of de la riva guard with Luiz Palhares. Always good stuff when I get to train with Professor Palhares.
  11. 7/31 AM: Takedown to mount/ sweep from under mount flow drill. Sweep from under mount to guard pass butterfly sweep to mount 30/40 minute free roll PM Butterfly sweep Positional break down sub for sub free roll 1hr
  12. Have you considered trying a muy thai style ankle supoort? You can pick a pair up any where from about $10 and up. I have problems with one of my ankles on occassion and this is the type I use. I makes a diffrence. http://www.combatsports.com/csi/protection/ankle-knee-elbow/combat-sports-ankle-supports-2.html
  13. Congratulations on your first tournament. If you had fun and met some like minded people you did the right thing. I'ved competed many times and I still get a little nervous or excited every time I compete.
  14. a porch paint might take enough of the edge off but it's not going to help with the concrete being too hot. Find some cheap wrestling shoes they are close to being barefooted without actually not wearing shoes.
  15. Here's Shorikid doing taikyoko sho that we use for our entry kata at our dojo.
  16. It's not based on any real facts. Obviously it is a martial art. Why I think it's lame? It just never grabbed me. Never enjoyed watching it. Never enjoyed taking part in it. Just stupid personal bias towards it, which I know is unjust to the sport. It's like music, I guess. Some like one style, some hate another. I'll give you that one atleast you're honest about why you do not like it. So as someone said in another thread: We agree to disagree.
  17. I don't consider wrestling a martial art, but that's probably only because I think it's lame Let's hear why wrestling is not a martial art also why you consider it lame? You need to back your statement up.
  18. And you guys forget everything Gene LeBell has been in I don't recall him having many fight sences but he has been in a ton of movies and tv shows. He's know more for his stunts in the movies and that maybe because he knows how to fall after all the years of judo.
  19. You say you have basically no grappling experince and you can beat a good grappler? No to put your training partners skills down but they aren't that good if someone with no experince can hang with them. I thought I was a good grappler mostly self tuaght until I went for a free bjj class prior to training and I got smoked by guys who had been traing less than half the time I had been. Go against a newly minted purple in bjj that's were in my opinion you are starting to get good, and see how you fair. I see myself as a decent blue belt and I get smoked by a purple that I train with. I can hang close to him but he does what he wants when he wants. Grappling does not feel natural to you because it's outside your comfort zone. Given time and training in a grappling art and you'll see how it will complement your Kempo. Best of luck in your future training.
  20. I go in between glasses and contacts. I prefer the contacts due to they don't break and cut you. But if I am wearing my glasses to training they come off when I think the need too. I do both BJJ and Karate so I know when they must come off. During bjj I may put them on and take them off severval times during drilling due to see the technique and then off to actually drill and during sparing of course they stay off the entire time.
  21. 7/19 1hr 45min free rolling and tournament prep
  22. 7/10 Drilled back escape to hug pass back escape to hug pass postition to knee bar hug pass switch sides to mount 1/2 guard break to hug pass 30/40 minutes free sparring Tonight's plan Back escape to hug pass 1/2 guard break to hug pass positional transition free sparring till noone can continue
  23. I would go with out a mouth piece before a cup. They can make replacement teeth and the other you just without if the injury is serious enough. Just saying you can order those from amazon or ebay.
  24. I get about 6 hours a week in on a normal week. Not to mention the time spent reviewing text and video. When I geear up for a competion it picks up with extra conditioning. Which means my cardio needs to be picked up.
  25. I guess Shorikid has called me out on my slow upload habits. Now I have to find it and put a video together. But great video, thanks for sharing. Great techniques looks very effective.
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