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Everything posted by Jbone1

  1. I know everyone puts their style/system in their prefrences, but I would like to know everyones. What grade/rank/dan you guys are, the foundations as a Martial Artist, and also if your open to all systems. I'll start: My system is called Ken Bo Ju Ka Ryu. Ken=Kenpo, Bo=Boxing/chinese boxing, Ju=Jujitsu, Ka=Karate, and Ryu= the tree. We are also a traditional TKD with the hand system of it. We are an open school in which we tap into different arts along with the roots of our system. We do Philipino stick and knife fighting along with some of their hand movements. I personally am training myself in Capoeira, though I hope to find a mestre but nothing wrong with a head start.
  2. "Van Damme's fight scenes are so damn funny. It's 90% flexing and posing. I mean, this guy can make a 6 minute fight scene using only 5 moves, all in slo-mo." I know what you mean. Bruce is my favorite I mean watch his movies and fight scenes and you see more reality than most MA movies.
  3. I've also heard those things Drunken Monkey has posted. Because Bruce was so good and he became such an icon stories have been twisted added and such. It's hard to find the truth even from those close to Bruce.
  4. ^^ "Sonic Boom" "Hadoakin" If you go like that I have to say Lui Kang, Scorpion, Noob saibot, Eddy Gordo, Ryu Hyabusa, and so on...
  5. Thanks, I understand seeing through the B.S. I do that a lot when watching most Martial arts films. But I find them more humorous. Bruce seemed to be the only one who made his fight scenes mostly real.
  6. "Why Bruce Lee ofcause!? He was propebly the fastes fighter that time, heck, even the karate masters was unsure when he had to show of his beloved Jeet Kune Do. Plus he knew what he was talking about. Dont fight it...you know his the best!" That's not what I'm saying. But all I know is that you can't always go by what people say. Some people talk and say things to make them look better and few speak the truth.
  7. He's like one of the best in the lightweight and middleweight class in the NASKA. Sparring that is.
  8. Thanks, so what are some of your experiences?
  9. Interesting thanks. I didn't get to read the journey you got to buy it. Anyway that doesn't mean Ed Parker would whoop up on Bruce.
  10. Hmmm figures since they pay their $60 membership fee. They got to keep them somehow so make wins easier. Thats not good for MA, it's sad really.
  11. Definately will be done. The Lord's Will, will be done.
  12. scottnshelly I understand. I'm 23 and I'm at a point where I missed years of training and I'm not where I should be at this age, but I'm catching up quick. My work ethic and desire is very high though I'm a family man wife and 3 kids. Yeah kinda young for all that but God's been good. I feel I'm in a spot where I can work and come out of this small Indiana town and compete with the best. I have the ability but I just need a chance. I want a chance to see where I am with the best and a U.S. Open, Diamond Nationals, or any NASKA tourney is where it's at.
  13. that kinda irks me because it seems that if your are a NASKA member you get the nod.
  14. Just heard of him anyone on here seen him fight or heard of him?
  15. Ah dang it's like that huh. Geez so that is one of the most competitive organizations. What made you get out of it?
  16. "Fun, but a lot of politics. It's hard to place if you're from a school that doesn't have a lot of members, especially judges" What you mean?
  17. NASKA, IMAC, NBL, which one and if anyone is part of these fill me in on the competition, cost to join, and whatever else.
  18. I got msn. jbone55@hotmail.com
  19. Yeah I agree^^ though Halloween I did all my life as a kid it does have pagan tendacies. Christmas is fun and great but a lot of times we miss the whole point by focusing more on the tree, Santa, gifts, and other things than Christ's birthday. But I can go on another thing with all that. Anyway 47Martialman that's cool your a follower of Christ. I have done found two brothers now in Christ on this board. Just keep on keeping on in your school, because when your doing something right Satan will use anyone to get you to stop. If nothing is ever negative then something must be wrong.
  20. I agree Seven. I would like to know some of the seniors opinions on this. I'm a brown belt in my art which is open. My sensai feels if you have the skills and ability to do these things go for it. It's part of martial arts and I think it's great. I really want to be taught the techniques. I'm not close to any schools but aren't there websites that break down the moves?
  21. So are those that only do XMA good fighters? Or do they think because they have xtreme ability they are good fighters but not really? Like I said, I would love to learn to do those moves. I have the athletic ability to learn them quick, but I need the right teaching.
  22. Yeah^ I been noticing that in my sets. The abs are real key, the only thing I need to be more consistant with is looking forward. Thanks guys a lot I'm already seeing improvements.
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