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Everything posted by Jbone1

  1. Spiritually ready? That's easy ask the "Almighty" for help. Sit down in a quiet place and hear God and allow him to encourage you, knowing all you got to do is your best and he'll do the rest.
  2. Like I said above and the guy above me pretty much it's a big world. You do Capoeira Angola which is the more traditional and roots of Capoeira. But there are other systems in it like there is in Kenpo, Kung Fu, and other styles.
  3. Come on some of you guys.... I wish people would quit thinking you have to do Martial arts one way. Martial Arts is a broad world and it's big enough for everybody and every way. Nothing wrong with flips, tricks, and XMA.
  4. I heard Krav is the truth! I would love to learn it because you got to be in some sort of shape to do it. Just can't walk in and expect to learn this without breaking your body down.
  5. The pain WWE or any organization like that, the guys get beat down. They get injured and though it's a show their bodies wear down. It's not a good comparison in my opinion. Some of you guys need to get a grip, they don't make XMA out to be more than what it is. They train hard to become good athletes which lacks in MA today and they put on good shows for competition. They don't say, hey you will fight better or you'll be unstoppable with these moves. But like someone said earlier, I would like someone who works as hard as they do to have my back. Mike Chat can have my back anytime.
  6. Can someone give a link to some info on Bujinkan.
  7. YOu had to defend so you did. I'm a servant of Christ and I totally believe if the situation came forth he would not have you get beat down.
  8. The Holy spirit comes from above. We all are part of God because he created each one of us. He knows us to the last hair on our head. Anyway, though not all of us serve Christ the spirit within is not always at use. We have mind power that generates ki or chi. Along with the Heavenly Holy Spirit there are demonic spirits too. It really depends on where your heart is.
  9. I haven't read it but as a Christian myself, I don't see why there is any controversy in doing MA. It's discpline, building your temple, and you walk a path that doesn't seek trouble. My church fully supports me and my instructor and our school.
  10. I am getting this real soon. I played the arcade and I was impressed with the speed. I got a new favorite character and he's a ninja who looks like Blade.
  11. Inosanto is a Kali/philipino/jkd guy. But who knows.
  12. Geez, too much hate. Martial Arts is broad and it's more than just what's in your dojo.
  13. Yeah, he's on Mike Chat's XMA team.
  14. Faith, belief, and love of God will allow his spirit to flow on us. As Morpheous says, "Everything begins with choice." The choice to walk out on that limb and allow God to lead your life won't cost you anything.
  15. The first one had more sybolism, meaning, and originality. I love the first one though I'll watch the others from time to time.
  16. Lol, I figured that was it and I discussed this with one of my friends. I never understood that.
  17. There have been some good replys since my last post. They are conditioned and must be in order to do those moves and combo them into other difficult moves. Like I said, no system should be bashed in Martial Arts because MA is a whole world and we should all live together.
  18. See theres a misconception about Capoeira. What mostly is seen today is the speedy game that is flashy like XMA. What a lot of people don't know is the traditional aspects of it. Where they placed razor blades in hands and between toes, used other weapons, and a lot of grappling and throws. Capoeira was used by slaves to revolt against slave owners. Also it was used by thugs for some time to run things in South America. It can be highly dangerous if you can find a traditional Mestre who can teach that style of Capoeira. MuayThaiboxer what's KSU?
  19. Come on guys. Mike Chat, Matt Mullins, and Craig are rooted in Shorei Ryu under Sensei Sharkey. The extreme aspect came in National competitions that have divisions for it. They have their foundation as MA's, yet for the competition and opportunities to land roles and careers in Hollywood they added elements of flash. It's all a part of the world of Martial Arts, why not as a Martial Artist embrace all of it? It's self expression honestly, as Bruce would say. They work hard to learn those moves and believe me it takes work. I can't do most but I can do some and you have to work just as hard as to learning self defense or anything.
  20. Well, it looks like I'm not alone on this. Well good luck to those who are where I'm at. Glad I have company..
  21. NEVER TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB! You done broke the first two rules.
  22. I see where your coming from but in requirements heres mainly what it is: He wants a thesis about what Martial Arts has meant for me, I'm writing about my journey to BB(Advanced Student). I need to learn more self-defense strategies and situations. I need to create a kata and there are some I still need to learn. The thing is, I do wear a black belt and in tourneys here I could just show up in a black belt. But my sensei feels I'm ready for this level but there is plenty of growing to do. We never stop learning and BB is not the top of the mountain, there isn't one in MA because it's so broad. I guess it's kinda hard to understand but I'm sure he feels I'm ready to hold this grade and will grow quickly in it.
  23. You can do anything religiously. The fact is that there should be a relationship with Christ/God. Theres nothing religious about that. We workout and train religiously. But we are to serve and love God in the greatest type of relationship.
  24. Hasn't affected me at all. If anything it has helped! God created everything and if there is anything bad or unmoral it's because we tamper and change things. God's is love and is perfect. Living like Christ is a great way to be able to maintain peace in training.
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