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Everything posted by Jbone1

  1. Well, in our school I can't say I'm going to test for this grade my sensei tells us when he feels we are ready. The reason he gave this grade to me is so when I go to tournaments I compete in the BB division. He wants to see where I'm at in competition against other BB's. Plus there still are some requirements I have to do before I get the big ceremony and all. There are no fees for testing or at least I paid for. The only extra charges my sensei does is private lessons and if we need to buy gear. My official test for BB does have a fee but that's the only one. I understand where your coming from but theirs nothing dishonest with what my sensei done. I also do appreciate the concern because what your saying happens a lot and it's sad. But I'm blessed to have an honest sensei who does this for the love of the art. He still has to work a ton of hours for Ford motor company so money from the school isn't a priority.
  2. Thanks guys theres a lot of responsibility with this and I'm proud to take it.
  3. Last night my Sensei gave me this grade. It's an in between grade from 1st kyu to 1st degree. I'm technically a black belt but I still have some requirements to earn my 1st degree. I'm excited and ready to work even harder because I will now compete with the black belts.
  4. Seen it on Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater. cool stuff I would like to learn this also.
  5. This is a lesson in itself in this thread keep it up guys.
  6. Wow, great post and I think some folks look too keen on movies.. I need to research more myself.
  7. Hey, thanks for bringing my topic back up. Keep this going.
  8. I watched the video and I understand how some people feel about Wushu forms. But you know that's their style and system so what makes it any less than the next Martial Art. They perform but also have the combat effectiveness. I didn't really liked what I saw except a few moves. I want mine to spin like that but I'm gonna have to mess with the screws. Anyway the only things I really liked was the spinning but I would do it to manipulate the weapon for attacks not show. Her acrobats and athleticism was nice also.
  9. That has nothing to do with the weapon. I didn't watch but from what you guys are saying I guess they are bad. The weapon definately has potential. I'm gonna watch to see if there is anything i could take when creating a form with these.
  10. Yes good post sensei. Anyway I would like my questions answered. He hasn't responded.
  11. Well he may know his stuff and is offering info. But he should do this humbly because there are people on this site who want info about them. I want to know: Where did you train? Where are you from? What fighting systems or styles do you know? Where Ninjas Samurai's first? Can any Martial Artist be someone like a Ninja if they are stealthy? What things to Ninjas specialize in that's different than other Arts? How many years have you trained?
  12. Look in pages back in this section and you'll find some in depth threads about Capoeira. Go to Capoeira cafe or other sites about it and get on the message boards. It's an awesome style and I don't have a school close to me either. though I can do some moves I learned from websites I'm by no means a Capoeirista.
  13. Theres a reality MA show? I would like to see it.
  14. Give a little description on those. Plus ya'll notice in Animes they really push the envelope with the sex?
  15. I have been coming along with the weapon. It's more about creation and self expression from your journey as a Martial Artist. Really with anything in Martial Arts it's about that. But for me who's never trained in any type of Kung Fu or weaponry like that I been able to manipulate it well and effective. I plan to create a form with them.
  16. Well I am getting vol. 3 of Crying Freeman which was a decent Anime. Old style animation but a different flick. Ninja Scroll is next. How many are in that series?
  17. I haven't seen this but from your other post you seem a little bias towards Parker.
  18. Thanks man for real you have been very helpful.
  19. tommarker always on point. HOw is that weapon not practical and not able to be used in real combat? Dude that makes no sense. As a Martial Artist you should be able to use whatever is around you. Unless you are trapped in a system or one style, like Bruce says not expressing yourself at all.
  20. I think it was something they added to the game. I played that game and it was cool but I don't know about the Wude.
  21. Yeah, I understand that. What was cool Sensei Sharkey emailed me back personally before Christmas break.
  22. I didn't know about Musashi. But I understand I was more or less asking if it's possible to get a handmade sword. One day when I become very good then I'll look into it.
  23. Hmmm defensively against another weapon? I don't know about it. The length from your hand to the tip is not very long not even a small knife length. Now if an opponent has no weapon it's a different story. Mastering them I imagine you could block and defend with the short length. Thanks for the link.
  24. suntetsu? Never heard of it. Anyway just the manipulation of the weapon making one rotation into different jabs is what I have been doing so far. Like I was saying if you got good quick hands and have developed your wrist for good weapon use, you can discover some slick methods. Mente I understand where your coming from but as a Martial Artist aren't you supposed to be able to use anything as a weapon around you? Also the ring I figured is more for keeping the weapon in your hand. But explain more about the suntetsu.
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