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Everything posted by Jbone1
Where are the auditions? I'm in Indiana so it may not happen for me.
Keysi? Anyone heard of this system?
Jbone1 replied to Jbone1's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Thanks for the link. -
My question is, how long have you trained in Capoeira?
Blanka doesn't do Capoeira he is just animal. Eddie and Christie are special cause a real Capoeira mestre performed their moves. There have been other games with Capoeiristas but they never showed the true essence because they were 2d games which Capoeira needs a 3d environment.
Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks
Jbone1 replied to scottnshelly's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
Mortal KombaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatTTTTT!!!!!! -
Billy Blanks
Jbone1 replied to theadric's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
I heard he was a great fighter, but the Tae Bo aspects wasnt' self invented. Kinda something he done with others but he was smart and invested in it. Very smart. -
best of the best 1 and 2
Jbone1 replied to shorei_kai_student's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
The first was indeed the best one. Like it's titled "Best of the Best" Anyway they fell off after the first one. The second wasn't that great though Tommy showed his Lui Kang comparison. -
the warriors
Jbone1 replied to Son Goku the monkeyking's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
Yeah it is a good movie and those gangs back in the day get more respect than the ones today that got to use guns. They fought fist and weapons for territory. It was made in 1979 and I heard that there were real fights because the gangs in New York would go see the movie. It was all about survival and it was decent for a 79 flick. I heard also they are making a remake very soon. I hope it's not ruined. Can you dig it! Can you dig it! Caaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn yooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu diiiig iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!!!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...... -
It's the system they used on Batman Bagins. It's brutal and gets the job done. Not flashy but his a blend of differnet arts. It looks very interesting on the 2nd disc extras.
yamesu: Thanks for the info, very ineresting. Those guys are so conditioned they take punches, kicks, and throws are devestating.
I been on this site for a couple years and it's been very informative. I seen this movie the other day that looks like it was made in the 70's called Fighting Black Kings. It's about Kyokushin tournaments and fighters. I studied the matches and noticed no punches or any hand/arm techniques to the face or head. But you sure can get kicked in the dome real good...wow some of those blows.. Anyway, I would like to know the history all the way to the current about this system that seems to be very powerful and close to real situation bouts.
Why , in all of Bruce's movies ??
Jbone1 replied to y2_sub's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
True I agree. -
Why , in all of Bruce's movies ??
Jbone1 replied to y2_sub's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
First off Rocky 4. That's why I stop after 3. The brotha has to die by being overconfident, having James Brown singing, and they both dancing. The enemy comes in and kills the supposive American brother in the black man. Rocky the hero revenges it and talks about change in the end. "Can we all just get along?" I guess they were trying to bring racial harmony and cold war harmony. Ok about Bruce. I believe Bruce wanted to prove a point that just because you wear a gi doesn't mean squat. Here in the US we got facinated with all the practitioners. If you had a gi on, you must be good. Bruce wanted to show that in his normal Chinese clothes he was still Bruce the Martial Artist. Look at Game of Death when he wore the flexible yellow biker fit. He also used a piece of bamboo to fight Guru Inosanto. Bruce was all about making points. -
Dan Inosanto siminar, Waterloo Indiana???
Jbone1 replied to Jbone1's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
This was a great experience getting lessons from the guru. He's a great man and very knowledgable in the arts and life in general. I can't wait to attend more and I'm glad I got to meet someone of the era where Martial Arts was really about the Art. -
Anyone on here going? I'm heading out bright and early tomorrow morning to check the guru out. I can't wait, my sensei has went like 4 years and is real cool with Dan. From what he tells me these guys are serious and amazing. I can't wait to learn some great things from someone who is a very humble master. Pretty much the right hand man of Bruce.
Transporter 2
Jbone1 replied to jedimc's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
I seen both and I like 1 a little better. 2 was aight but man what a wasted fight oppotunity at the end with the main bad guy. -
Joe Lewis on Bruce Lee
Jbone1 replied to Kickbox's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Kajukenbopr: Read throughout this whole post and you may find answers. Read around this website and you will find answers to why sticking to one style keeps your mind closed to the whole world of Martial Arts. Also research Bruce, read his material and thoughts. -
Joe Lewis on Bruce Lee
Jbone1 replied to Kickbox's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
I heard about that show. The crowd wanted Chuck and Bob to show some stuff. Chuck kicked Bob a few feet back with a side kick. I seen a picture of it. Man, we need some news clippings or something. Someone has to have those old magazines Bruce was on the cover of or did interviews for. -
Joe Lewis on Bruce Lee
Jbone1 replied to Kickbox's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Your right Chuck admitted to never getting in any actual combat for real. That back alley thing was real but he said once your a black belt around there everybody looks out for each other. He stated an instant where another black belt got jumped in a tight alley. He got mugged because he new nothing of close quarters combat. But the other black belts found the guys and got revenge. Anyway, Chuck also stated training with the Gracies and I believe Lidell also. The thing is he became pretty proficient in grappling also so I believe he's well rounded. The thing is Chuck may not be as good as his movies claim but I wouldn't test him. -
Joe Lewis on Bruce Lee
Jbone1 replied to Kickbox's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
First off, great thread and very informative. I have been trying to do a lot of reading about these great Martial Artist, but it's sad because egoes still get in the way of the truth. No one speaks the truth, though Chuck did mention in his book about how his matches where at first. But I'm sure I read he did have contact matches. He states times where he's hurt others and he got hurt. He also clearly speaks of beating Joe Lewis 3-4 times. Chuck speaks as though they didn't have any hard feelings toward each other either it was just competitiveness. Bruce did think it was stupid how tournaments where though he did support by showing up to many. Bruce actually did contact with his students because he created those jkd gloves that have multiple uses.(I have a pair ) I agree and it's sad because in Chucks book he claimed to have gotten Bruce to use high kicks. He said for someone to not use them often Bruce easily picked them up. Great post Hansen you have a lot of inside info. I say this in my most humble opinion about Bruce. I feel that a lot of MA where and still are to this day jealous of Bruce. Why? Because he got so much media and recognition as a MA. The thing is Bruce worked hard to make his name memorable. It wasn't about money or claiming to be the best, it was about expressing himself and letting the world know you can do it to. It's sad those Bruce touched spoke things about him, challenged him, and claimed he wasn't that great all because of the hype the media gave him. It's like Lebron James, he's great but not as good as the media hype, so a lot of basketball fans don't like him. For what? Simply because the media overhypes him. That's what happened to Bruce from his death to today. There are so many unfinished things in his life, from his book, movies, training, teaching, and writings. The myths and the legacy grew and many things became false and stories changed to make him sound like he wasn't human. But when someone says Bruce wasn't that good because he didn't compete, tell them who was the one who trained 90% reaction of real situations? Who was the one who trained to take you out as quickly as possible? Jeet Kune Do=The way of the intercepting fist and Bruce understood at 5'7'' 135-145 depending on his training at the time, if someone threatened his life that was bigger, he was ready to die. So you tell me, would you challenge someone whos ready to fight to death or a champion whos bound by rules in most of his encounters? One last point Bruce never claimed he could or could not beat this person or that person. For instance, while Muhammad Ali was practicing Bruce followed along with him outside the ring. He mirrored his movements and someone asked if he could take Ali. Bruce only said, see this little Chinese hand and look at his. He never said yes or no to those type of questions because he only thought of the real, the actual no rules or boundries encounters. There wouldn't only be punching allowed so you choose the winner. Bruce Lees impact changed the way MA, weight training, boxing, MA movies, and other things are today and since his death. Few people at his time trained the way he did with weights and blending styles and systems. Jim Kelly and Chuck were two that I know blended styles during his time. So when people disrespect they need to read about Bruce before getting upset because he's the biggest name in MA. -
Joe Lewis on Bruce Lee
Jbone1 replied to Kickbox's topic in Kung Fu, JKD, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, and Chinese Martial Arts
Bruce wasn't cocky or arrogant he was confident especially in situations with no rules. I read Chuck Norris' book and he said he beat Joe 3-4 times. In one tournament he beat him on a last second side-kick and Bruce was present. That's when he and Bruce met. Chuck competed from early in the morning till 11 at night. He said they got to talking in the elevator up to their rooms and around 12 they got off on one of their floors. Still deep into each others ideas of Martial Arts they started to exchange ideas and movements and went on till 4 in the morning. After that long day and becoming a champ, Chuck stayed up that late with Bruce. He said Bruce was so dynamic that it all seemed like 20 minutes. The only flaw Chuck said Bruce had in terms of a person was that everything seemed to become a training lesson in life. Chuck felt he should have lightened up. Chuck also had dinner with Bruce and Bob Wall a few days before his death. Bruce told them about his checkup he had to get due to his headaches. The doctors said he had the insides of an 18 year old. Then Chuck got the phone call, he attended the Seattle funeral. He rode the plane with the other stars he said it was real quiet. Anyway Chuck spoke highly of Bruce and the times they trained. He said Bruce had a lot of equipment and the way he spoke he showed great respect for the Master of Self Expression. So don't always take what you read as fact, but I believe Chuck Norris would be honest. I read where Joe said great things about Bruce the only person that may not give Bruce a ton of praise is Ed Parker. He gives credit, but IMO I think he sees a small Chinese man. That may be the case for a lot of other MA that don't give Bruce much respect. They see a little chinese man who didn't compete get all this media and claims to being the best. It shouldn't be looked at like that, they should have challenged him. -
Bruce Lee's Quotes in his movies
Jbone1 replied to Mr. Karate's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
No it's, "I don't hit, it hits all by itself." I love these: "Don't think, Feeeeel....it is like a finger pointing away to the moon." *slaps boy in head* "Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory." -Enter the Dragon The water quote is about adaptation, the hitting by itself is speaking of Jeet Kune Do the way of the intercepting fist, and the one I posted above has many meanings. -
Good thread Maddwarph. I mean when this question is asked a lot of the well known names will come up. What about the instuctors of those individuals. Yip Man, Chucks initials Tang Soo Do instructor, Jet Li's, and many more. But training with those who excelled in more than just one art is who I would love to train with. Bruce, Chuck, Liddell, Inosanto, and many others who are open to self expression as a Martial Artist.