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Master Jules

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Everything posted by Master Jules

  1. I agree with Sasori Te as well.
  2. Well, thats certainly what we all strive for.....the attainment of a perfection we can never reach.
  3. True....the "overcommitment" is always a bad idea....balance must always be had at all times.
  4. The stance is correct, but again, very poorly done in the movie......the kick is a simple jump kick.....
  5. Thats actually a pretty good assessment.
  6. Only if it breaks...lol
  7. Its those subtle differences that made it difficult for Japanese students of Okinawan arts to "get" the very subtle nuances of the system.
  8. Its those subtle differences that made it difficult for Japanese students of Okinawan arts to "get" the very subtle nuances of the system
  9. Its those subtle differences that made it difficult for Japanese students of Okinawan arts to "get" the very subtle nuances of the system
  10. Basic stances in Goju are very simply measured out. Starting in "ready stance, move one foot forward the length of the foot, so that the heel of the front foot lines up with the toes of the back foot....thats basic stance. One more step is a fighting or free stance, and one more is long stance or deep stance, or forward stance, however you like to call it.....the heels should be slightly kicked out. From there, when the back foot is at the 45 degree angle, rotate the front foot the same way, and you wind up with the sheiko dachi, or "sumo" stance......thats just a few.
  11. Youre right MM.....it is the practicioner that makes the difference, not the style
  12. DM.....thank you for the interpretation....having the ability to read and speak chinese must really help your study....I wish I could.
  13. It is not seen, but it sure is there....just look at Florida rite about now.
  14. Chi-I-Do is probably the most orthodox teaching of Goju Ryu in the country in not the world....Master Ong is one of the most highly respected Goju Ryu Masters in the world, recognized by the Yagi family of Okinawa as such. He is unbelievable and unparrallelled in his depth of knowledge and his ability to perform.
  15. Jesus was Jewish.....lol.....and a pretty good carpenter from what I hear....lol
  16. Its part of the white crane system
  17. Do you mean "empty hand" kata ? I ask because all 3 Gekisai kata have both an open and closed hand within them.
  18. Also notice that in the second to last pic...hes grabbing a pressure point on the Lung meridian line, and directing a nakadaka ken zuki (middle knuckle strike) to Stomach meridian point number one.
  19. I would have to agree.
  20. take a great punch/kicker and put him against a crappy grappler and he's gonna kick his * every time.....reverse it, and you figure it out......
  21. Goju has everything from stand up punch and kick to in close standing grappling, ground grappling, weapons, trapping, take downs, throws, internal chi gung....it is a very complete system.
  22. KM is a very no nonsense "in close", get it done as quickly as you can type of system. Kind of like close combat jujitsu. Its basically the Israeli version of our military's CQC (close quarter combat) or CQB (close quarter battle).....You would learn for example, whats the fastest and most effective way of taking out 3 guys in an elevator kinda thing. I teach CQB to law enforcement, and have 1 student who was on Bill Clinton's NY detail.
  23. Interesting how Bruce Lee titled his book "The Tao of Jeet Kune Do"
  24. Goju goes back to the 1920's....but with roots in white crane.....its history is much older
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