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Everything posted by jakmak52

  1. Inside crescent kick..good for taking down your opponents guard and dislocating the mandible with enough velocity and force...
  2. Practice till I drop and my instructor says it's looking better... Can always be better..huh
  3. I believe Jerry Trimble is a member of this board....
  4. Scorpio
  5. What are you the anti-christ or what...
  6. Dim Mak ??
  7. Velcro to the outside
  8. Fake, Fire and Move... FFM
  9. Check this out!! http://www.pbs.org/pioneerliving/rhee.htm
  10. Isn't it the other way around This might help... http://www.itatkd.com/v-202.html _________________ http://community.webshots.com/user/jakmak521 [ This Message was edited by: jakmak52 on 2002-02-17 15:09 ]
  11. Excellent tournament Kata..good choice...I try to perform the movements so that it really looks like I'm actually fighting multiple opponents, like looking in the direction of the next move (attack), don't look at the ground, snap the kicks, blocks, and strikes, tight refolds, holding the sudo's and kicks for just a moment so the judges can admire those crisp, well executed moves you have good luck...
  12. As far as those still above ground...this man has personally influenced mine and I believe many others unwatered down Martial Arts..thanks Joe... http://www.joelewiskarate.com/
  13. Thanks McGee...I'm ROTFLMAO
  14. Combat Aikido??
  15. That's too funny, thanks
  16. I totally disagree, he has had a tremendous impact on the Martial Arts, he was constantly challenged on his skill in the streets and off the movie set, I guess Bob Wall, Joe lewis, Steve McQueen, Chuck Norris,James Coburn, ad infinitum, made up their thoughts and feelings towards this ICON.. I seriously doubt your credibility in regards to anything "Martial Arts"
  17. Hello Beaker, welcome
  18. Ogler: who is busy ogling at the opposite sex (or same sex): instead of paying attention. I know, shame on me..please forgive me.. clarification: opposite sex _________________ http://community.webshots.com/user/jakmak521 [ This Message was edited by: jakmak52 on 2002-02-13 20:03 ]
  19. MOO!! Welcome to the forum.
  20. Whoa there partner, which Wal-Mart would that be? Do they have Tokaido, Shureido, or Juka's??? What a discount I could get!!!
  21. There's only three things I do for not tweaking my hip joints, I think the highest kick I ever needed to throw that high was and is an ax kick from the front or a roundhouse from an angle, (oh ,and that angle is so important for me)...the three things are 1. Stretch 2. Stretch 3. Stretch Oh the pain... I rather go through the discomfort of stretching than the agony of the results of not..
  22. White, Gold, Green,Blue, Red, Brown, and Black. I'm a very dirty Brown belt. I know, I know, I should be a Black Belt by now, but after blowing out my meniscus (doing kata no less), having my DoJo close, then having two Titanium screws put into my right hand after a miscalculated board break, (lucky guy,huh), well, there you have it, I'm still going...with all your support that is Training since age 37 currently 49, you do the math... Maybe they'll have an Executive Men's Walker Division next year HooooHaww
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