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Everything posted by jakmak52

  1. Respect is an essential component of these arts, just part of the whole. Respect is commanded, not demanded, by giving it freely even to those who are are still working on the concept
  2. I've been doing it for 10 years and consider it more like tag, your it
  3. I suggest very light weights with high repititions, good luck [ This Message was edited by: jakmak52 on 2001-11-28 13:32 ]
  4. Earning all those belts prior to it
  5. I find that jumping front kick to the chin or a spinning back kick is probably more effective during road sparring, though I don't like to expose my backside for any length of time, so speed is paramount
  6. Saw first 20 min and thought it s_ _ Ked, he's better off on the Titanic
  7. "physically pelvically proprtioned " Ooooooh, I like the sound of that!! If all else fails, there's always surgery
  8. jakmak52

    Horse Stance.

    There's a kata in ITF TKD which we called Choi Goi (pronounced Cho Gee), which means Iron Horse that is done mostly in the horse stance facing only one direction supposedly protecting a wall..
  9. Hello Ang, I love competition, I've been doing it since 1993, for assorted reasons, the adrenaline rush of how good you really think you are , getting use to doing your thing in front of total strangers (focus & concentration), maybe winning a trophy or two, constructive criticism from the judges (big help), and most important to me, the comeraderie and social aspect of getting together with like minds & aspirations. It's sooo much fun.. I started both doing both point sparring & kata (last performed Bassai Dai), but last coupla years just do kata, don't do point karate anymore due to getting older (49), blowing out my left medial meniscus, and having a coupla titanium screws placed in my right hand after hitting the "boards" real wrong!! Regardless, I love it and will keep doing it until I start the walker business, but maybe they'll let me compete in the super handicapped division by then....Ho Ho.. Jakmak52 [ This Message was edited by: jakmak52 on 2001-11-19 10:54 ]
  10. I always stretch before class or a workout,ALWAYS, true . I wouldn't have time for a liitle stretcharoo for a street altercation, but I believe the dojo stretching would minimize self -damage...
  11. Low sidekick to the ACL??
  12. When I was 14, in Chicago, I was accidently shot in the left shoulder with a .45 auto, had multiple fractures of the ball and socket joint, luckily the surgeon was a medic from WW2 and knew his skills well. Until I was 38 I had 40% less range of motion in the joint, then I started taking ITF TKD with reservations to my limitations, especially upper body blocks and strikes on my left side. Lo and behold, the regular activity and execise gave me back 20% more ROM, thanks to martial arts w/o meds!!! I am currently a 1st degree brown belt who won the Executive's Men's Kata division at the US Open in Orlando in 1999. I'm proud of my progress, but mostly I want to share my physical limitations (mental too can be overcome. Please don't stop your dreams. Thanks.
  13. jakmak52

    Horse Stance.

    I think it looks nice in kata with your thighs perpendicular to the floor, besides lowering your center of gravity, I always thought it was also a great way to increase the muscle endurance in my quads??
  14. 3 things work best for me, 1. Hit it hard, 2. Hit it in the middle, and 3. Go with the GRAIN!!
  15. Welcome to the forum.
  16. Welcome, have fun...
  17. Welcome to the Forum. Jack
  18. 1) Protect myself and significant others. 2) Physical Fitness. 3) Flexibility. 4) Speed. 5) Concentration/Focus. 6) Emotional Wellness. 7) Socialism. Spirituality. 9) Self Esteem. 10) Impress the female persuasion....
  19. I've seen Bob Wall do the one incher on a underground video, I don't know if it's legit, but I was impressed... Jack
  20. Yes, another ONE!! But at my age, I'm harmless in the biblical sense, I prefer to admire from afar, that way my face is harder to slap..
  21. Did you ever see Canadian Bacon with John Candy??? I howled through the whole movie, I was detained three years ago at customs in Quebec for some weapons I was transporting to a tournament I was competing in, after they surmised that I was a legitimate martial artist and not one of Bin Laden's henchmen thay apoligized and I breezed right on in. Whew, a scary though. I love the weather up your way in fall. Beautiful...\Thanks, Jack
  22. Thanks for the warm welcome!! Jack
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