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Everything posted by granmasterchen

  1. as long as you are not learning from an instructor that used to teach in monterey cali during the late 90s (had a confrontation with the individual and was teaching his students very very bad skills) *money making school*
  2. i encourage different treatments, granted i truely respect the old school ways of the stick smacking, yet i never got it as bad as my instructors did, nor do my students get it as bad as i did, yet i think it is adequate to smack them in the head everytime they drop their guard, this will teach them not to drop their guard, others are just great for quick attention getters, yet if it is a student that causes too many problems and is disrupting the class anyway, i will give the individual some sparring "advise" about 20 years all rolled into one minute hahahahaha sorry, i am a cruel old man..... ps, i enjoy the stick training when doing balance exercises, it really strenghens the legs, plus if you are supposed to be tense and the muscles flexed then getting smacked is a sure way to tell if those muscles are ready for it, if they aren't you'll feel it all the more...
  3. the style that i grew up in went, white, yellow, purple, green, brown and then black 4th degree black as of a few months ago in that style (which was not limited as many sport based clases, this was a compilation of chinese,japanes, and the korean, passed down over thousands of years to selected generations, and eventually made it's way to my instructor around the same time period that the sport based art of TKD became popular)
  4. I agree with jerrylove if you want years of experience or do you want something simple that may work in some situations, if you train for years you will learn several things and you can build and add more throughout your experiences, yet if you only learn some key techs, that is all you learn, nothing more, no experience....
  5. it all depends on how hard you train, i am sure that all will agree with that, if you only place half effort in an art it will take a long time to learn and be good if ever,,,, yet if you train hard no matter the style you will see results yet, time is still required, if you train hard for one year you may see the same results as an individual that trains twice a week for a couple years and only trains in the dojo, so the moral is to train and learn in the dojo and then train at home everyday and train hard...good luck.
  6. regardless, bruce lee was good, jack man was too, who was better, who knows, does it matter? all that matters is that they were great and they knew their stuff.....the article was good, thanks for the reading granted it is nice to know what the real deal is and what really happened yet,,,,,they are dead sadly and the truth may never be known.....
  7. i would love to do that, i would be soo cool i would definitely be the life of the party!
  8. not I .....i am not prepared yet.....maybe after some more training.....
  9. wouldn't the world be a nice place if we all just helped each other
  10. bad idea to have ex's and such in the dojo, remember....dojo not soap opera
  11. speaking of kung fu uniforms is there any cool links that you have to buy some nice outfits for cheap, they don't even have to be just uniforms, i like the style, nice comfortable and silk or something light weight?
  12. i will tell you what i have knowledge with for the state of ohio, my instructor worked with the police force and other similar agencies, i was told i could keep them in my trunk and transport them too and from class to my home, yet i would always keep them in my trunk, if ever pulled over ...just saying you are coming back from class or going to class, just make sure that you have your gi to back up your claim......hmmmmm maybe this is bad advise, i just hope that you are honest and not going to be a serial killer
  13. black belts should be given to those that truely deserve, those with the knowledge and understanding, i tell parents of children that i teach that they have to be able to understand what they are doing and convert the information to memory, not a quick class in a "bad" school and you automatically get your belt, i don't believe in that, i let the parents know that it will take time to earn the belt, but that obviously goes for adults. It is possible to get a junior black belt, but it is a touchy and risky move i believe, if the individual has the potential and knows what he/she is doing and i think that the individual would have to be in there teens to qualify, if they meet the requirements, then let it be.I feel that you should be around 5 to start learning, and that it should take typically 5 years to learn, depending on the amount of training involved, if the person is very dedicated and trains every day than that can be sped up, yet on average, 5 yrs. So they way i work it out children will have to spend at least 5 yrs, so they should be in their teens to test for black, at least in my school, yet when i have a kid, i will probably try to train the young one from an earlier age...but who knows, that is my two cents
  14. take pride in that my friend that is great family history to pass on for generations to come
  15. i need to go smack these people, last time i checked i had to WORK for my black belt, this is just a terrible terrible thing, i thought it was getting bad before, but thanks kirves, maybe i will go to this school and get another black belt, or maybe i can just give one of the kids some candy and they will give me a belt too, i bet i could learn alot from these young masters........someone put a bullet in my head
  16. keep stretching, and you will get that flexibility back, good luck and congrats on getting back to training!
  17. that is funny,,,,,,great.....
  18. i have bowed at work, like when i leave the office i will turn around and bow, and school back in high school and college, alot of times if i have been talking about martial arts with some one i will automatically convert that over in my mind and when i leave it will be bowing and such and i always feel like a fool, but only for a brief second or two just long enough to laugh at myself.
  19. nice. i like.....
  20. Also there was a tourney where an individual lost grip on his nunchuku and it went flying into the crowd, and another where the judge got hit, regardless, the individuals didn't do too well. also in class we did bo training, where we would thrust the bo out and catch the end of it , well alot of us would not catch it in time at first and some even sent the bos into the walls where we have some nice sized holes i was doing a jump double kick one day to show what i learned in class, and my shoe flew across the street.....that got some laughs
  21. when i first joined class i was about 12 or so, and i was really big, so naturally i had a lot of strengh and power, yet little skill. So one day we were holding the kicking pads, and the instructor wanted us to show how intense we could be by letting out a loud kia and kicking the pad hard. Well the individiual holding the pad was an older man and when i went up i let loose with my strongest back leg roundhouse and screamed a kia, well as it happened i missed the pad and cracked him right in the face, the old man went down and his glasses flew across the room.....needless to say we never did that exercise again, yet that man preceeded to beat me up for the next year until he quit....... Another thing that happened later in my MA career (after i developed control) I managed to tear the crotch and back out of my pants on several occasions.....those were some embarissing occasions also after i became advanced I was looked upon as an individual with alot of skill and many looked up to me, well our class had a hard wood floor, so after years of training i had some nice callouses on my feet, well for some reason some of the old men that used the building the night before decided to wax the floor and it was really slippery, i didn't realise until i went to show off on some high kicks and ended up on my back,....... I was sparring my instructor one time, he threw me to the floor and everytime that i tried to get up he would charge and kick at me, so i just kept doing rolls to get out of the way, well i could finally run no more, so while i was doing a backwards shoulder roll he kicked at me and i adjusted my weight on to my head and ended up spinning on my headin a circle with my legs in the air, so i was instinctively kicking in the air since they weren't on the floor....well there was a pause and i rolled up into a fighting stance to see my instructor wiping his face, ...* I HAD KICKED HIM TWICE!!!!* both of my feet by accident caught him in the face, everyone was amazed and since that day, i had a legend-like status in the class, my instructor stopped the fight and told me good job or something.....that was the start of a legendary status that evolved from reflexive reactions from training that resulted in an accidental yet very effective techneque.....
  22. he usually tries to hit all the big tournies in ohio, with a few of his students, i know he is in columbus quite a bit, so you maybe able to catch him sometime, good luck
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