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Everything posted by granmasterchen
number 1 thing is to get your skill level at the right area, make sure that you are punching correctly, if you like try knuckle training exercises, hitting heavy bags are good, also do griop training, finger tip puchups and knuckle puchups, practice hitting hard objects to build up the level of resistance this will increase muscle mass,also try to hit 6 inches beyond your target(hit through your target) this will help also,make sure that you pivot your feet whit your punch, get the skill down.
Something I feel needs to be said...
granmasterchen replied to TJS's topic in Pro Fighting Matches and Leagues
big daddy gary goodridge, there is another nasty fighter....man i am really missing out on the fights! -
Hi, I just found this site today and had to sign up. I started out my martial arts career with boxing around age 6 or so, then I learned a lot of street fighting over the next ten years or so. I finally found a class when a friend of mine could not be moved by my strongest football slam. I started the class and got beat up quite a bit until my attitude changed. After 12 years in that style, which we called tae kwon do, I realized that the style wasn't the traditional sport oriented taekwondo class, it was a combination of chinese, japanese and korean styles. So for all these years I was really learning several styles all rolled into one! I went to the military and joined the special forces, here I took over the combat hapkido instructors job as the head instructor for the base, here i taught self defense to all the women that came in and prevented two rape attempts. I also studied kickboxing, the 13 weapons system, american and okinawan karate in California. I later went to Texas and studied more karate and aikido, and then again I taught classes. Then I went to Idaho and studied kuk sool won and again taught classes. I then returned home to study with my instructor again and also found an instructor for mantis and tiger kung fu. Then I moved back to Idaho when I got married and then I went to Japan where I am now, studying shorinji kenpo, kaju kenbo, aikido, tang so do, and kuk sool wo and also the naginata. And again I am teaching, I have done some extreme trainings over the years and since my original "taekwondo" style I have never lost a fight in a street fight, which has been a lot. I have a bad habit of finding trouble, which is actually fun. I have a large background in tournament sparring, full contact kickboxing, grappling and events that are similar to the UFC. Well thank you for having me at the site I look forward to future discussions and knowledge that will be gained.
Something I feel needs to be said...
granmasterchen replied to TJS's topic in Pro Fighting Matches and Leagues
aaaaaa poor oleg, that man is one of the toughest in the world, i would bet that if he didn't get ko'd then he would fight until all his bones are broken and dead, that man never gives up and has the greatest calm of any fighter that i have ever seen. I would like to see both of those fights, maybe when i get back to the states i can look them up, thanks for the heads up johnnys -
Good point, you do have to be careful with that when training, like all trainings there is something bad that can happen, be safe. If it starts to hurt, stop. And don't over do it. The best way to protect yourself is not to over extend your punches, now be careful when the weights are off, you will be used to throwing that extra weight so again you may but too much into your punch and hyper extend an elbow, thanks for bringing that up crazyaznrocker
That sounds like a pretty fun fight, yet it sounds like it bothered you, hope that you have better experience in the future yet stay safe, good luck.
I need some advice...
granmasterchen replied to swooshfinn's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
my advice is to either talk one on one with this instructor and see what can be worked out, also train hard at home, find some friends to train with, and if you ever need help thinking of new things to train with i am sure that your fellow friends here at the forum can help you out, if need be email me and i will give you a run down on my daily class. -
be prepared to get cut, block with the arm and at the wrists, remember getting the arm cut is better than getting that knife in the face, neck or chest, yet this can still be done with out getting cut, I have been in several knife fights and teach seminars and classes on it here in japan, i have been cut in the past but most of the time anymore i don't get cut, it is all in staying calm, training to know what to do as a reflex and instinct and doing it fast.
here is another idea that you might want to consider. Try sparring with wrist weights, weighted gloves and then sparring gloves over that.....now when you spar, spar with an individual that only has sparring gloves on, this will force you to build up speed just to protect yourself during the fighting sessions, now after training this way try it with out the weights and be amazed with the speed!
Name ONE good thing about your style/art:
granmasterchen replied to WC-Strayder's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
my instructors combined several styles into one so that when we were in a fighting scenario we were very well rounded, for that i am very grateful. -
I have been in quite a few fights on the streets even a few agains multiple opponents, yet ever since i started martial arts i have won, granted before i started i got banged up pretty good, the first fight i was in after training involved two guys with bats, after a few hits i took one down and when i had the other down i was on top and blacked out, i came to my senses with blood everywhere, i had some fractured bones and such but i had won, ever since then i have managed to learn and control the situation and can keep perfect cool now, so the fights are much easier and result in little to no damage to me.
Your Most Confident Technique
granmasterchen replied to Singularity's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
i like the ol' backfist to the temple also a kick i call the fake double, here i fake as if i am kicking to the groin, the leg comes up enough so that my opponent drops down to block the kick, now that his guard is down i switch momentum into a roundhouse to the head -
i have had to use my skills to break up fights on several occasions... i usually try to stick out of other's fights, yet if my friend is getting pounded on too much i will stop it or if the other person is getting beat too much and the fight is already over. I try to protect people from getting beat too much.
bjj for self defense
granmasterchen replied to aznkarateboi's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
my advice, one style is not enough my friend, you must study many and add and adapt so that you are well rounded and versatile. -
Winning a streetfight, curious?
granmasterchen replied to Kaju_influenced's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
keep your calm, when you get angry you make mistakes and get sloppy i like to do the psychological fighting i like to smile and laugh while fighting, throw quick smacks to get them angry and sloppy and then open up with a barage of attacks, strikes of all sorts and throw them to the ground or choke them out real quick also fight nasty, kicks to the knee, groin, shins, kidney punches, throat, the neck is one of the best targets no matter where you hit there is something vital there whether it is cutting off blood flow to the brain, pressure points, the throat, and no air, and vital points like the dim mak -
if the individual is a true threat to your life or another's then i say let them have it full force, yet if it is just a typical thug or someone else in a street fight there is no reason to go full force, yes hit hard and all yet be mercifull if they want to back off, don't go for the kill unless you truelly have no other choice. If your attacker has a knife or some other weapon or is doped up on cocaine then you may have to go hard and start breaking bones and hitting the vital points. If it is a street fight by all means hit hard and be ruthless, yet when the threat is over , end the fight don't continue to beat the person senseless, you have to learn the level of control depending on the situation.
i agree with kirves, you have to have an arsenal of techniques and not limit yourself, once you limit yourself you are vulnerable to other methods of fighting. I love to punch, since i have great skill, speed and power with my punches. yet it is good to throw in some good kicks too, high only if you have the speed, low kicks are great if you want to end it quickly with out having fun, throws are fun to show your opponent who is boss and to disuade them from continueing as is the arm lock, i like to get my attackers off balance and then throw in the choke from behind, a nice sleeper that cuts off the blood flow and air supply, yet the main thing is to not limit yourself. be versatile and you will have fun and live longer with out getting hurt.
Something I feel needs to be said...
granmasterchen replied to TJS's topic in Pro Fighting Matches and Leagues
true gracie is a great fighter, on the ground is he amazing, YET i would like to see him fight oleg taktarav, the russian bear, that man is a beast, i haven't paid close to the ufc's over theyears since they got rather off target with weight classes and rules, i liked the old day fights in the ufcs, so if there was a fight between oleg and royce, forgive me yet please give me the details, i also don't recall the keith hackney fight with him either, can some one tell me what happened there? -
think of it this way, how often are you going to be caring a side arm.....not too often i hope, so therefore, learn how to shoot and control a gun. Also train on how to deal with guns in self defense, how to remove them and take control of the gun yourself, change the tide on the dumb punks that pull the gun on you, yet be prepared this takes lots of training and only be prepared to fight back if you truely believe that your life is in danger, if you mess up on this self defense you are dead , plain and simple. Think about it.
Hill Billy Wrestling?
granmasterchen replied to broomhilda000's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
It is very good to take advantage of your surroundings, this is a true sign of a warrior. One of my favorite things to do when sparring is to back my opponent into another group that is fighting and when they have their moment of distraction looking at who they ran into, give them a quick backfist to remind them where the real threat is, you. Also back an opponent into a chair, table, or like you said, a curb, make them trip and take them to the ground or back off and just laugh at them, make it a psychological fight, get them angry so that they are sloppy and keep running them into things. Have fun. -
If the individual is in a low stance that means that their legs are out wide, this gives you the shins, knees and ankle sweeps as targets. With the ankle sweep combo with a back fist to the head. Taking out the knee is a quick way to end a fight and a shin attack causes a nice amount of pain. As for the opponent charging you; go for a knee to the face, front snap kick to the cheast or head, groin if possible. Also a great thing when the opponent rushes is to move into a guillotene choke hold with the forearm under their chin against the throat, bicep against the back of the head lift and cut off their air supply, also you can side step and use their momentum against them. You can incorporate a number of throws and such, have fun.
i agree with tombstone, if i get pushed or even see that the individual is thinking of attacking me, that person is going to get smacked nicely in the melon. If that doesn't clear up the individuals thinking process; smack them around until they realize not to mess with you. Never get to aggressive as to breaking and killing unless you feel that your life is in danger. If you can take care of the situation without too much work and injury to the other person go with the lowest amount of violence. Yet be prepared to back it up if the individual only gets mad, you then may have to step it up another notch. The trick is to be fast and don't let them retaliate, keep your distance.
high kicks in a real fight?
granmasterchen replied to broomhilda000's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
you take the risk with high kicks, make sure that you have the speed and are accurate, and make sure to drop that leg once you throw the kick, you don't want it to be grabbed and then you get taken down. Low kicks are nice, take out the knee and then their head is right there down low for you to smack at. Always be stretched out so that you can pull the speed off and don't injure yourself