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Everything posted by granmasterchen
Real Life Situations
granmasterchen replied to quigley_321's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
aaaaa i can feel the love in that fight yogi... sounded sweet, especially the extra added topping after the guy was already out of the fight, granted the guy probably did it since he was getting beaten pretty badly...yet i am sure that taught him a lesson quigley, sounds like you have had some fun too! -
there is a nice school taught by Tom Smith over on the eastern part of ohio, in coulumbiana county, he holds 2 tournies a year and they are state and national level so if you get a chance you may want to swing by any state tournie and see if you run into him, he would be able to help you at least, if you are unable to reach that area or are not interested in the style he can point you in the right direction, he knows all the instructors in the state, plus is a member of the black belt hall of fame, nice guy, he can help you out, if you see him tell him that tim in japan sent you
i would like to know what some of you do for breaks, materiels , how you prepare, what strikes you do, the number of items that you break, whether you use fire or not, or freeze the bricks, and such, i hope this is the right area for this discussion since i feel that it deals with internal power, yet i guess if i am wrong i will be redirected.... personally i only break bricks and concrete now, i stopped breaking wooden boards when i was a child, they are just too costly. As for a concrete slab will only run you around 80 cents to a dollar, i have broken with a palm strike, straight punch, my elbows, heels, and knees..... i have yet to break with a ridge hand, handknife/chop, or my head, i don't have the guts yet.....my instructor will break 9 cement slabs with his head(sometime on fire) then move to 10 inches of cement for a palm strike and 10 inches of cement for a chop.......he gets really psyched up, i have never tried to stack my slabs yet....when i get back to the states or find a place here to buy i might....i have also broken ice with strikes, other things are breaking sticks and boards over my muscles, whole body on these areas, except for neck,face, or groin, dont want to risk that yet until i can learn to protect those vital areas....so tell me about your experiences
Punches to a big tough guy?
granmasterchen replied to sansoouser's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
"cry in the dojo, laugh in the battlefield" i like that submissionfighter! -
i love to fight,,,,,,yet i also enjoy the fitness part, i like to train and teach people(that makes me feel good),i like to have fun too and learn the past history and now more of the mental and spiritual levels of the arts, trying to do all that cool stuff that you see in the old kung fu movies, not dragonballz though, sorry guys
Punches to a big tough guy?
granmasterchen replied to sansoouser's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
If you are against someone that is really rough and tough and nasty looking with big bulging muscles, my advise, don't get hit. I sparred with a big boxer once and was toying with him with quick punches to the head and such, well he finally connected with a punch to the chest and man did i feel it, yet i realised to make the fight end so that i wouldn't get hit again, no more playing around and get serious. Know your opponent, know the techs that work, if the bad guy is huge, go for the knees, groin, lower ribs, eyes, box the ears, vital points, back of neck, temples, nose, avoid the punches, use their momentum against them and try to go for a quick choke.....or something to end it, watch out for their power. -
Real Life Situations
granmasterchen replied to quigley_321's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I have been in several fights, each fight was different because the fighters had different methods, so for each fight i had to do different techniques, I haven't got beaten on since I was in jr high and that was along time ago and i have been in many fights since then where i have no even got hurt, which IS something to brag about, like sansoouser I had a short temper, well i think i still do, but i used to look for fights alot to test myself, but then again, i still don't run from fights, i look forward to them, they are fun! -
I think that setting the cheese on fire, may result in some bad burns.....i am just thinking of nachos and cheese, that stuff can get pretty hot, and then it would stick to your arm and hand, maybe have a bowl of nachos handy when it is all over you can have a snack hahahaha
I have heard that stacking the bricks is alot harder to break than placing spacers between them.....also I am trying to find someone to teach me how to just break the bottom brick and cool things like that, I have just started studying the iron palm training, i have been doing parts of it over the years yet never had a format to go by for the proper way to evolve the skill further. Just out of curiousity battousai16; what was it like breaking bricks of cheese, i have only seen them on tv, yet being in WI i bet you see alot of cheese.....I think that would have been cool to see, if i am ever in Wisconsin I will have to see if i can find another demo like, i'll give you a message and you can give me the heads up!
Do I need to learn to fight?
granmasterchen replied to broomhilda000's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I agree with all the posters, you never know when you will need that training, and it never hurts to know it, also you are never to old to start.Believe me, when you start combining different styles,it only helps you in the long run, your arsenal will be that much greater, plus you will be able to see more of the big picture of fighting and be able to work yourself more on certain areas, grappling and striking are great things to have, i encourage you to learn as much as possible -
and stand sideways,,,,
I always felt that you used your chi/ki or what ever you may call it to focus and generate the energy to smash through the cement slabs, yet as some people say chi and ki aren't real, then you are really saying that I am just strong and can always punch through walls.......hmmmm last time i checked i couldn't so there must be something to the concentration that i am putting into it. aside from that i would like to know what some of you do for breaks, materiels , how you prepare, what strikes you do, the number of items that you break, whether you use fire or not, or freeze the bricks, and such, i hope this is the right area for this discussion since i feel that it deals with internal power, yet i guess if i am wrong i will be redirected.... personally i only break bricks and concrete now, i stopped breaking wooden boards when i was a child, they are just too costly. As for a concrete slab will only run you around 80 cents to a dollar, i have broken with a palm strike, straight punch, my elbows, heels, and knees..... i have yet to break with a ridge hand, handknife/chop, or my head, i don't have the guts yet.....my instructor will break 9 cement slabs with his head(sometime on fire) then move to 10 inches of cement for a palm strike and 10 inches of cement for a chop.......he gets really psyched up, i have never tried to stack my slabs yet....when i get back to the states or find a place here to buy i might....i have also broken ice with strikes, other things are breaking sticks and boards over my muscles, whole body on these areas, except for neck,face, or groin, dont want to risk that yet until i can learn to protect those vital areas....so tell me about your experiences
i just threw on the blind fold and listened to movements around me, had class members attack me and sparred with my wife.....but i guess that is the wrong way to go about it......
many things can be accomplished with meditation, but i am no master at it, so i will refrain from saying anthing that may be wrong, it does relax you and relieve you of stress, you can deal with pain more, and try to raise to a higher spiritual level, try to learn things by developing a more open mind, learn to keep your calm and control yourbody, i have practiced alot but only on my own i have never had a teacher, so therefore i have no clue as to how well i am performing and what things to change and proper technique.
the mind is a very powerful tool that we have yet to master, there are many secrets that we have yet to unlock, as for pain; it results from impulses along the nerves, and the largest nerve is the brain, so if you tell the brain that there is no pain then there is no pain, you can stop bleeding, slow breathing, heart rate and many other things, i have a chronic pain issue that i have been dealing with for 3 yrs, the only reason that i can deal with it is because i have an open mind and have studied martial arts the way that i have. good luck to you all in your studies.
Advanced Ki user anwsering question.
granmasterchen replied to starchild's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I am also interested on taking hits to vital areas with out being injured, i can shrug off the pain, but truthfully i don't enjoy the risk of taking shots there, i would rather block until i find out how to become immune to these attacks, then i would be much more comfortable letting someone take a baseball bat to my head j/k -
there are alot of fun techs to do with open hands: tiger claw down the face, eagle claw to the throat, figer attacks to the eyes, slicing the eyes, eye pokes, eye gouges, ripping out muscles, spear hands, chops to the side of the neck, boxing the ears, ridgehands to the temples, palm strikes to the jaw, nose,chin also fish hooking, that is a great attack, also try this combo; back fist to the head, then with the same hand reach the fingers around the back of the ear and lock the tips in the recess behind the ear where it indents and then rip forward and tear the ear off this would be a mike tyson favorite, i learned this over the summer last year in mantis kung fu
you can do normal punching drills, just wear them while doing everyday activities or spar with them on
great clips guys. The first was funny about trying to get out of the ring, the other was a sweet take down. Well i sparred for a year against a practioner of capoeira, after that time he decided to study off of me instead of continueing his style. for a combat scenario he was pretty much useless, he would flip away from me everytime that i got close, so i did alot of fakes to make him move alot and just waited for him to get tired, then i beat the snot out of him, yet again it all depends on the fighter, i would say this style alone would not be too effective in combat, but then again all styles need to mix with others to be well rounded, that is where alot of the hybrid styles of today came into play, if it was mixed i think that it would be pretty sweet.
train hard so that when it is all over you can laugh at their broken arm
Punch, kick, or throw?
granmasterchen replied to broomhilda000's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
a combination of them all, because it depends on the situation, the environment, and the individual that is threatening you. -
I feel that you should be proficient, but seriously who in here caries a loaded gun with them at all times? If you do you are paranoid and need to seek help. I have been working with the military for years and i still do not carry a gun for my own amusement, some people do carry guns, the odd ones, yet be prepared to lose it and get charged some serious criminal actions, be safe and don't carry one, the majority of gun incidents result with the members own gun and death, wow that sounds safe!