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Everything posted by Tibby

  1. Some moves can be countered in more ways, and the counters are easier. That makes them less effective. I think trying locks standing gives the person more ways out. Granted. So, what makes you say standing locks are less effective? How about a throw? Even more dangerous, good chance YOU will be the one on your back, A punch pr kick? Ah, this is were the other guy proves you wrong and puts you in a joint lock. Everything has a counter, more then one in most if not all cases. So you admit my point. I was saying that a car would be a substitute for the ground. You agree that you'd rather do a lock against a car than freestanding, then why wouldn't you rather do a lock against the ground than freestanding? Um... yeah, but the only problem with that is you are both still STANDING, so even bracing them against a wall or a car of something like that is still STANDING. Normally, to define something as ground fighting it has to be ON THE GROUND, not braced against something. This makes too little sense for me to agree with or refute. What makes you an expert on the tactics used by all these professions anyway? Oh, just a few posts ago, you where they one telling ME what these guys do, now you are implying I think I know what they do? What makes you an expert? I've training with Prison Guards and Body Guards, my father was in JSOC for many years, and I watch Cops it doesn't take an expert to know what they do, anyways it just take a TV and a good news channel. Good post, Hohan-1. Most of the GJJ I've seen it a lot of ground work. But, I guess like most martial arts, they sell it with the sport aspect. I wasn't going to play the style card with him, but you did so tactfully.
  2. Yeah, how is the running? Did what we say work for you any?
  3. wow, arn't you a smart one. You figured out something every whitebelt should know, everything has a conter. Of course that what someone could do, and some people would do that. Just because something can be countered or reversed doesn't make the move any less effective. If that where the case, NOTHING would be effective. I can just as easily get out of a move on the ground as I can standing. And we can't smash them into a car because...? If someone ISN'T resisting they will pin them and slap the cuff on them. That is what they do, smart guy. But there are times when they can't get to there handcuffs. What if they are to busy with both hands protecting themselfs from a IV-using brute on PCP? That still doesn't answer why Armed Forces, Self-Defense Experts, Prison guards, and body guards use standing joint locks.
  4. Don't fully extend your arms, go as fast as you can, or let the cencifical force move your arm. and always arm high, not low.
  5. I didn't mean resisting that particular move. I meant resisting in general. What? What are you talking about? Resisting in general? The chances of someone being able to fight against your arms without any force in a particular direction is small. The body doesn’t work like that. You can’t resist in all directions at once. You will resist one way or another. And that is where follow comes in. Apparently Police, Armed Forces, Self-Defense Experts, Prison guards, and body guards disagree.
  6. Don’t you guys think fighting with a Professional Fighter who does nothing but train all the time is a little different then when fighting a Hobby-Artist or street thug? What in heavens name are you ranting about? I think the post you were replying to make prefect sense. I don’t think you understood, his post was sarcastic. He agrees with you on that last point. Did it ever occur to you that when he said less people get hurt in MMA, he might have been talking proportionately? But would you be able to get a standing lock on someone who is fully resisting? I'm sure they work in drills during practice. No, genius. He never said you can put a lock on those who are full resisting. You can normally get your opponent into a lock in the direction they are resisting. Most Martial Arts have something called “follow.” You see, when you are trying to lock an arm, if they know what you are doing, they will fight, so you let their arm go the direction they are forcing it, and joint lock them from that position. Basic Martial Arts. White belt stuff. Unless your art doesn’t teach you to fight on your feet, that is.
  7. It is worth a try, right? lol, no need to come in here and ask us, just try it for your self!
  8. I don't don't get it. *sigh* ;D
  9. ZR440, maybe you should consider a softer sport Like Rugby Happy X-Ray Tech Week.
  10. Where do you run? Road runs? Track runs? Sometimes being on one or the other does something mentally. Another good thing is to find a friend to run with. Maybe you know someone from the Track team at your school, who actually LIKES running. If this person goes slow, and lets you set the pace, then it should be a great boost in training. Also, you might try playing out a movie or cartoon your know by heart in your heart. Or play a song you LOVE and know by heart in your head, making your own music video out of it. Just anything to keep your mind busy while you body works, and keep you from getting bored, adn when yo ustart running farther, keep you from focusing on the pain.
  11. You can get a bench that switches from Flat to incline. But be careful, some of them are really unstable. Just get a WIDE, strong flat bench, and a long stable box. Put one end of of the bench on the box. BAM instant incline.
  12. Personally, I have a problem with taking ANY pill from a large, dark man who wears sunglasses at night in an abandon house
  13. Tae Kwon Do is bad for the knees. Plus, if you don't enjoy it, then why do it? Why did you sign up for a year if you didn't enjoy it?
  14. If you can, get a hold of the "Ultimate fights" DVD. I think you can order it from: http://flixmix.com/ Anyways, it has a special feature just for staging fights for film. I might be able to load the clip on the computer and send to you if it isn’t too big. Blockbuster migth have a copy of it, our Blockbuster here does.
  15. Don't worry, you can't really "shorten" your muscles. What do people who overstretch their muscles do? Lift weights? No, they have an operation. Your muscles shorten when they are NOT used. In fact, many exercises are made so that you are suppose to stretch your muscles out while doing them. If you weight train properly, you are going to HAVE to stretch, before lifting, as well as during.
  16. Please elaborate. yeah. I haven't heard much about him either way. The only time I hear something about him, it is him blowing his own horn.
  17. Karate is mainly a striking art. For the most part, you do learn strking first. SOme style do have throws and a little grappling, but as far as I know, the main focus is always striking.
  18. Tibby


    Who do you use?
  19. Yeah, people spend so my time jumping right into the advanced stuff, they forget the simple thing in training, and in life. And they miss out on a lot. In Martial Arts, you have you learn to basics first. Everyone who starts wants to do a jumping super dragon 1048 flaming leg spin kick the first day. It doesn't work like that. The weight room is the same way. Untill you get a good, solid base of muscle and strength, you arn't going to be able to handle the unilatreal incline dumbell press. They keep hearing that is how a lot of people get big. Yeah, that is also how a lot of people get hurt!
  20. Yeah, people spend so my time jumping right into the advanced stuff, they forget the simple thing in training, and in life. And they miss out on a lot. In Martial Arts, you have you learn to basics first. Everyone who starts wants to do a jumping super dragon 1048 flaming leg spin kick the first day. It doesn't work like that. The weight room is the same way. Untill you get a good, solid base of muscle and strength, you arn't going to be able to handle the unilatreal incline dumbell press. They keep hearing that is how a lot of people get big. Yeah, that is also how a lot of people get hurt!
  21. yeah, what they said I like the Kata in Jujitsu. You applcation just seems more pratical then the Karate Kata. You can see your self doing this in a fight more so then the karate kata. Especially the ground kata. Great for learning pins and holds, and getting used to going right into one.
  22. 1) The Parking lot of a shopping ceneter where the Movie Theater is located 2) Friday night 3) 5-10 (we had a similer number) 4) Nothing 5) My boys 6) When we saw Alkesh and all his friends before the movie. Alkesh thinks he is the WWE's The Rock, only shorter and fatter. One of my friends, Jason, doesn't get along with him very well at all, and this week had been a rough week for the 2 of them.
  23. Ditto! The A-team. Action was my vote. I pity the fool who vote Mork and Mindy!
  24. You would consider shotokan a power generating style? I wouldn't. As a matter of fact, I consider shotokan to be weak, compared to other karate styles. Shotokan is too rigid. What style of Karate do you do?
  25. What exactly where you looking for? What about Ninjitsu interests you?
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