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Everything posted by Tibby

  1. I think you are confused. Your delts are your shoulders, and they do a bit of everything. Your shoulder don't move one way like your elbows or knees, they move in all directions, and they deltoid controlls all of that.
  2. Ah, yes. It is called Isometric contractions. When you hold your muscles in one place to work it, they are isometric. While this form of muscle contraction isn’t as effective as weight lifting (Isotonic, moving contractions), it is useful and it will work your muscles. It would be the same thing if you where to hold weights in one place. Now, Tricking you mind, that is another thing. You’d be surprised what you can do when your mind thinks you can. Make you mind think you ARE holding weights when you do this exercise, and you might be surprised at who worked your muscles will feel.
  3. yes Seisan and sanchin are different. What do you mean, condition the bicep muscles? In lifting weight, the general consensus is that you breath when you lift the weight, Breath in as you lower it. Is that what you mean?
  4. Yeah, I had an advantage. I like the prez and the art, haha. I wonder how many people picked "Grasshopper" Mantis was the only one that fit, but I didn't know it the history about it. It was interesting. I always thought it was a Shaolin art! lol
  5. “Congratulations! You've won 100 total points out of a possible 100.” I didn’t miss a single one! The only one I didn’t know was the one about who founded Aikido, and I still got it right! lol, take the quiz, it's a great ego booster.
  6. Good stuff white Tiger. I just want to tack on a few more Ideas to the end: -Tires. Running tires are great. -Sprints are great. -Weighted hands and feet when kicking and punch, at a slow rate. -Cardio machines (such as bikes) on high resistance -Speaching of which, bikes. -Speed bag work Keep in mind some people are naturally faster then others. SOme people are strong hulking brutes, others are pencil neck speed deamons, while others are right in the middle. You still need to work on your speed, but keep in mind if you are not fast, but you have other advatanges, don't sweat the speed to much. Use what you have, work on what you don't.
  7. The Leg press takes away from your flexibility? Are you sure yo uare stretch properly before and after the work out? That could very well be your problem. Well, sence you play rugby, you are going to have to have strong leg, which is also a plus for karate. Start squats and deadlifts. Both these exercises are great for the power need in the line, in the scrum, I think it is called, right? It's a line in American Football, but the muscles used are the same. They will also increase you jumping height and power. Bench press is also a good one, as are biceps curls. There is so much. You will need to get some close grip rows and flies in, for gripping the ball. You will need lots of sit-ups, to dovelp a strong core, you will need that core so you don't break in half when the big guys tackle you. Do lots of struggs and other neck exercises, so you head doesn't knock around while you run, lol. I's also suggst you find a way to get on an exersice bike or elipical machine. With these machine, you have increase the resitance against your leg, so you are not only doing cardio, you are also working your legs, hips, ever your back and abs. What is days do you have free to train? What kind of gear to yo uahve to train with?
  8. Yes. Boxers use it for a lot of reasons. It is one of the best cardio exersices. You get beter cooradination out of it. It makes your feet a lot faster. It can also be good for the forearms if done right, with a weighted rope. But mostly for foot speed. There isn't always time for place for a tract or teadmill. I think if you added 20 minutes of jumproping, and increased it, you would soon find it helps you. With your arobic fintess, as well as your foot speed. And as you get better, you can go for longer time, try different combos and tricks, and maybe go to a boxing store and invest in a weigthed rope.
  9. Define "Short time" for me. yes, it is possable to lose wieght in those 8 week programs, but it is highly unhealthy, and you don't keep it off. The longer it takes to lose it, the longer you will keep it. Your body will adapt to being skinny. If you just start working out, you will make amazing gains in fat and muscle at first, but after that, unless you "cheat" it takes time.
  10. Azn, do you mean a popping out for a short amount of time, or for an extended peroid? A lot of it is part of genetics. Some people have big, juicey veins, others don't. Body fat and muscle both have something to do with it, as does body heat, like Looney said. If you want them for the short term, Go for a brist run till you really break a sweat, then start pumping up the muscles with body weight or iron. Just get your muscles pumps, get them full of blod, and they will push the veins out. Plus, the increase in body temp from exercise. Nakedpage- I disagree that you rarely see veiws out of the weight lifting world. Check out some of those track stars in the olympics. Some of them lift, some don't, but they all have veins. Large muscles pushing your veins up is only one way to do it, decreasing fat is a whole other way.
  11. Yes, Neil, you don't have time to think "Block this punch" in a fight. That isn't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about keeping a cool head, and stay in controll. You need to stay calm. THen I said think, I didnt' mean consiously fight, I mean not to let your mind turn off, as it often does then the Fight or flight Reflex kicks in. Fghts happen fast, there is a place for reflex AND a place for thinking, but when it comes right down to it, you need to be in controll of your mind. That can be the diffence between restaning a person and breaking there arm, between making some black out and killing them. Karatekid7- that is just for boosting energy at the last minute. It isn't what they do the hour before the game that makes them good, what makes them good is what they did a day, a week, a month, and a year before the game. There is no easy way around it. You must work out. You are going to have to train hard! If you if used Steroids to boost your hormones, you are still going to have to work out to make it matter. Run drills, get plyo's in, lift weights, start more cardio.
  12. What force do you think slows you down when you Punch? Gravity. Still, would not suggest punches a bag with weights in hand. Bag work, weight training, and a little resitance punching.
  13. Most instructors would be like that. College students don’t have the cash to the club. Unless you can talk your school into paying to make it a class, it is doubtful any instructor would do this.
  14. Yes. most if not all Body Builders can do the splits. Maybe use it in free-posing. A lot of them also take Ballet, too. A Fad started by Arnold and Franco.
  15. Yeah they are good, but NO, Calisthenics are not an effective substitute to weights.
  16. Any kind of phycial activity boosts testo and other hormones. The volient nature of Rugby makes it more so. Have you ever heard the term "berzecer" (sp?)? It comes from the Norse word "Bear suit." See, back in the day, these Norse warrios would up in bear skins, and do crazy dances before battle. Someone would beat the durms, everyone else you dance round, hitting eachother, shouting, working themself into the frenzy. By they time they got on the battle feild, they where totally insane and ready to kill anything in site. This is what the dance is about. It isn't a set dance, its a frikin mosh pit. They work the Epinepherine up, and they go out and * kick, all hyped up. Ever seen guys slap eachother in lifting contests? Same consept. It isn't that is boosts Hormones, it makes you a raging monster. The Fight or flight kicks in. And when that happens, you get much stronger and faster, yo ufeel lass pain. Your body incrases its ablity to fight or run. The only problem is it lowers your ablity to THINK. Not a good thing in Martial Arts, where the mind if half the battle, if not more.
  17. yeah...
  18. Your hobbies and you career doen't have to match. Yeha, Ofcourse you are going to feel something lacking in your career, because chances are, if you get into law, you are not going to enjoy your job! There is nothing wrong with doing a Jobyou are not REALLY happy with. You job doesn't haveto be fun. Your job makes you in the money need to do fun things. With medicene or law, grade and intelligence aren't as big an issue as you might think. They have a saying in Med school "A students do the best research, B students make the best Doc's, and C students make the most money." Basicly what I'm saying is that you don't have to get a career in MA to enjoy it. You can have it as a hobbie, maybe find a school you like and offer to be a Sensei under the head instructor, so you can help run a school, but have much less to worry about.
  19. Yeah, those are great for light reistance.
  20. Anyone ever trash talk with some freidns in your school before a sparring match, just for fun. What are your favorite one liners before a match?
  21. I just got back from seeing it. Remember a while back when we where discussing whether or not Neo could do Martial Arts in Real life? Well, if the first fight with Neo and the guy with Smith in his head was any clue, then the answer is a resounding NO! So for the movie itself, well... maybe you’d like it if your idea of a good movie is an explosion and a shower scene. In which case, it had enough for the first to make up for lack of the second. It was WAY to rushed, it would have been better to take 90% of the zoin out of Reloaded, and tack on Revolotions to the end.
  22. Try to aim a little hire then your shoulder. If it is lower then your shoulder, you will use the weight to much, and if it is parallel, you will no doubt end with it to low. Draw in insiable line where your shoulder is, and do not go below it. Use a little speed. Not a lot, but a small amount. What I'm tryign to say it, don't race it, but don't go in slow-mo.nice, even pace. Keep in mind the return trip is just as important as the first hit. And don't swing random punches and wild. Swing in single puches and combos.
  23. Sure it does, when done correctly.
  24. Matsumura seems like an art that is heavily "simulated." I know you've never practiced "throwing someone by their neck onto the side of their skull, while striking them the entire time from many angles." You'd go through too many training partners. The sport aspect of BJJ is what makes it so great. If you think standing wristlocks will work, you can show up and TRY THEM on a bunch of people who are fully resisting. You won't get much success. Tibby- Read my reply, try to comprehend for a few seconds what it means, and then base your reply accordingly. I'm not going to start repeating myself. I like throws. Never argued against throws. It was an example of the fact that everything has a counter. Yeah, that's what I thought. Wow, aren’t you an intelligent one! You can take my words out of context and use them against me. Good job. I said it only takes a TV, I never said I only use a TV. I believe you said it best when you said Hey, look I quoted you and didn’t even take it out of context! Take note.
  25. Yes, it will. Atleast ,that is what Franco Colombo says. I'm incline to believe a Championship Boxer, Championship powerlifter, Championship Body Builder, and Worlds Strongest man ;D lol Martial_Artist- I've always had trouble with the bar of the weight hurting my hand when I hit a bag. Weighed gloves work nicely.
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