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Everything posted by Treebranch

  1. Very good point GreenDragon.
  2. Well it's not impossible to avoid a double leg take down you know. I do agree it's one of the scariest situations to be in, when a wrestler shoots in at your legs. They are determined enough to sacrifice themselves to shooting in, they mean business. But you can usually tell a grappler right off, so keep your distance. I personally wouldn't knee or try to kick a grappler as he shoots in, very bad idea. Sprawl or drop him on his head.
  3. Yeah, I agree. If someone attacks they will get no respect or honor from me.
  4. Thanks GrandmasterChen could not have said it better myself.
  5. You can practice where ever you are at anytime when you practice by punching and kicking in the air. I think impact training and partner work are crucial to any MA.
  6. Stephen Lee do you study Wu Shu? Why, in your opinion is it flashy? Are there reasons for the flashy moves or has it become flashy? I'm very interested. What style of MA does Jackie Chan do?
  7. High respect, esteem. Recognition, distinction. That's a definition of it that word in the Dictionary. Yeah I think I honor and have respect for the past Soke that helped develop Budo Taijutsu. I wouldn't study it if I didn't have respect for it. I honor my family as well. I think it does matter if you honor or respect your teachers. I think you learn more if you do. If you don't respect or honor your teacher, why would you take him seriously?
  8. The news reported this weekend that a former employee of a Savon supermarket in Irvine California walked in with a Samurai type sword and killed 2 employees and injured 3. He was said to have been off his medication for Schizophrenia. People that worked there always felt he was strange and that he might go off one day. I felt very scared for those people and I thanked God that I didn't have to see that. I also am glad that I study MA, cause you never know when something like that may happen. Who would have thought. Here's a link with some info: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uslatest/story/0,1282,-2852912,00.html
  9. StoneSkin said: Joe has practiced Karate for 5 years he is 5'7 150lbs. With aproximently 9% body fat. Hes in Fairly good shape. Extremely good at Kata. BillyBob is a farmer he knows no martial arts. BillyBob worked hard on the farm all his life and when he got in trouble he got a bad whoppin. Billybob is 6'8 weighs 345lbs and has about 11% bodyfat. Hes in great shape really strong and has a high tolerance for pain. Now whos gonna win Billybob or Joe ? What you forgot to mention about Joe is that he was a vicious and dirty street brawler before he got to karate. He would use anything and everything to his disposal in a streetfight. Now the lines are getting a little blurrier. Joe knows better than to let this guy get a hold of him so Joe is going to dance around avoiding Billy Bob until Billy Bob gets really tired. Joe has some crazy endurance. So when Billy Bob is exhausted Joe will go in for the kill.
  10. Well looking best on film is a matter of opinion. I agree it looks great on film, Jet Li comes to mind. But I'm a big fan of Samuraii films and that stuff is beautiful too. Not nearly as flashy as Wu Shu, but beautiful never the less. If Segal movies weren't so cheesy Aikido looks good on film too. I think the reason you say Wu Shu looks best on film is that most of the great MA movies come from Hong Kong and that's the choice MA for Hong Kong MA movies.
  11. Oh come on guys he'd get swallowed by some grappler, if he would have fought in the first 3 UFC's. Nobody knew what to expect, he would have been no different. We glorify him and make these arguments because he's dead. There were and there are better MA's than him then and now. He was just the most famous.
  12. So what does that say about Wushu as an MA?
  13. I guess a Ninja would be someone who does Ninja type acts. I don't think Ninjutsu practitioners call themselves Ninjas these days. I don't believe Hatsumi refers to himself as a Ninja either. I study Budo Taijutsu which used to be called Ninpo Taijutsu. It's really cool and very very fun. I highly recommend it. It is also very effective once you understand it a bit.
  14. Icetuete what MA do you study? It doesn't say on your profile. Just curous. Japanese Sword Arts are fun.
  15. Yeah I forgot to mention that. He wouldn't last very long against Tito or Tank, these guys are way to big and too powerful. I think he would need his Nunchakus.
  16. Sometimes Aikido dojos also teach Iaido. Budo Taijutsu teaches sword techniques along with alot of other weapons. Look for Iaido, Kenjutsu, Kendo (Sport), Iai (Drawing Techniques). Shinkendo, Botto-Jutsu, Iaijutsu. Look at this site it might help. http://www.kjartan.org/swordfaq/index.html I'm a lover of the sword myself. Have fun and good luck.
  17. Run for your life!!!! Just kidding. Welcome.
  18. daeinwolf I like the way you think. Do you study Budo Taijutsu or Ninjutsu. Don't worry it's not a trick question. I'm just curious.
  19. Very true TJS You gotta take the good with bad. But the good outweighs the bad, like you said.
  20. If Bruce Lee would have fought in UFC #1 where no one knew what to expect and there were no weight classes. I think depending on who he fought he probably would have done well. But I think if he had to fight Royce Gracie, I think he would have lost, but who knows what Bruce was really capable of. Maybe Bruce would have been extra dirty and surprise alot of people.
  21. Both are necessary for improving. Go slow at first, then fast, " oops that didn't work." Go slow again, "I think I got it." Go fast, "yeah that works better like that." So the cycle goes on and on, fast checks to slow and slow refines the fast. I hope that makes some sense?
  22. It interests me and it's fun. I always was fascinated with Martial Arts. I was a big Kung Fu Theatre fan when I was a kid and I always loved Samurai films.
  23. Definitely Krava Maga. I would also highly recommend Kung Fu San Soo, it's fairly straight forward and brutal.
  24. Don't get me wrong if someone is satisfied with one Style, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Also I think that if you jump around from Style to Style and never develop a strong base in at least one of the many Arts studied. It will lead to something that is too make shift. I feel a strong base in one MA as a jumping off point is crucial to really take advantage of mixing or complimenting MA's. Also a beginner I feel will be lost trying to find the best Martial Art to compliment the one he is studied, because he won't know what to look for.
  25. Also Martial Artist the word STYLE is very vague. A School or Ryu gets to what we are talking about a little clearer. Some STYLES have many Ryu or Schools within them that teach STAND UP, GRAPPLING, LOCKS, WEAPONS, GROUND FIGHTING ETC. But you are right for the most part. There are STYLES that only concentrate on one area or they barely touch on another. It's up to the Martial Artist to see the weaknesses in the STYLE or STYLES he or she is studying and seek out that information. If it's not available at that particular SCHOOL than it is up to the Martial Artist to go somewhere else to find it. I personally found something that works great for me and it took me a long time to find a very thorough STYLE. Now it's up to me to learn this MA and find it's weaknesses and try my best to fill them. It might be that the answers are already there or I may have to look at another STYLE and adopt a technique or two. Art is about borrowing and improving, no STYLE is perfect.
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