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Everything posted by Treebranch

  1. Please MuayThai Fighter don't claim so much because you make yourself look bad. All Prankration sounds like is MMA with a cool name. Not everyone is going to be a good fighter no matter how much training, there's always someone better. If a person that is a natural fighter studies any fighting art and the goal is competition, in 6 months this guy will be dangerous. Are you that guy? Probably not. Anyone with the desire to fight and the discipline to learn will be a proficient fighter in a fair amount of time. Now if your aunt Emma wanted to take a Martial Arts class would you say,"hey study Prankration" of course you wouldn't. Aunt Emma isn't the kind of person that would want to do something so violent and dangerous, she's a sweet heart. Now Emma's son Joe the jock he'll be pretty good at it, he's constantly getting into fights anyway. Might as well train him to fight in the ring, maybe it will give him some discipline. Basically if your personality and temperment fit well with Prankration than go for it. It sounds like repackaging to me. But if you like it great go for it. Claiming it's the Ulimate MA and the TMA's are outdated is just plain ignorant. I could easily strip down Budo Taijutsu of all the interesting stuff and concentrate on the striking and grappling aspects of it, and train like a monkey. This would make me a pretty effective fighter, but that's not why I study this stuff. I study it because I enjoy it. I don't plan on competing or beating people up, I did that and I don't like it.
  2. That's awesome karate_woman. California is nice for this type of training, except when it rains of course. We don't really have seasons here, so it never really gets that cold.
  3. What does SIL NIM TAO mean? I myself don't study in a dojo. We all meet at a park and practice. So basically there is no overhead and it costs five dollars a week, which is used for pads and other equipment. There's no glitter and glamour just training. This really weeds out the people that are not serious. That's what I like about it, we are there to train.
  4. from the ground up I couldn't agree with you more, well said. Also if people would look and study a TMA long enough with this new open minded philosophy, they would see a highly effective MA. The main problem is that people want quick results and that's being practical. Artists are not practical people, Mastery comes with patience and discipline.
  5. It's supposed to be stupid, because there is no way to be objective when it comes to judging Martial Arts. It either works for you or it doesn't, so basically study what you want. Also read the article I've attached, if you have the patience.
  6. I think kids will absorb whatever you teach them. Kids don't have preconceived ideas about anything so I think they will do fine studying both Karate and Aikido together. I think both styles will compliment eachother quite well, I think that will cancel out some of the weaknesses those styles have.
  7. Iiado, I just love the katana. I'm learning sword techniques now, but I want more of it. It's really fun.
  8. BKJ1216 Do grappling if you want to. Is it a good idea to know grappling?, Yes of course. But ultimately do what you want to do.
  9. daeinwolf stick with it you'll see that some of the other schools of Budo Taijutsu have smaller more direct stances. You kind of should learn the principles behind those long over extended stances before you get to the shorter ones. The longer stances come in handy if you want to get some real distance between you and your opponent or when you have a weapon (katana, hanbo, bo, etc.) it's very useful. Keep it up. By the way for everyone that provided links, thank you very much. JohnnyS some MA's don't claim to cover everything, they simply do. If you were to create a combat effective art when there were no guns, what would you do? You'd probably mix grappling with striking with weapons, etc. right. So these styles were created for these purposes and people trained this way. What I'm skeptical of is whether the instructor is teaching it the way it was supposed to be taught or is it simply a watered down version of a great MA. That's where I agree with you. Also I can't speak for all MA's but Budo Taijutsu covers alot and the nice thing about it is that the basic fighting aspects of this style are utilized over and over. The same movement you use when you strike is the same with the sword, stick, knife, etc. You can grapple with a sword, stick, etc., the same way. It's pretty cool cause you don't have to learn a bunch of different moves, just a few.
  10. If you had to choose one MA that best covered all aspects of fighting, Striking, Locks, Grappling, Groundfighting, Weapons. Which MA would you recommend. Please include a link it would be helpful, Thanks. Please do not say MMA, although this is highly effective it will not help me here.
  11. People tend to look thinner in Black, and it doesn't look dirty as quickly. White has a cool effect when you do certain kicks, cause you see a blur of white. Black gi's make it hard to track movement, unlike white which you can clearly see and track. I think white exaggerates the effects of movement hence speed and power are clearly seen. This is my opinion based on certain theories of light and dark colors. Hope this helps.
  12. People who bash other arts probably don't know anything about the art they are bashing anyway, so don't take it seriously. These people think they've found the answer to MA, but they haven't. I say do what you feels right for you, because only you know what feels right. Let them think what they want, you keep training.
  13. Yeah, teenagers. Hey Kirves what does your signature saying mean?, just curious.
  14. Can anyone find links that have any of this information? I think it's easy to say someone was the best when they're dead, that's how legends and myths are created.
  15. I've been trying to find out how many matches Bruce Lee fought and won. I can't find any info, can anyone help. In my opinion, I personally don't regard him as the greatest Martial Artist that ever lived. Bruce Lee was the most famous MA that ever lived.
  16. I not sure what you mean, but San Soo has some grappling in it and San Shou definitely has striking in it. Cung Le is a San Shou Champ and he definitely has striking in his fighting style. San Shou has some throws and take downs and from what I have seen some locks. But so does San Soo.
  17. So what is the most common Chinese Martial Arts Style used in movies today? What does Wu Ping do?
  18. As far as I know, no one training in Ninjutsu considers themselves a Ninja.
  19. Kamae my friend, kamae. It will save you everytime.
  20. I personally think I learn more when the techniques are done to me. When it's done to you, you know it really works. I personally like it.
  21. That's kind of cool, but it be more cool to actually be able to effectively fight while being drunk. At least that would be more useful for me.
  22. No harm done Kirves, thanks.
  23. Well doing squats messed with my back and my knees. Back injuries in body building are really common. Your intent is to do it right, but sometimes stuff happens what can I say?
  24. So he's basically a mixed martial artist, not soley BJJ guy.
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