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Everything posted by FangPwnsAll7

  1. I never buy belts before testing. My instructor and the other students are what keeps me motivated. The white belts in my dojo look up to the higher ranks, as if they want to achieve the next belt. I, myself, being a yellow belt also look up to the instructor, but mostly other students.
  2. Well, I think that if a student has earned a black belt, then they can get a black belt, no matter what age.
  3. This. I always wear my dobok to and from the dojo but I get changed when I get home.
  4. I compete in tournaments. I recommend competing though. It usually helps.
  5. All I can think of at the moment is a bo staff. There are probably others at my dojo, though.
  6. You can't really force someone to take martial arts. I sometimes want half of my friends to take it to. Doesn't mean they will though. I let them decide on their own though. If they don't want to learn self defense, then they don't have to.
  7. I don't think that they're not suited. Anyone can learn. On our patch, we have this symbol. It means anyone can learn the way of Tang Soo Do. My instructor has been advancing me quickly because he thinks I'm ready. He keeps saying I was made to learn martial arts or something. I've been promoted to yellow belt in my first month and a half of training. And already he's recommended me to orange belt. What I'm trying to say is that I think anyone is capable of learning any type of martial arts. I just think that people have to actually try and achieve that goal.
  8. You seem to be satisfied with your son's karate dojo. I think you should take up adult classes though. It's never too late to start karate training. Good luck.
  9. C.S. Kim Karate International Tang Soo Do Federation Master Toledo
  10. The instructor thinks I'm the one who sewed the patch on my gi, but my mom actually did it. I really don't know how to sew either.
  11. I've seen those types of gloves online before. For sparring gear like that, I check around eBay. However I highly recommend any site specifically selling sparring gear. Like those 2 sites above.
  12. I'm assuming you've have gotten them back by now, but in case not, then I would go to the dojo directly and ask to get the gloves back. If that doesn't work, then see if someone or another adult can go get them for you.
  13. In our dojo, our sensei usually doesn't have us meditate only for the fact that most of the students move around while in meditation instead of staying still. However, I have much more respect when I meditate.
  14. Our certificate design says Congratulations to (students name) for achieving a (#) GUP (color) belt in Tang Soo Do!
  15. If the instructor thought I was ready, I'd trust him. There's nothing bad in trying. Good luck on your next rank, by the way.
  16. I'd let him in the adult training classes.
  17. That is very wrong. I would get transfered to a different school as soon as possible.
  18. That Muay Thai school you found seems legit. I mean, every form has its ups and downs. It depends on what you're looking for. My advice would be to go observe classes at this martial art school.
  19. Ok. My instructor said there's no specific gear, but these are recommended.
  20. I've never ordered from either of those, but from reference, I'd think Century's pretty reliable.
  21. Ahh, ok. Thanks. I take TSD and we just do point and free sparring. But I'll be going to a tournament soon and thought getting sparring gear would be nice. I'm all new to this.
  22. Yeah, you need the gloves that have flexibility and full hand protection. I just need to find some foam head gear and feet guards.
  23. I always respect the dojo. However, some students tend to goof off, they aren't doing it to be disrespectful.
  24. I always hang my gi up to dry.
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