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Everything posted by BlueDragon

  1. Sorry....Kyokushin Kai
  2. You seem to be missing the point. First off endurance is what I'm concerned about not strength. Secondly I have no problem running or jogging the problem is from november through march the temperature stays below freezing and stays -20C for weeks at a time. At those temperatures strenous exersize is dangerous since muscles and ligaments are easily tourn. I don't have the money to buy a treadmill and my school doesn't offer any sports except basketball and gymnastics. I need some thing I can do indoors to raise my heart rate to a high level. P.S. Jumping are not an option. I hate them.
  3. I'm giving my orders and the number of people in each belt. White 14 Yellow 6 Orange 2 Green 3 Blue 3 Brown 1 Black 5
  4. The topless construction worker thing sounds great except for the whole winter and canada thing. I can feel my nipples getting hard already
  5. You don't fight or you don't spar?
  6. I voted for none of the above. Watching olympic Judo and TKD is boring and fencing is just sad to watch. They should be using broadswords not the dinky ones they have now.
  7. Woo....Yaa......Alright
  8. Well I just finished my first week of grade ten. Do you guys have any tips on how to stay in shape during the long winter months. I can't run I can't play any outdoor sports and I was kicked out of my hockey league for hitting a ref. Well at least I'll be graduating in about a year and a half.
  9. It's interesting how the west has created two images of a blackbelt in such a contrasting manner. On one hand there is the all powerful godlike image that hollywood potrays and on the other hand there are the pussies coming out of McDojos.
  10. Big fancy kicks is the last thing anyone should do on the street. Besides the fact that any one with half a brain would kick you in the back while your spinning you can't kick like you do in a dojo. Remember you haven't streched and our wearing cloths that might impead your movements. Plus for those of us in colder climates try seeing how fast your mucles react when it's -30C. Kick to the knee and the balls and have fun.
  11. Like he said practise makes perfect. I don't recommend kicking the air since stopping your kicks gradually wears down the hip. P.S. The Great One is Gretzky and don't you forget it.
  12. I think the best way to train with nunchakus is to just go threw the basic movements for hours at a time. It is like drumming. Even the best just sit there holding a steady beat for hours while practising.
  13. It won't stunt your growth. Keep heavy weights off the spine and you'll be fine.
  14. My stratedy changes with my opponent. If he is taller then me then I get in close throw knees and elbows. If I am taller then I keep him at a distance. The one best thing you can do while sparring is to control the tempo. Never let him decide how it will be fought. Never give him a chance to think and always follow threw with a kick or punch even if you know it will be blocked. It still hurts him plus if your strong enough then you can throw him off balance.
  15. Karate (and all Martial Arts) may not be all about fighting but fighting is thier purpose. Karate was create as a way for the common man to defend himself. I have always believed that one's ability to fight should be included in a test along with technique, knowledge, etc...
  16. Sorry if I misunderstood. Anyway if you want to see what Shotokan is all about then go to a few classes. I'm sure they won't charge you.
  17. How can you say you learned TKD, jeet kune do an half a dozen other disiplines when you are only 14. To have learned something is to have mastered and I doubt anyone can master any Martial Art in a life time let alone 14 years. "Jack of all trades but master of none" Remeber that. It means six months in TKD then six months in Shotokan then six in Kung Fu then six months in Judo doesn't add up to two years experiance.
  18. I am 5'9, 80 kilos and 15. I have spoken with my doctor concerning wieghtlifting and he says there is no danger of my growth being stunted. He did advice me that putting alot of pressure on the spine could result in alot of problems down the road. P.S. My record for bench press stands at 110kilos but I won't be trying to break that any time soon.
  19. Try running on asphalt without shoes. It worked for me.
  20. Unfortunatly most schools hand out blackbelts like candy. Most blackbelts nowadays are given after about two years and in some cases six months. My dojo it takes about six years depending on how often someone trains and ofcourse there ability.
  21. Training for realism is the best thing you could do. Every couple of months my sensei tells us that today's class will be done in street cloths (ie whatever we were wearing when we walked in). Moving and kicking is alot different when your wearing shoes, jeans and shades.
  22. It really doesn't matter if a front kicks is blocked for those of us with really powerful kicks. Mas Oyama once said "If you kick someone kick them hard enough to break whatever they block with."
  23. Cresent kicks are good if a guy has a knife. Any way I like to fake a punch to the head and when he raises his hands to protect himself front kick him in the gut or knee. It hasn't failed me yet!
  24. In my dojo the only protection that is mandatory are chest protectors for the women and elbow pads for everyone since alot of people including me were breaking thier feet on elbows. Names are literaly picked from a hat to decide the matchs. There aren't any rules on where you can kick but there is a certain understanding that you won't kick someone in the face as hard as you can. I have begun wearing gloves mainly because I was sick of breaking my fingers and I've always worn a cup.
  25. Theater.... You Sissy
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