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Everything posted by BlueDragon

  1. You are very wise myosim.
  2. USA's defence is to old slow and small plus thier goaltending is weak.
  3. Hockey!!!!!!!! How much you wanna bet that Theo Fleury is going to kill a Swede on Friday?
  4. Anyone who wears socks with sandals. ie the french
  5. Has any one else noticed how Martial Arts can increase your abilities in other physical activities. Since I started my puck control and skating have improved more then I could have dreamed.
  6. I you can't take a hit in the dojo then how can you expect to take one when it matters.
  7. I saw it and I was a bit dissapointed. The boxing was great but there was a stretch of about an hour where I considered leaving. I think the writers expected the audience to know more about Ali's life before they saw the movie.
  8. Last spring I wore down my hips so much that I had to take a month off from all sports just to let myself heal. I think it is important to take a a couple of days off every couple of weeks so your body doesn't get worn down to badly.
  9. What show man?
  10. Speaking of Halloween This year my principle took us all into the autitorium for his annual UNICEF speach (it's a big deal since my school has come first in Canada for about 6 years now). He said the majority of the money raised this year will be going to help afgans and palestinians. I'll I can say is GO TO HELL. Those people were cheering and celebrating in the streets on September 11. I say if they want our money then they should return to being our colonies.
  11. Blue (goes white, yellow, orange, green, blue, brown, back) in Kyokushin Kai
  12. Hockey
  13. I'll take hockey.
  14. It is simpley a fact that 9 times out of ten men are bigger, faster and stronger then women. However if a woman can fullfill all the requirements then go for it. I do object to police, fire and military services having easier physical requirements for woman. Peoples lives are being put in danger when that happens.
  15. I have every intention of leaving my dojo for that reason. My plan is once I have my blackbelt then I will try to find a few other guys who want to work on thier skills in a more relaxed setting. I've never been comfortable with the master/student relation and who is to say what will work best for me. I'd rather to develop my skills at my pace knowing what I need to do to improve instead of listening to what someone else thinks is best.
  16. Nice try. It means now we could talk without the rest of you knowing are diabolical plans. Hey gold. How'd you learn french.
  17. Vous parlez francais aussi? Tres bien. Maitenons nous pouvons parler ensemble dans l'ouvert et pas en cachette.
  18. As long as it isn't pink I don't care what color it is. Personnaly I wear black. I used to where blue but I outgrew it.
  19. Is it just me or do the Martial Arts not get the respect they once did? Anybody got a take or specific story related to this? One thing that p*sses me off is when you tell someone you do Karate and they say "Ya I got a blackbelt" and they point to a leather strap holding up thier pants. One more time and I'm going to kick someone in the throat. We'll see if they have anything to say after that.
  20. To tell the truth I started to stay in shape for wrestling. After I quit wrestling I just kept going to Karate and am loving every minute of it.
  21. It is never too young to start training but getting a blackbelt at a young age is a huge problem.
  22. I got a cat that I hate. It sheds and eats and destroys furniture. I've also had fish, hamsters, birds and rats but they all died.
  23. No I'm not a computer person. I actually hate the things but do enjoy a few sites. Let's just say I am more of the outdoors/mechanic/intellectual type. As for nationality I'm almost American. Canadians are just americans who enjoy hockey over baseball, F1 over Nascar, eh? over huh? and are sexier.
  24. Besides Karate I play hockey both ice and road, just hang out, play football, read alot and I have a strong interest in autoracing. [ This Message was edited by: BlueDragon on 2001-09-23 15:15 ]
  25. I believe what they did was cowardly but not how they did it. The hijackers are like the pilots of the Enola Gay they knew that they would probably die (immiediatly or by radiation exposure). Both the pilots and the hijackers killed thousands and were ready to die for thier causes. Bravery is relative. Christians saw the crusades as a noble holy war while arabs saw it as an invasion and a war. Now it is the same thing with the roles reversed. As for Bush I think he is doing very good but who wouldn't in these circumstances?
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