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Everything posted by KickChick

  1. http://www.thematrixphone.com/ On this official site, if you click on the matrix code, it has a flash animation, with a way-too fast shot of the phone itself. Somebody named "TheArtOfMatrix" over at matrixfans.net managed to grab a scrren shot of it, and HERE IT IS http://forums.matrixfans.net/attachment.php?s=7cdcef17135fe339db7b9c9ecaeb5e25&postid=12276 http://www.msmobiles.com/images/matrix.jpg http://www.samtel.ch/the_matrix_phone/the_matrix_phone.html http://img.www.thelastfreecity.com/gallery/archive/matrix_phone.jpg_thumb.jpg The phone will have 65K+ color TFT LCD screen, 40 polyphonic ringtone, automatic sliding earpiece utilizing piezoelectric motors (opens and closes with one touch of the button on the side). It's believed this might start out as a US exclusive only.
  2. About.... Tajiquan (T'ai Chi Ch'uan): Famous masters, styles, movements, and questions from the "classics" of Taijiquan. Qigong (Chi Kung): Famous styles, movements, and questions about postures, breathing, alignment, etc. Acu-points: Major points used in Massage, Qigong, and Taijiquan. Theory, etc. History: History of related events in Chinese history. Taoism: Famous figures, classic texts, and philosophies of China. A "Jeopardy" -style Quiz http://www.qi-journal.com/Games/Jeopardy/QuizFrameSet.html
  3. Hmmm ... maybe I can steer this thread back on course! (We now seem to be debating Tae Kwon do and the politic involved with its various organizations. Back to TKD forms!!!
  4. What type of bag do you have? What Withers posted for the "hanging" type is an excellant drill... add some bob & weave drills with punches/backfists too. I have a heavy free standing bag at home that I love to just kick back and forth across the room with push kicks and turn back kicks. What is it you want to focus on? Power, kick height, cardio, snap, speed, leg strength ... there are many drills that will focus specifically on these areas. My favs are ....I do tension kicks to build up leg and hip flexor/adductor strength. I do alternateing switch roundhouse kicks to work on my footwork and work combos (kick/punch) for sparring. I know you brought this up before http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6047 .... if you want me to email some drills I will
  5. Vacation time is Here!!! In just a couple of weeks I will be cruising also... (Hey shotochem.... how was that cruise and were you able to get in a workout??) Because most of our group is from the TKD school we will be doing some training in the fitness facility onboard the ship .... maybe ask if one of us instructors can do morning kickbox classes on deck If any of you are certified in AFAA, ACE, ACSM, IDEA (fitness, yoga & pilates), ) or tennis or scuba instructors.... you can teach while on vacation and get your vacation for free!!! http://www.pcaholidays.com
  6. ...y'know I get paid for this when I'm not here! What are you looking to do or see? How about a cruise?? Here's a great link for ya!! http://www.inalaska.com/features/7/2/
  7. female here too !! Last night in mixed level adult class I was paired up with a new gold belt. She is a giggly teenager that really doesn't seem to take class very seriously. So I thought I would basically be her punching bag... teaching her some combos like block-kick (when she stopped long enough from laughing!).... Well, I was showing her how to middle block a punch to the chest and she was doing ok but lacked power. I told her to give it another shot but show more power well as she went to block my fist, we connected just so and I landed my own fist to my jaw http://smilies.networkessence.net/s/cwm/3dlil/buck.gif ... so I instead became my own punching bag ...
  8. Well yes and no.... If you are flying out on high peak season the fare will be considerably higher than the usual but you must also remember that the airlines are scaling back service at certain airports.... so less flights- higher prices. You may do better if you book a package deal or charter flight but don't expect big savings on regularly scheduled flights or at top hotels as the high summer season revs into gear. For example, San Diego-to-Maui airfare on June 1 is about $600; book a package deal, and you can get there for $380 (I suppose though you will be going from LA to Lihue, Kauai... via United Airlines(??) If you do a pkg. be aware that the lowest-priced packages carry restrictions. You'll probably have to travel midweek; accommodations are basic and located blocks from the beach.
  9. You're welcome... glad I could help you out! ... couldn't you just develop your own??
  10. Well some of you can choose to be optimistic .... I 'm rather apprehensive ....heck I'm a traditionalist what can I say?? To dispel some untruths about Coke (the drink) .... http://www.snopes.com/cokelore/cokelore.asp#acid
  11. Enjoy the show Laurie! Not a music "concert"... but going to see Jerry Seinfeld on Saturday night. His was one of my all-time fav shows!!
  12. Because I train in traditional tae kwon do, I find it interesting to learn as much as I can outside of the dojo the lineage of my art, the culture, language anything really in order to offer a broader knowledge not only about the martial art but from where it came. I started this thread for those of us who may want to exchange any info they may have regarding Korean culture, language, foods, etc. ..... anything Korean!!! I just posted a thread here http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?p=83352#83352 for computer software you can download for Korean fonts and also how to learn to read & write Korean.
  13. For those of you interested in a FREE software download which allows viewing and typing of Korean language. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/recommended/ime/default.asp And for: Read & Write Korean Korean Flashcards Korean HakGyo Got to http://www.declan-software.com/downloads.htm
  14. There has always been a degree of ethnocentrism in the martial arts. We have dealt with primarily in the TKD tournament arena with the USTU...
  15. You may have missed it ... might have been on passed your bedtime (meaning it is usually scheduled at very odd times of the day ... not insinuating you go to bed early )
  16. http://www.napma.com/index.cfm?CFID=410075&CFTOKEN=4010719&fuseaction=napma2.home&CFID=410075&CFTOKEN=4010719 .... just what the martial arts needs....,,,,, more commercialization!!! "Your students need good, healthy hydration products after class".... good thing I see water offered there right along side the "unhealthy" diet coke!!
  17. You're welcome!! Yes, before class .... we do stretch out for 10-15 min. but I always stretch on my own at home before going to the dojo. I also teach an hour long kickbox class in the evenings which is basically a mix of an aerobic & anaerobic workout with conditioning exercises at the end for cool down with crunches/pushups, static stretching. You can perform your stretches every morning just to work on flexibility for say 10-15 min. and at night prior to going to bed. You'll see a noticeable difference in your range of motion. Yes, correct! You can find examples of dynamic stretches on any of the major "stretching" sites on the internet. Same as the ones Kurz does , leg lifts (front & side) with legs straight (we call them rising kicks in class) Like I said we have only 10-15 min. to get warmed up so I begin with Korean jumping jacks, jogging in place, switching side to side, light plyometrics (jumping in place bringing knees up high and tucked close to body).... then joint rotations, beginning with head/neck, shoulders, arms working downwards. We then do some static stretching which consists of the v-stretch and side split stretching. At end of class we do crunches & pushups..... Again, you're welcome..... not too much but you're getting there!! ...hahahaha just kidding!!!
  18. I think I can help you out with these links.... http://www.allprosoftware.com/ts/ http://www.martialinfo.com/martialevents/about.asp http://www.abacom.com/thrix/aindex.htm There is also a MATCOP Martial Arts Tournament Software and Zentrek Data Fighter Software but I couldn't find it on the net....sorry http://smilies.networkessence.net/s/contrib/fk/princess.gif
  19. I too trained when I was several months pregnant. Hell hath no fury like a mother when danger confronts her and her children (its like the mother tiger when danger confronts one of her cub...she springs into action GRRRRR)... in this case a TKD mom
  20. The poster was merely asking where he could find the different forms he needed for belt advancement in TKD? (on web) so as he could start studying them now to prepare for the future. I wasn't aware that craknek has only been taking 2 weeks worth of classes so now I feel that is a bad idea..... learn the basics and progress with the rest of your class. As an advanced student, you may then look ahead, as you say, prepare for the future I understand that the ATA did use the Chang Hun forms and "Pinan" forms prior to those. Now Songahm forms are used. ("the "Songahm Star" is the pattern that is formed on the ground if all 18 forms of the Songahm system are completed. In a perfect Songahm Star, the distance from the center point of the star to the top point is nine feet ("feet" being the student's foot length). The total distance from the top point to the bottom point equals 18 feet, representing the number of forms in the Songahm system.")
  21. No I and my school are not .... here is link http://www.tkd.org/VISITORS/taekwondo.html for those who wish to learn more about the ITA. My school is a member of the International Tae Kwon Do Union (ITU)
  22. A proper warm-up is a crucial before stretching. The general warm-up should begin with joint-rotations, starting either from your toes and working your way up, or from your fingers and working your way down. This facilitates joint motion by lubricating the entire joint with synovial fluid. Such lubrication permits your joints to function more easily when called upon to participate in your athletic activity. You should perform slow circular movements, both clockwise and counter-clockwise, until the joint seems to move smoothly. After you have performed the joint rotations, you should engage in at least five minutes of aerobic activity such as jogging, jumping rope or jacks, or any other activity that will cause a similar increase in your cardio output (i.e. get your blood pumping). The purpose of this is to raise your core body temperature and get your blood flowing. Increased blood flow in the muscles improves muscle performance and flexibility and reduces the likelihood of injury. I personally like to do a little static stretching before dynamic when the muscles are warm and more elastic. Start with your back, followed by your upper body and lower body. Some good static stretches for these various muscles may be found in most books about stretching. Once you have performed your static stretches, you should engage in some light dynamic stretching: leg-raises, and arm-swings in all directions. According to Kurz, you should do "as many sets as it takes to reach your maximum range of motion in any given direction", but do not work your muscles to the point of fatigue. Remember .... this is just a warm-up, the real workout comes later when you martial art train. Dynamic stretching in a sense is a good warm-up in and of itself. But if you are "warming up" for a workout that is usually going to involve a lot of dynamic activity, it makes sense to perform some dynamic exercises to increase your dynamic flexibility The cool-down after training is just as important. Static stretches are really more appropriate in the cool down as they help muscles to relax and increase their range of movement
  23. Reminds me of the saying .... "A Black Belt is a White Belt that never Quit".. "It wouldn't be such a big problem if black belts weren't handed out so easily." That is not the problem in this case rb....Martial arts training (in this case TKD) does require a long-term commitment if you hope to develop proficiency. To become a TKD black belt in our school usually demands a minimum of five years training. Probably the most difficult challenge for students to overcome is sticking with it when they don't know they are constantly getting better. As a beginner their excitement level is high. You're exploring a new environment, new concepts, metting new friends. Youre learning how to move your body in ways you never thought possible. And then .... you seem to think you know it all
  24. I do like that idea ninjanurse. I am not sure how our particular TKD union is going to handle this 6 mo. period, but I will bring this idea up to my master instructor.
  25. I believe that failing a student because strikes a board holder "accidentally", only adds to the apprehension that a student already faces when he attampts a board break. I believe the broard breaking we may be referring to is during class time such as board breaking classes ... but you do bring up a good point. Our school gives you a grade on whether or not it took a 1st, 2nd or 3rd strike in order to break and the difficulty of the break. I have seen black belts striking their boards until their hands were swollen, bruised and bloody until boards were broken. (Fortunately I did all my 4 required breaks with 3 boards each in my first attempt) True focused power and control can only be learned through consistent board breaking practice. Visualizing yourself executing the technique properly. One thing that we all failed to mention is attitude. A positive attitude can make up for a lot of bad technique. You can have the best technique going but if your attitude is poor, your chances of are poor. Board breaking just takes practice!!!
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