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Red J

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Everything posted by Red J

  1. Hey G, to use some Hurley talk, "Dude, you're freaking me out." The producers are promising answers for the finale. They know that they have to in order to keep the show alive. They are also looking into how they release the episodes as they shoot 22 or so shows that are released over 35 weeks. They have kicked around the idea of having three chunks with repeats in between. As said before, the challenge will be to continue the momentum without alienating viewers with wacked out theories. To keep the show viable they are looking at keeping the average viewers attention and still leave the intriguing clues for the "Lostologists". It's really funny because some people have spent enough time in this show to have earned a PhD. As far as watching Lost from work, I can't think of a better way to spend the company's money. If you pull that off you could tell people that you watch Lost for a living. "Dude, your job rocks!"
  2. Hey Ninjamac, I really do not know the answer to that one.
  3. You may need a bookkeeper to keep track of the tuition....
  4. Let me add the following: Lack of self control, hurting people because of it, lack of judgement and becoming a liability to the dojo are all grounds for parting ways. It probably wont happen the first time (depending on the severity), but you don't need people who are detracting from the quality and safety of the school.
  5. Good one.
  6. Ok, I got up, drank a cup of coffee and then some gatorade, I ate a Cliff bar and took a GU 30 minutes before the race. I did the race in 59 minutes and felt great.
  7. Q- Would you bring back the use of leeches? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5319129/ Ah, I'm just having some fun. You made a good point DV.
  8. Offdutyninja, welcome. Please sign in under Kempo roll call in the Karate section.
  9. Here's an update on the Villari website: https://www.villaristudios.com
  10. I would think that you need more exposure like the other posters have recommended. Most people that go this route have studied multiple systems under different instructors. My advice: Keep exploring.
  11. Good point. You may want to get a heavyweight or judo weave if you're going to start rolling. Of course asking before you get there is a preferred strategy... Let us know how it goes.
  12. Alright, way to go! (one more post for me....)
  13. I have kept a training journal for the past 4 years. It has been a good training tool. I usually come home after a class and write something down. It is especially helpful with forms. By writing it down, you have to replay it in your mind, think about it, and then express it in words. The more senses you use, the higher the possibility for retention. Later you can refer back to it to help refresh your memory or remember concepts that have "slipped your mind".
  14. Justice Prevails! Or something like that... It sounds like a win-win for everyone involved. Good Move!
  15. Absolutely. Setting the example is the key to credibility and leadership. Good point.
  16. Obesity is a really alarming problem. Type 2 diabetes,as a direct result of childhood obesity, has skyrocketed in teenagers. This disease was unheard of 30 years ago in teens. Many factors come into play. Eating habits, sedentary activities, video games, etc. When I was a kid, we used to go outside from the time we got out of school until dinner. That has changed. Parents are too afraid to let their kids outside due to the media hype of stranger danger, plus the kids prefer to exercise their thumbs on joysticks. To get decent life insurance you have to get weighed, fall into the acceptable range, and not smoke, otherwise you are in a high risk category. The day will come when health insurance companies will give you a better rate based on weight due to all of the obesity related disease. The school system in my area has eliminated french fries and regular ice cream from the menus and encourages daily recess for the kids. Childhood obesity has been identified as a real problem that could potentially wreck our health care system because many of the medical problems of the future could be prevented with simple diet and exercise education.
  17. Hey Lady K. What kind of kenpo do you study? Thanks for dropping by.
  18. I don't know, I'm still trying for a kempo section. Maybe the index should read "Health, Training, Fitness and Nutrition."
  19. Clif - Peanut Butter.
  20. Or have an respectful conversation with them, or more extreme, the head instructor before these ego-maniacs turn off some more of his students. If they treat the advanced "bread and butter" students like this how are they treating the newbs? No one deserves humiliation. The other black belts should not stand by watching this happen at their school waiting for anyone to get it. It's people like this that really hurt the school. If they are normal, they probably don't realize that they are doing it, so a frank and polite discussion could solve it and make everyone happier.
  21. When I take a class, I love to work hard. The tougher the better. Today's class was pretty intense, but not quite enough so I stayed later and grappled for 15 minutes. Then I was done! I always love the kinda stiff feeling that you get the next day. It lets you know that you've done something. When I teach a class I try to get the intensity level high enough so that everyone gets a good workout but not so tough that they don't want to come back. I only teach the beginner adults at this time. I also train outside of the dojo in my sweaty garage in the South Florida heat and I run 3x a week probably putting in about 10-15 miles a week. I am not afraid to sweat.
  22. I always have a cup of coffee before a run, just to get the old "system" working. I'll use that strategy next week when I do the "7 Mile Bridge" run in Marathon Key next week along with a bagel with peanut butter. I will also try to drink water the night before and some before the race.
  23. Drag'n, how does it work in Japan? More specifically: How much do you have to pay to train? Are there fees for testing? Do you have dojos in strip malls?
  24. some people cant train with us because they either cant handle being hit the way we are hit, others cant take the physical training - those 2 for the most part. Others just dont have the discipline... It sounds like my kind of training.
  25. Kempo/kenpo is simular to the color vs. colour debate. Many organizations have gone between the two names within the last 35 years or so. Now if you ask someone from the actual styles, you will get a more style specific response based on the type of material taught. http://www.urbin.net/EWW/MA/KF/3D.html#Differ This is a good place to start.
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