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Everything posted by A_Train

  1. There are two prequels, The Hedge Knight and then The Sworn Sword. They are worth reading. They definitely help give you a feel to the past Targaryean rulers. I think the reason I disliked Dany so much was because she feels like such an outsider. At the start of Game of Thrones Robert is King and has been for about 15 years, yet she is claiming that she deserves to be ruler of a land she has never been to. Most of the depicitions of the Targaryeans in the book are of cruel and insane rulers. Even the original Aegon The Conqueror is depicted as power hungry, bending the 7 kingdoms to his will with dragons. But The Hedgeknight sends you to about 75 years before Robert came to power, I believe. And you get to experience the land as it was ruled by Targaryeans. There are still a few evil Targs, but you get to see a more suitable ruling sort of Targaryean as well.
  2. Yeah, there is no way the min series can possibly live up to the high expectations the books build, so many charactes wil have to become much more minor, and it will be difficult to capture how the characters are feeling, as so much of the books contain the thoughts of the characters. I don't know what it is about Dany that I dislike, I think its because she is so full of herself and her nobility. Also she views people like Ned Stark as enemies, and Ned was one of my favorite characters. Having said that, she has grown on me a little bit, especially since I have grown a little more fond of her family; The Targaryeans are portrayed rather poorly in he series, but if you read the Hedge Night prequels, you can get a better feel that the Targaryean dynasty wasnt always so evil. I fully expect Jon to give up the name Snow before the end of the series, however, I would be surprised if he took the name Stark in its place.
  3. Your welcome for the site. The big announcement turned out to be that they will be making a mini series on HBO of a Song of Ice and Fire. That will be great. It is planned to be 7 seasons, one for each book. While I am a bit worried that the film version could never match my expectations, I am hoping this plays out well. I am also fearful that it oculd wind up cancelled after a season or two, which would leave so much unresolved. As for Jon and Jaime fighting, im not so sure that it is foreshadowing. I really don't see Jaime winding up in the North, nor do I see Jon leaving the North (Leave the wall maybe, but not the North all together). They will both certainly have a need for their swordwork, but not against each other I don't think. Jaime's sword work won't save him though, he is doomed to not reach the end of the series I think. Jon and Dany meeting is inevitable for so many reasons. It seems quite cliche but I expect them to end the series as heros, saving the world, and marrying one another as king and queen of the realm. I would prefer if one of them did not make it and had a tragic death, hah hah. I am not a huge fan of Dany in this series.
  4. Maybe in Canada thigns are different becuase we seem to love hockey so much, but there are used hockey skates everywhere, with hundreds of them in every second hand sporting store. I myself have never in my life bought or used a pair of brand new hockey skates. I would never consider it, as the extra cost doesnt seem valid to me. If you ar eonly a beginner, I would suggest you stick with the second hand skates as they will serve you just fine.
  5. I'm probably gonna find out next friday, heh.
  6. 34% Same write up as Karate Kid. I thought it would have been more, but like most itme, the questions in this quiz are one sided. I use the internet a lot, but people dont complain about it, and I dont stay in instead of going out, ect.
  7. Its just the authors name https://www.georgerrmartin.com There are several interesting points on there. He has a Song of Ice and Fire Update, which hasnt been updated since October, but we are expecting one soon. And he has another part called Not a Blog, which is basically a blog. He wirtes whatever he likes in there, from football to home renovations to Song of Ice and Fire updates. In the blog part he said a big update would be on the site soon, but I doubt it is about the book, probably some other projet of his.
  8. While it may not get the huge numbers that UFC is currently getting, I think it would fit perfectly with a timeslot on Spike TV before or after UFC. I really like the look of this show!
  9. Congrats! Thats ounds awesome, especially the recognition. I thought it was going to be an unhappy story as well.
  10. Yeah I think Im goign to do a re-read as well soon. Hopefully just in time to finsih for the 5th book. The author has stated that there will be big web pages announcements soon. I may be wishing, but I hope it is regards to the book being finished.
  11. Life was classic growing up. My son recently got Pirates of The Carribean Life game, which is quite fun as well.
  12. A_Train


  13. Never watched, I watch very little TV, so I rarley start watchign new shows.
  14. I love Risk, and play it quite regularly. I also like Trivia Pursuit Games, especially 90s edition, and Star Wars Edition, though original is great too.
  15. During Brienne's chapters with the Brothers in the monastery or whatever it is. It is implied that perhaps Sandor is living among them there.
  16. Same idea as Paticks. http://www.thesuperheroquiz.com/villain/ I came up as Doom You are Dr. Doom Dr. Doom 63% Lex Luthor 57% The Joker 56% Mr. Freeze 54% Apocalypse 50% Juggernaut 49% Magneto 47% Green Goblin 41% Venom 37% Riddler 36% Dark Phoenix 34% Two-Face 33% Kingpin 30% Catwoman 29% Poison Ivy 21% Mystique 17% Blessed with smarts and power but burdened by vanity. I prefer it to my Hero one.
  17. Im the Flash.... The Flash 70% Iron Man 60% Wonder Woman 58% Supergirl 58% Catwoman 50% Superman 50% Robin 48% Spider-Man 45% Green Lantern 45% Batman 45% Hulk 10% Fast, athletic and flirtatious. I got a lot of female heroes ranking pretty high...
  18. I wait the return of Arya as well, rumour has it she will appear in the next book as well. The Hound is supposedly technically dead yes, but there are clues to reveal that while The Hound is most likely dead, Sandor lives.
  19. He could wind up fighting the Clegane Monster, but I think that is more likely to be The Hound who faces off against that. I don tknow who Jaime will fight, probably someone else who is a 'good guy' like Jon perhaps.
  20. Usually nothing. Must change that.
  21. Brienne is a tricky character. I rather enjoyed her as a minor character in Catelyns point of view, bu Im not entirely fond of her own chapters. I think that might change in the upcoming books, as she will surely live (and Podrick with her, I assume). The cliffhanger lies in what word she said at the conclusion of the book. It is probably 'sword' meaning she intends to hold her original oath to Catelyn and kill Jaime. But its possible she has said something else, like the knowledge that Sansa is alive. Jaime learning to fight is cool, I wonder who he will eventually fight, as I doubt the author would put so much ephasise on it if he would not actually become a good fighter again. Even so, I highly doubt Jaime will survive to the end of the series. I wonder what role he will play in Cersie's future as well.
  22. Eric Bischoff - Wrestling Personality: has a black belt in Shotokan karate I believe, though not a 8th dan like was reported in Wiki.
  23. I know of them, but I have a hard time keeping them straight, especially since they get no real mention in the films.
  24. Of course it limits you!
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