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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. That's how I like to do it.
  2. Reread my post. I never said that you hold your breath while running. I have said that breathing is important. What I was saying is that while you are running distance, you need to keep a constant breathing pattern, not a rapid breating pattern.
  3. I agree with most of the replys here. Cross-training will always yield different points of view, and allow you to expand your knowledge.
  4. I have felt the same as you from time to time. You want to know that if the time arises, everything will work. Someone has mentioned before that this is the benefit gained from stepping into a full contact MMA event, in order to put yourself in the situation, and see what you can make work.
  5. I think the people selling the system actually have some form of MA training, don't they?
  6. How do your weekends look? Some schools have Saturday classes, so you may look into that.
  7. This tip is helpful. Thanks!
  8. Hmmm, practices multiple martial arts, including medieval combat, and goes to work at 11. Are you Blade? Ah, man, someone figured it out!!!!
  9. How much is that in US dollars?
  10. She is defenitely flexible, and must have some leg strength, but the speed was a little less than stellar. Props to her, though, I can't do that!
  11. Back leg round kick (my record on this is 4 boards) and the spin hook kick.
  12. Welcome to KF! My Yahoo Messenger is below my signature. Add if you like, but I am kind of hit and miss!
  13. That would be great!
  14. I used to buy on eBay all of the time. I don't so much anymore, but not because I don't like it. I have never had any problems with it, and I always got my stuff in good shape.
  15. It looks like you have a good workout schedule, now the other big thing is to focus on your diet. Try to lose some of the caloric intake, so that your body begins to burn off excess fat.
  16. I say if you are enjoying it, then it is great for you. I am not sure what the sparring in the style is all about, so I can't offer much there.
  17. You may want to have it looked at. You may need to take some time off for it to heal properly.
  18. There is no confusion, Killer Miller, I understand what you are saying. I just don't think it always applies. When you lift heavy weight, you can try to exhale fast, and expect to lift the weight fast, but the fact of the matter is that your muscles only have a certain level of strenght, and you will only lift the weight as fast as your muscles will allow. Let's say I put 135 pounds on a bar, and proceed to do bench press. Since it is a lighter weight than my max, I can lift it multiple times, and at a faster rate; I can breath in with each downward motion, and out with each pressing motion. Fair enough. Now, lets say I put on 250 pounds. This is closer to, or may even be more than my max press. Now, at this point, I will not be able to lift the weight as fast as I could 1 rep of the 135 pounds, no matter how fast I breath, or how much I hold my breath. Now, take running, as another example. While you are running, there are muscles that are always in either a mode of contraction or relaxation, but because of the natrual stride motion of running, you will be constantly exhaling while muscles are both contracted and relaxed at the same time. Also, if you try to breath in and out quickly with each step of a long distance run, I think you might end up hyperventilating. Now, I do believe that this concept of breathing timing fits in well with the practice of kata and kihon; these are perfromed in a controlled manner, so this makes utilization of the concept easier. I breath out with the completion of each technique in my form. However, sparring and fighting tend to happen in a more volatile environmental state, so this makes it tougher to accomplish on each and every move.
  19. This is the kind of conditioning I used to hear about when it came to shin conditioning, and I always wonder about it.
  20. You have a really good situation there. It is always helpful when work will help with the scheduling. Since I work nights (11:00, usually), then it is fairly easy to make a few classes a week.
  21. Let us know when you get a price, please Kez!
  22. Just another ploy of someone trying to make money.
  23. If you can get access to a trampoline, it makes for good practice. I think you want to kick your legs more up than out, but I like to kick them at about a 45 degree angle from the floor.
  24. I saw a commercial just this morning for some sports games with the Wii, using that little controller to swing a racket, a golf club, and some other things like that. It looked ok there, I just wonder how it will work with the more complex combination of movements for sword fighting. As far as being used like a gun, that should work fine. Like the old Zapper!
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