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Everything posted by KarateK

  1. Sometimes though having your head turned can turn your hips, forcing your leg into the side kick. Its one of those kicks you either get straight off or struggle with.
  2. At our demo this weekend one of the kids was doing a kick and his shoe went flying off right in the middle of his kata. Poor thing
  3. Well he has proved himself now - to himself and to his sensei. I bet you're feeling pretty good also. Well done to you - I think when our kids grade we kind of get forgotten about when it comes to dishing out the praise so well done x
  4. Hi there Tom
  5. I agree with most here, the whole purpose of learning them in sequence is to better your techniques and progress in all areas. Its useful to watch them and see how higher grades perform them but if you focus on the harder techniques you lose sight of the basics that get you through everything.
  6. Well done you, told you you could do it. Bet your little one was well chuffed with himself
  7. Kez did you not have the video camera with you to put on "You've Been Framed?" Could of been a classic
  8. They do!!!! We tell all our beginners dont put your white belt in with your gi as it turns everything brown - strange but true I promise!!
  9. Cheers aefibird
  10. Thought you might have somehow!! I feel in between - I should still be having fun etc with the young ones - am only 23, but with a 7 year old she makes me feel like i'm ancient.
  11. Sounds a lot l ike ours - half step mawashegeri, drop into ushirogeri, uraken, chudan, shuto
  12. OHHHHH due to my annual karate camping weekend I missed the next ep of Lost - roll on Wednesday and the repeat!! Its the one after "...and found"
  13. Patrick that cant have been too long ago surely?
  14. Last day at school was July 1998!!! Sohan when you were leaving school I was 1!!!!
  15. We have set combinations we have to learn, and uhiro-geri does feature in a few. Do you do this Kez? We have to learn all the set combinations and we do them as part of our grading also
  16. Errr slightly technical point but generally if you wash your white belt it turns a dirty shade of brown
  17. Am sure she gets her own back in her own way!! Its always exciting using a new kick. We have a similar thing but we start facing the opponent, fake a jodan punch, spin round into ushiro-geri. Its hard to do without the opponent realising what you are up to. (Although I shan't even be attempting this at present time!)
  18. In our ushiro-geri we practice first as if kicking to the shins. That way once you learn the technique behind it you can start to raise your leg with more force behind it. If you are stuggling doing the back kick without turning round and hence the kick turning into yoko-geri, try just moving your head round instead of your hips at the start. I struggled a lot with this kick, not the force just the fact i kept turning my foot and it ended up looking like yoko-geri
  19. Am sure you will do a great job. The fact that you care and have stuck with your sensei for so long shows a commitment to your style. All the best - if you ever open a UK branch let me know!!!
  20. KarateK


    I had that problem at a recent open tournament. Was sparring against Shotokan competitors with obvious Shotokan Judges, I guess the styles didnt mix!
  21. Ok will let you off for now
  22. KarateK

    Team Kata

    Hey who wants to be on my team lol
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