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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Yea, I guess I could, but I'm kinda attached to this one. I've had it for so long. I'll use Heidi's idea, and just cover the "old small stripes" adhesive with the bigger new stripe. Thanks, though.
  2. LOL Bring it with you to Jujitsu class hehehehe.
  3. I totally agree. I do believe I was blessed with MA (mentally). And I'm still learning
  4. Amen, mean fighter (your second post, that is). I am my own worse critic also.
  5. LOL. The art of farting ... I love it. I should show my man "Barking Spider." I think he has a 10th dan in it already LOL.
  6. It's not really a style. He just put that to be a smarty pants hehehehehe. But he means no harm Right, Orion?
  7. No she's my hero, so is our instructor (jujitsu ). Pacificshore, you are my "forum" hero hehehehehehe. Known you for a long time on two forums. Even if you are a Kenpo dude (j/k) hehehehe Ok, I high-jacked my own thread .... back on topic now LOL.
  8. LOL. Yea, you're right. It does, specially if I'm lined up behind him
  9. LOL. I see why you didn't eat before Jujitsu now, Heidi hehehehehe. I have a routine for test days as far as eating goes. I "carb-up" the night before, and all I have before the test is one or two power bars and Gatoraid (our tests for 2nd gup/kyu's and above are usually a saturday morning tests). But I usually eat it/them about an hour before I leave for the test, so it turns out to be two hours after I ate them before the test begins (I go early to warm up also). I also do that for my saturday morning classes. I'm also vegetarian, so anything I eat, isn't too heavy anyways, unless I eat a Boca (fake beef) burger and a bunch of chips with onion dip before class. Then that's "puke city" LOL (too much food).
  10. I guess they could, but Mr. C likes the "little stripes" on the left LOL. He mentioned that a while ago (but it's not "set in stone"). But I guess I can swap them later.
  11. pineapple, is right. I have also seen people in Judo that acted "macho" and didn't tap. They either passed out (from a choke) or got injured. So my advice is, don't be macho, TAP! It will, more than likely, save you from injury.
  12. Heidi just reminded me of something. In my old TSD school, when you got your BB, in the next class you come to, they let the color belts pick an "exercise" for you to do. I was a green belt at the time when a buddy of mine got his BB. The instructor asked me (and the others) what he should do. I picked horse stance (low) with a bo on his legs. He had to stay like that for 5 minutes. If the bo rolled off, he'd have to start over (that wasn't my idea, it was someone elses). He did, poor guy LOL (almost 10 minutes in low horse stance eeeekkkkk!!!).
  13. Oh you scared me there for a minute, Heidi. Sheesh! LOL. Sensei Mike said I could hehehehehe I also like the white uniforms. But TSD had cool BB uniforms that looked sharp (I thought). White tops with black trim, and black pants. I liked it a lot (but never got that far to get one myself). They also let 3rd gups and above wear all black doboks (optional) if they wanted. Not many people did, though.
  14. Wow! Heidi. You got me beat LOL. It's not your fault, though. Looks like you had good teachers that decided to leave (moving away from a MA school sucks too ). But we have this system, so we're cool now P.S. Your advice on T6 helped ALOT (I used the traditional kick and it works great). Thanks. Anbu Alex, cool sig. "white belt for life." I like that (always learning).
  15. How about fart-do. You pass gas during every class. My man as a 10th dan in that LOL.
  16. I agree there Mike, but as long as I have my shower and brush my teeth, I'm cool with it LOL. If someone doesn't like how I look, don't look. I don't dress like a bum though. I don't wear dirty clothes or have holes in my clothes. But I'm tomboy-ish. So, as long as I'm comfy, and clean, that's all that matters
  17. I was like younwhagrl (I started at 24, Eric LOL). Plus I didn't stick with anything (jobs, activities, music ... nothing). But I stuck with MA (eventhough I did a bit of dojang jumping). I don't plan on quiting either. I feel it's the one thing that I'm good at (physically), and makes me happy (other than my man, my family, and close friends). The character building is the most important to me. I'm still learning mentally as far as MA goes, but it's good for me. And I AM totally addicted. Even if I feel like I wanna give up, I don't. Something draws me "closer" to MA and gets me back (don't ask, I can't explain it LOL).
  18. LOL. I have to agree Iceman. We TKD folks need color hehehehehe. Seriously, though. I like the black pant thing, because I'm female (training on my "monthly" can get "color" in a white dobok LOL). To stay on Topic, I think those black pants would come with the Proforce logo hehehehe (I hope I can find seperate pants).
  19. Ok, I've seen a lot of "what belt are you" topics or "how long" topics. So this is a "twist" on those topics, but it's for those that have been in more than one art/system. I thought this might be a fun topic ... Anyways, here it is. How many arts have you been in? How long? And what rank were/are you (in all of them)? I bet you can't beat me as the "NY dojang jumper" 1) I did Tang Soo Do for a year and three months (in NJ). I reached blue belt (5th gup) before moving. If I didn't move, I'd more than likely still be there. 2) I was here at my current dojang for a year or so (TKD). Reached blue belt again, then left. I thought it was too "sport" at the time. 3) I did Tae Kwon Do somewhere else (that was mixed with Judo and some TSD) for a year. I went in as a blue belt and left as a Red belt (1st gup there). It was a Mcdojang. Shame on me for not realizing it right away. 4) I came back here as a blue belt and now I'm a red belt (2nd gup testing for 1st in Nov ... again LOL). The curriculum changed right before I came back (for the better ). I love it now (more self defense related stuff). 5) I have also been in Jujitsu for roughly three months off and on (had to work out a schedule with sensei). Currently a white belt. I also did Judo at a YMCA for a short while, but the instructor stopped teaching there (I don't blame him. He lived three hours away). No rank/equal to a white belt (no gi either, but it was fun). Ok, your turn
  20. I agree. I don't like looking at myself in the mirror too long. I always find a zit or something that I don't like LOL. That's why I have a "wash and go" hair cut, and I have a electric tooth brush that does the job in half the time that a manual tooth brush does LOL. My hair dries by itself, and I brush my teeth and I'm out the door
  21. When I first started in MA, I couldn't eat no more than two hours before class or I'd puke. I've had tummy problems this past year, so now I HAVE to eat before class or I loose energy fast, and get a tummy ache. I have to have something in my tummy, but nothing too heavy. So on the days that I train, I eat a big carb-loaded lunch, then I will eat something light 1 hour before class like a power bar or toast or Triskets (wheat crackers). Then I eat dinner when I get home to re-fuel. Like it was already said, listen to your body. No one is the same. I know people that eat a big meal before class, and are totally fine, and others can't eat at all. And theres people like me (I'm in between LOL).
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