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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. I got $20 from my boss, so far. I'm going to buy some CD's. I just want to chill out this Christmas. We travel every year to somewhere. This year, my hubby has to work, so we'll probably just chill at home.
  2. Oh yea. That's right. I did see ya in that thread. LOL I always tease my hubby by saying that he's a desk jockey, and I'm the grease monkey LOL.
  3. I've only done/seen this drill in my first TSD dojang. We did it for self defense not sparring.
  4. Doug! Long time no chat! How are ya? Anyways, I changed my dream job again. I said CNC machining .... nope. I wanna learn to run/set up/fix turret punch presses (no one knows what I'm talking about unless they work in a machine shop of some sort). Nice easy (but greasy) job. The presses work for you. Yay!
  5. Not me. I wanna learn CNC machining (before the dojang thing). I have to go to school for that, though. Finding the time is the problem
  6. LOL. If they let me, I would.
  7. Hehehehehe yea, I can But like Bushido said, integrity. I'll behave myself .... maybe hehehehehe
  8. Since I know little about TSD, both you and John have been very helpful, and I enjoy listening to you both. I still think you are a closet TSD practitioner you just don't know it yet BTW, anyone can call me John. When I get my MD, you can call me Doc if you want. But even if I get a 4th, I'll still be just John. Right on, sir ... I mean, John. Can I have you as my sah bum nim? You are so cool, but strict in some ways. I like you ... in a instructor-student way, that is. And your welcome Bushido And thank you John, for the words. I'm just a white belt in TSD again (even though I got pass that once, but enjoying every bit). Tang Soo!
  9. Your welcome. But John would be a better person to ask ... (he told me not to call him master ... hehehehe). *bows* Tang Soo!
  10. They are, pretty much, the same as Shotokan forms, I believe. At least, with the color belt forms. I don't know about after BB.
  11. Yea. It's under the International Tang Soo Do Organization lead by the famous (at least, in the east coast) Master Giacobbe. http://www.internationaltangsoodo.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1&Itemid=1
  12. We do the kicho's (all three), the Pyung Ahn's (5), Bassai (both), ect. We haven't got to forms yet, though (dojang just openned a week ago). *looks at Doug*
  13. I know, I know I remember. I'm getting the fortified nutritional (sp?) yeast, too. I use it in all my soups and chilis now. I even make a "cheese" sauce with it now to put on potatoes, and veggies. It's so yummy. Sorry all. Heidi knows what I'm talking about. It's vegan talk. If ya don't understand, just ask.
  14. OMG!!! I LOVE the class! Oh yea, I started already. I am SORE!!! I forgot how low the stances were in TSD. The basics are slightly different than TKD. I have to get used to that. And my instructor is a major technique geek like me. Yay! I found out that my instructor knows my old TSD GM and instructor! My new GM taught for my old GM at one point. Small world.
  15. I have an article about this on the KF article section. I am, in fact, a white belt again (for the third time). I started in Tang Soo Do from scratch (no training). Got to blue belt before I moved (5th gup/kyu). Then I moved, and started over in TKD. I got to 1st gup/kyu before I bowed out last year (kinda sorta .... I still trained with a friend off and on). That was due to a situation similar to yours. Now I'm back to TSD. To me, this time around, it's refreshing. I don't know why. It's kinda hard to explain. I like it, though. But if you feel you need a break, do it. That's what I did from time to time.
  16. Update all .... I talked my instructor tonight on the phone. I'm finally starting in TSD on Monday! OMG!!! I hope this works out. I'm having job issues again (I'm freaking drained ... lots of overtime ... low B12 doesn't help either ). But I'm sooooooo excited!!!!!!!
  17. Oops. My post in this thread is kinda old. I have been working since I posted last hehehehe. I work in a machine shop now, but would love to open a dojang with my hubby in the future (or be a chef, like I said before or write a cookbook or ...... I'm full of ideas LOL).
  18. Trapt is one of my fav bands, and that song is MY theme song LOL.
  19. My Judo instructor stopped teaching. He left just before I took my yellow belt test My former TSD instructor was one that took over the dojang when the previous instructor left. That happened just before I started, though.
  20. I agree with the posters above. Just do it. I went through 8 tests in TKD, and 4 in TSD. I STILL get nervous. So don't sweat it. It's normal to be nervous.
  21. Wow! I have a lot of favorite songs. I have, at least, one from each band I like (if not, two LOL). Too many to choose from.
  22. I agree with KarateEd. I think I know what you're talking about. I think I was doing the same thing in the beginning. And yes. Slowing down your forms will help.
  23. I emailed you about it. But I'll tell the others. They moved it again The construction guys are taking their sweet ol' time. They had to gut the place, I guess and remodel it. I can't wait to see it. He (my instructor) wants to have a tea ceremony to open the school. That would be cool. See ya Thursday, Heidi But, please don't do forms, unless they are the ones I'm relearning LOL.
  24. To Doug and Master Luiza, no I haven't started TSD yet I haven't trained at all for the past month (work has something to do with it, though). I'm getting bummed. So I can't answer your questions yet, Master Luiza The 1st of the month got pushed back to the 9th. I have been working on my forms (TSD) on my own, though. I think I'll go back to TKD for a little while. My TKD instructor knows the forms for TSD (kinda sorta .... Shotokan style, that is. But better than nothing right now, and she is a really good technique geek, like me). Heidi? Are you ready for me to come back?
  25. This is also my fav. Works great for point sparring Well, not the groin part. I usually just fake a low roundhouse to get them to drop their hands, then do a backfist.
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