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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. It would be cool if you gave us two bands to pick from. That would be like "Battle of the bands." Then the winner (by votes) would go against another band, ect. Hey, I think I'll do that in the game forum ... so never mind hehehehehe
  2. Brady, how long have you been training? Some say wait till you get your BB to crosstrain. But I think two to three years in one art is good (to get good basics). I also agree with pineapple. If you do a striking art, do grappling, or the other way around. This way, it won't be too confusing (I'm a striker, but crosstrain in Jujitsu).
  3. I have been training 5 and a half years (in a few MA's. TKD for 4 years). In some TKD schools (Mcdojos) I should be a 2nd dan by now. I don't have a BB yet. Like was said above, "you also have to remember that getting a black belt isn't 100% about skill, it also takes experience, and experience cannot be rushed." And mental attitude. I am picky when I test (but I don't wait years either).
  4. I am judging (and have) at the next tourny. What I look for is TECHNIQUE! I'm a technique geek. I look for good stances, kicks, blocks, ect. I thought that would be my main focus. BUT with others advice to ME (since I wanna be forms champ), presentation (sp?) is important, too. Be confident, and mean what you do. Look where you go next (look at the direction you go before you do the technique). Act like you own the ring, basically. Go in there, and let'em know its YOUR ring (talk and kiai loud, too). Anyways, I'm rambling. I'm half asleep. Look at this thread for advice (one I started about a similar thing) http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=24761
  5. Does she (or ever) studied Shotokan? I have. I think both have value. If she never studied it, then .... This is a family forum. No curse words. Sorry, bashing is not my thing if I have no clue about the art. I also studied Judo, but I didn't get very far. But every art as value. Tell her to try it, before making her "remarks."
  6. I watched the snowboarding. That was cool. USA kicked butt in it (mens and womens)! GO USA! I also watched some of the skiing, too. But not as many tricks and stuff, but cool.
  7. I am in TKD. But I'd like to get my BB in TSD just because I started MA in it. Kinda like an tribute to my first instructor and style (I still train with him on occasion, tho).
  8. Good advice, shotokanbeginner. Some people will never get flexible. But like b3n said, you will kick people in the head. Even if you can't, so what. Go for what works.
  9. I like that. You have goals similar to mine (other than forms champ). I finally did 30 push-ups (with messed up wrists .... which is a big thing for me). I have to do all this physical stuff for BB (running 1 and 1/2 miles in 13 minutes, and a bunch of other stuff). But, for me, I want to do this stuff for personal satisfaction, not just for my BB. I want to get fit. Getting my BB is just a perk. TKD got me where I am now. I just wanna push that more. Plus become better at sparring and I know just the person to ask (as well as forms). She knows who I'm talking about Hiya ninjanurse
  10. Ignore it. I could share a few, but I just brush them types off. Don't get worked up about it. If you follow protocall (sp?), then don't worry about it. It wasn't your instructor who said it.
  11. Thanks. Its starting to feel a little better, so I'll be back in action soon.
  12. italian_guy and Fairfax_Uechi, you hit the nail on the head for me. Aside from what both of you stated (which is so true for me), I like to become Forms champion (traditional) and breaking (sorry, a couple of my stupid little goals along the way). And get my BB in TSD just because (oops ... did I say that out loud ?!?!?!?!?! ...).
  13. Good post MartialArthur. I do forms because I want to. I like forms. There's more to forms than "just doing them" or "going through the motions" so to speak. "Knowing" the forms is a totally different story.
  14. Good point, Ottman. Good post. I agree with you. And yes, I'm going to get my BB in TKD. I just have to wait till summer.
  15. Thanks Jay. I failed before, so it's no biggy. But I do have to pay for the BB test (I didn't have to pay for color belt tests). I can't really say that's one reason I won't test (or pay) till I know I can pass. Or maybe it is, I donno. But as of right now, I won't be testing. I do have an injury that prevents me from kicking. Walking sometimes hurts, let alone running LOL. And I still don't know my form (I know more than I did when I posted this thread, tho LOL).
  16. I'm going to do the weapons division for the first time this year. I'm going to do a bo form (traditional) at a local tourny. We'll see how it goes.
  17. Hey Doug Long time no chat. Thanks The surgery went well, and I got the good word from my doc to train as normal, then I wrecked my knee (I have such luck LOL). And no, I won't test like this. Right now I'm hurting just from working, let alone a test like that LOL.
  18. I was supposed to test this April for BB, but I wrecked my knee, so it won't happen till August (that will be almost 5 years in TKD, plus my training in other MA's). Like I said in another thread, I'm in no rush.
  19. I can do a split with my right leg in front, and my roundhouse can go almost straight up. I can't do a side split and my side kicks are low (my head height on a good day). My front, stretch, and cresent kicks are straight up tho.
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