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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Check out my new pic in the photo album That's a hook kick
  2. I think you better wait, to be honest. I didn't study TSD and TKD at the same time (well ...... I do now, sort of), but they are similar. I got confused between the two arts. The kicks and such are the same, but the step sparring, forms, and sparring rules are all different. At first, I'd confuse or mix up the step sparring between the two arts. Then the forms. I did learn to seperate the two, but it took a while. It's a lot harder for color belt ranks to do that, than it is for black belts who have a strong base in one art before switching to another. In my case, I had no choice. Stick to Shotokan for now
  3. Cheeky, I used to hate sparring, but it comes down to practice, practice, and more practice. I used to be just like you. I would just stand there with a "hit me" sign on my forhead LOL. Now I can hold my own, eventhough I'm still not great at sparring. But I'm getting better So, just get in there and use it as a learning experience, not a "beating." Think of what "you could have done" when so and so did this technique. Then use it next time. That's what I did (still do) and it worked for me
  4. I just found out that I'm "stuck" at this school (the McDojang) because of the contract But I was talking with one of my friends there (who is also tired of the "mcdojang" situation), and we have a plan to "change" the classes we are in. For example: When we do self defense, we will not give people "false confidance." We will make them "work" the technique. And we will help new students with real technique, period. We won't let them do a technique, and say "good job" eventhough it's totally bad (unless it's a white belt of course). We will show them the right way, and help them. This is a few things the instrustors are not doing lately. I am now a blue belt (advanced class), and I will help the others in the advanced class, at least, "look like" they belong in the advanced class. If I have to be "stuck" at this school, I want to help others to not fall into the "rut" that most of the students are falling in (higher ranks with no technique). What do you all think?
  5. Thanks Hiya. I did find a good place Just have to work something out to train there.
  6. KickChick wrote: <... youre unhappy with the quality of instruction (there are bad schools out there!) and now the lesson.....You live and learn Laur!> You got that right The new place doesn't have contracts. And the monthly payments are cheap. Plus the "testing fees" are included in the monthly tuition Eeeekkkk. Does this mean I have to still pay the old school for 2 and 1/2 more years, even if I'm not there???? Remember: Some "red flags" to look for.... schools that require you to buy only their branded uniforms and gear, require you to sign long contracts, have no "move refund" option in their contract, or high-pressure sales pitches. If it feels like you're buying a used car and the salesman insists you sign the contract now, smile politely and head for the door!!!.> I don't have to worry about these "red flags" at the new place, because there wasn't any "red flags." And yes, this new school is awsome. It's a WTF school, but they learn self defense (joint locks, breakfalls, throws, ect). I know I will love it there Thanks, Kickchick
  7. Kickchick, I am going to post a pic in the KF album so you can "see" the "cold" here
  8. Thanks, Sub. I did find a new school. The problem is now is telling my boyfriend (who trains with me at the old one) or get him to "wake up and smell the coffee" on the old school, and get him to the new one. And breaking the contract (which the new school doesn't have ). Wish me luck. I am taking free classes at the new school starting tomorrow. I'll let ya know how it goes
  9. I signed a three year contract (What the heck was I thinking ?!?!?!?!?! Yipes!). I had a six month one before that one, so there is 2 and 1/2 years left in this one. Ramy, as far as getting "banned," All I have to do is go to one of our other schools (three in all) more than I do this one. It might take time, though. Or threaten to "cross-train" (they are totally against cross-training).
  10. Hey, all. Lets not get into a "cat fight" here. We are all intitled to our opinion. A little debate is good, but not as far as putting someone's art down or "art vs art" agruments. Let's keep this calm, fellas.
  11. SubmissionFighter wrote: karatekid1975, i think you should start to shop around of a new School. Sorry. Things you mention are clearly MCdojo stuff. At the end, they'll start to offer you fries and a Coke with your Black Belt. Look for a serious martial arts School. that's my advice.> OMG!!! I knew it. Phewy I have been looking for a new school. I found another TKD school that reminds me of Kickchick's school. I have a "good feeling" (like the one I had with my TSD dojang) about them. They learn a heck of a lot more self defense. They don't charge for belt tests, and they have a reasonable tuition (for this area anyways). No contracts more than three months. I contacted the master instructor, and he was very nice. He answered all my questions and he invited me to take free classes (which I will take him up on his offer ). Freestyler wrote: Yes, I am I am looking for a way out, though. I found out how I can get myself banned from the school But I don't want to make myself look bad.
  12. I'm willing to do that! Let me know, Kickchick ..... I hope you are serious, that is. And you're right ..... No one wants to come to Rochester cause it's too cold here
  13. Eeeeekkkkkk. I hate winter. I saw this tread, and thought spring was really coming. Then I looked outside. there's snow out there And it's like 15 degrees
  14. So far so good. Just don't turn it into "art bashing" please. Anyways, I do TKD (sport). Weak: self defense. Groundfighting. Strong: Kicks. I'm a kicker I learned to kick like a mad woman LOL
  15. Hiya, all. I have to bring this thread back to life. One reason is, I have a feeling that my dojang is becoming a McDojang Taikudo-ka mentioned signs that my dojang has: This is one. They raised the tuition to $120 for new students. The price also goes up once one reaches black belt. This is another. I remember in TSD dojang that we were drilled for proper technique, and I worked really hard at it. But here, the student techniques ..... well, stink (to put it politely). I still work on my technique no matter if they do or not. This is another. Yet another one that is true. I got offered to get my 2nd BB in 3 years the first two months I was there. But it costs $900 to do so. We had a recent BB test, and two people didn't not deserve their BB. They didn't make any of their breaks, messed up on all their forms, ect. But yet, they failed a red belt that messed up once on one form, but aced everything else. I think another clue is that our students are dropping like flies. They are leaving. Mostly higher ranks. I hear a rumor that something is going on, but I haven't found out yet (the reason the students are leaving). Don't turn this into "art vs art" thing. Every art as bad schools. It is just a concern I have. Is this a McDojang? Am I being scammed?
  16. Sheesh. I wasn't getting my fix! I'm a KF junkie!!! :DSheesh. I wasn't getting my fix! I'm a KF junkie!!!
  17. Same here, Doug. When sparring, I use front leg hooks mostly. That goes most of my kicks LOL. But when there's a "openning" and the timing is right, I use back leg hooks, or spinning hooks.
  18. LOL Monkeygirl! Sorry, I couldn't resist Anyways, I had my opinion on both on previous threads. See link that Kickchick posted.
  19. There are dojangs out there that do teach sport. That's fine if that's what the student wants. But there is also dojangs, like mine, that do both sport and art. I think that is cool. It give everyone a choice to try it out. If they don't like it, they don't have to leave. They just stick to the "art" part. I didn't like the sport end of it, either. But then again, I never tried it (except forms and breaking in tournies). I always liked the realistic things I learned in TSD (stuff I can't use in TKD sparring). But I have been working on it (Sparring for tournies). I kind of like it. It's just a game to me. It's fun. But I also know that sport sparring is nothing like a self defense situation. I think if the student knows the difference, it's ok.
  20. I now can do the spinning hook. Finally! I practiced it like crazy. It feels natural now. I love it when it connects with the target
  21. I definitely had injuries from MA, but unknown makes a good point. I gave myself time to heal. I didn't take a bunch of time off from training (I took a few days), I just modified the way I trained for a while I can't stay away from training more than a week .... EEEEEKKKKK just the thought scares me! LOL
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