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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Mine .... well, the style I study is definitely not well known. It called Kwok Wu Chuen ..... a mix of WTF TKD and Shaolin Kung Fu. We do all the TKD belt ranks and Taeguk forms, but at red belt, we start learning Kung Fu forms, and weapon forms. From BB and up we learn one TKD form, one Kung Fu form, and one weapons form for each dan rank. No offense to the Kung Fu people, but I like the TKD part better That's just me, though.
  2. Hiya Superleeds. TKD gets a bad rep from McDojangs. Some of them teach just the sport end of it, not self defense. But not all TKD schools teach "sport" like mine. I also get kind of annoyed with it also. I just train hard and try to ignore the "bad talk" that TKD gets. As far as high kicks go, I love them. I'm even learning the fancy "trick" kicks that's so popular these days. But on the streets, I would stick to the basic low kicks (their hard to see and very effective). This is coming from someone who had to use what she learned on the street. I'm not saying that I will ever use them on the street, but I feel that I'm not "quick" enough to kick high without someone trying to catch my foot. Even an untrained fighter can catch a flying foot. It's better to be safe and effective, than sorry.
  3. Been there done that, Sai ...... OUCH. I bought the rubber ones after leaving a nice knot on my head a few times hehehehehe
  4. I agree with everyone here. Martial Arts will help you build coordination. It might be weird and akward at first, but in time, it will get better Most of us here went through that, so you're not alone.
  5. First, make sure it's not a McDojang. Second, look for a good instructor(s), then choose the art from there. If they are all good, then I'd pick Hapkido. But that's just my opinion.
  6. Hey Rising. Good for you. Let me know if you need help with TSD. That was my first art (would still be if I didn't move to TKD-ville LOL j/k). I miss it a lot.
  7. Hey Patrick, I just had an idea. I'm a trickster (martial arts tricks). How about if I write something on tricks, like how-to's, and stuff? I can find the "how-to's" on other sites if I can't do a paticular trick. I know someone else on here is also a trickster who can help, but I don't remember who it was.
  8. As of the past week, I've been on a lot more. I seen the ISKA forms champs last week, and they were doing "tricks". I always wanted to do tricks and I was working on the 540. But I pulled my hammy and I stopped for a while. Thanks to the forms thing, I'm back to surfin trick sites I can do the Aubatido now Oh kickchick, I checked out Steve Terada (a TSD'er ) site. It is awsome.
  9. I ment to demonstrate self defense techs silly. Get your mind outta the gutter hehehehe
  10. I don't have that problem. My honey takes karate with me. And we don't have kids. But I did have that problem when one of my ex's didn't like me playing drums in a guys band (I was the only girl in the band). Come to find out, he was jealous. Talk to him and get him to take up a hobby of his own. I also see other moms taking their children to class with them. Even my bud Bob bring his girls. They sit quietly in the back of the dojang watching dad. Or find a babysitter.
  11. What about Direct TV peoples? Can we get it? I WANT MY BLACK BELT TV!!!!
  12. I saw it. It was kinda "slow" in the beginning, but it got good. I mean, it wasn't nothing like Drunken Master, or Rush Hour, but it was ok. I also like Jackies movies cause of the fact he does his own stunts, and he is funny (I like comedy and Martial Arts .... goes great together ).
  13. Count me in. I'm just a color belt, but I've done a lot of research (and I love doing research on MA's). I can do something on Tang Soo Do. I donno much about TKD yet to do so, but I know a lot about TSD (I think LOL).
  14. Coolness, Patrick. Can I put Tang Soo Do too (eventhough I don't officially practice it anymore .... well I do on my own)?
  15. When I did TSD, I used to be the instructor's "dummy" for self defense moves. I was brave (or stupid) LOL. It was fun, I thought. He used me all the time, and I didn't complain (I just tapped out all the time hehehehe). My TKD school mostly uses red and black belts. But yesterday, my instructor used me and a few other color belts. I kinda missed that It was fun.
  16. Koreantiger, I had the same problem as you. I started in Tang Soo Do, which allowed hand techniques to the head. When I got into WTF TKD, I was always getting told "No hand techniques to the head." Ggggrrrrrrr. In Tang Soo Do, it became "habbit". I almost always scored with a backfist or ridge hand to the side of the head. After 10 months in TKD, I still have occasional hand techniques come out and I don't even realize it, till my partner (who ever I'm sparring) tells me that I did. As far as contact, yes WTF TKD is full contact. My TSD dojang was light contact. TSD was also point sparring, but we didn't "stop after a point" in class. We just kept going, so I never really got used to the point thing anyways. That helped when I got into WTF. It just takes time to get used to. I dread the day when I get back into TSD, because I would have to get used to that again LOL.
  17. Good idea, Kickchick. My AIM screen name is on my profile. Feel free to add me
  18. I'm online anywhere from 1 to 4 hours a day. Most of the time I'm here, but I sometimes surf, chat (yahoo), ect. I also have instant messenger, so I chat there, too. I dumped AOL, so I don't chat there anymore, just on messenger. I usually surf on MA sites.
  19. Hey, I just noticed that I'm a higher rank here on KF than I am in TKD .... go figure LOL.
  20. shotochem wrote: "I tend to keep my hands in a high guard position. The lead arm to protect the left side and the rear arm protecting the kicking side elbows 6" away from body facing downward to cover the ol baby back ribs. (beware of kicking the elbows )" hehehehe I do this, too. I sometimes block with my elbows if someone isn't showing control We are in a full contact art, but when the instructor wants light contact, he means it LOL. And I have kicked an elbow on a few occasions. Boy, does that hurt!
  21. I can remember when I was around 6 months old. I remember my Grandmom walking in the front door (I was in a play ben). I pulled myself up and I screamed in delight. Or I would sing with the birds in the morning, as my Grandmom put it. I remember bits and pieces of my childhood, some bad, some good, but that's the earliest memory.
  22. How is it limited? You want to do high kicks in the street? In my opinion, that's not wise. This is coming from someone who does WTF TKD. Yes, we learn the fancy high kicks, but we also learn what works (low kicks, lots of hand techniques, self defense, ect). I was in TSD, which is similar to TKD, and yes, I have used it on the street. I happened to be barefoot on a deserted beach. As far as clothing, I don't wear tight clothing. I find it uncomfortable. My jeans are as baggy as my dobak I wear sneakers, or those light cloth sneaker type things in the summer. Oh and I don't wear high heels or skirts (I'm a tom-boy), so I don't know about that. As far as heavy shoes go, use them to your advantage They're heavy, they're solid, therefore they make a good weapon I bet if you thump (kick) someone with those, they will be hurting.
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