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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Ok, what I really want is a tattoo (which will resemble TSD), and to visit family in NJ (includes old dojang). I have no problem with new dojang (anymore ... I really like it), but I have to say that homesickness is a powerful thing I'll be fine after the holidays. Back to NY life.
  2. Someone who lives near Rochester NY, please tell me good places to see concerts!!!!!! So far, this place stinks for concerts!!!! I came from NJ (45 minutes from Pilly PA) where I could find a good concert every month. PUL-LEEEEEEEEEZE!!!! (I'm begging on my knees).
  3. I have to say that I was addicted to Wawa Italian hoagies (only those who live in NJ or PA know what I'm talking about), and coffee. I was there 4 times a day for coffee. They had the best coffee. My mom sends me a "care package" of Wawa coffee every few months (there's no Wawa's in NY ). It's the best thing ever! I asked her for the same thing for Christmas LOL.
  4. I agree with Ramy. When I left my TSD dojang, it was the hardest thing for me. They were like family to me. My Suh bum nim was like my brother. He took care of me. He even let me work (clean the dojang) to pay for my tuition when I lost my job. I do miss them, but I know now that I am always welcome there when I visit home (NJ) to work out for a day or two. The last time I visited there, it was like I never left. The same people were there (just at higher ranks LOL), and my friends (which I keep in contact via email from NY) were there that night. I had a blast. I will never forget my first art or dojang. I will have my first art soon tattooed on my arm, and I will visit East Coast Karate (my first real dojang .... https://www.imahq.net ) every few months. I'm going to the major IMA tourny there in spring I can't wait
  5. In TKD (the dojang I'm in anyways) has 12 gups. That seems like "ages". But I did make it to 7th gup (which I was "rushed" to because of my experience, but I chose to slow down), and I will be testing for 6th gup in December. I'm in no rush. I'm really big on technique, so if I don't think I have the s**t, I won't go for it. But I'm confident this time around for blue belt, which last time I wasn't. I didn't test for blue belt in TSD, when I was supposed to because I thought I wasn't ready, and I wasn't, eventhough my suh bum nim thought I was. He understood, and allowed me to test later. I thought that was the coolest thing. He didn't "force" me to test. He gave ME the choice But that was 4 months instead of three for that rank.
  6. It depends on the situation for me. I am flexible enough to kick to the head with a front or roundhouse kick, but the side kick I lean back a little. But if I just want to "stun" someone with a mid-level side kick, I will keep erect. If I want power, I make use of the "thrust" side kick or skip side kick (which I am leaning a little). I throw my hip into the "power" side kicks, the ones I learned in TSD ... you lean in and tork your shoulders as well as the hips, making your body like a "T". Very effective kick. I wish I could show you. I'm not very good at explaining, but if you saw it, you would know what I mean LOL.
  7. I wanna give Kickchick a cyber hug for helping me out. You deserve this award And all of you who did such a good job. Patrick, you should get an award for starting this board. Who agrees with me? Say HEY!!!
  8. Teep??? Push front kick, right Thai? If so, I was told to slam them with a front kick right from the start. This will suprise the heck outta them and I can "thump" them through out the match. Is this true?
  9. Thanks for the tip Hey, G. Can I use my power to my advantage, also? If yes, how? LOL
  10. Hiya all. I'm going to a tourny on 12/15. There is a lot of "punchers" in my dojang. They will get in on you and just pound away at your vest. I'm a kicker, so I'm useless when this happens. My question is, what is the best strategies against these type of fighters? Mind you, I do WTF TKD style sparring. No hand contact to the head, and punches are only allowed to the vest. No take-downs or hits below the belt. I'm about the only one at my level who is flexible enough to kick the head (except two others). Thanks in advance.
  11. Oh I forgot Korean food (fav asian food ..... actually I'm addicted to it LOL).
  12. Kickchick wrote: Agreed, Kickchick. My man is perfect for ME ZR440 wrote: He has sisters, but they are all married. Sorry I couldn't be of help
  13. Chips and dip (french onion mostly), and icecream.
  14. Well, I did get a perm a while back, Patrick. But that's not what I ment hehehehe Tuesday it is for me
  15. My man is 20 years older than me Don't get jealous, ladies, but he IS the perfect man (to me anyways). Age, to us, doesn't matter. I wanted someone who would be interested in MA, if not studied one: He was always interested in MA before he met me, but didn't want to go by himself. He would drive to visit me in NJ and watch me in class. He was envious LOL. When I moved with him to NY, we both took up TKD ..... I created a monster!!!!!! Actually I just let him outta his cage LOL. I wanted someone clean cut, smelled good, and wasn't a "stiff" (meaning a guy who wore a suit all the time). Someone who is laid back, but not lazy, funny, and likes to have fun. He also cooks, cleans, does the wash, and the dishes. That's rare for the male gender LOL. He likes to spoil me I believe a relationship should be 50/50. And ours is. We take turns (or help each other) around the house with cleaning. We both work, and share the bills LOL.
  16. I'll go with ya to see Zepplin, Kickchick! I'm only 4 hours away from you! It'll be worth the trip
  17. I'm the "over 25" bunch, but I also push myself hard Anyways, I lied LOL. The longest I ever went without testing was 5 months when I pulled my hammy last spring. It felt like I was going to be a yellow belt forever LOL .... OMG!!! It's going to be five months again when I test for blue in December! Wow! Where have I been LOL. No reason to rush. I'm just cruzin'
  18. Patrick, I just got a perm. schedule at work. I'm off Monday and Tuesday. I have TKD on Monday nite, but I can search for news that day, then write an article on Tuesdays I hope this is ok
  19. Hehehehe me too LOL. I'm just an over-grown kid hehehehe
  20. I never made it past 5th gup/kyu, so I donno. I was always on schedule. I'm currently only 7th gup/kyu.
  21. I have a bad habit of saying stupid stuff like "flamage" or "coinage" or "DOE" (Homer Simson thing) LOL.
  22. There's nothing wrong with "awareness". You are trained for that in MA to AVOID a situation. You are trained to "read" your suroundings. Like Kickchick, I put my gaurd down once, and got attacted. Thank God I walked away, he didn't I think if your situation did get worse, I think I would have fought for the grandparent, not myself. Only because I know that they couldn't defend themselves.
  23. I have asthma, too. Don't let it get to you. If I get "winded", I just bow out for a few minutes. Then get right back in there and try again. I also see people that don't have asthma "drop" after sparring, so it's not just us. Don't get discouraged. I am worried also, because I have asthma, my test is 12/11 and I am going to a tourny 12/15. Yes, I am sparring. It is nerve racking, because I'm affraid of not being able to finish the rounds without an attack, but I'm going into it head first. I'm not going to let it stop me. I'll be able to say "At least I tried."
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