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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Thanks, Jmy. I have my first "official" class tonight. I'll let everyone know how it goes
  2. We have a style vs style section. I'll move it there so you can find more about them
  3. Thanks Sub, and Ramy Anyways, he's ok with it. I was suprised. I left the other school on "good terms." That way I can still go with him to class and watch him. And see him test. We still do the same forms and I can still help him with technique, so we can still workout at home together I think it will work
  4. Thanks Ramy. I guess you are right. He did make me nervous yesterday, though. We were doing jump kicks, and I totally lost it. I blamed it on him cause he was looking (he was standing right next to me). He just giggled and pretended not to look at me LOL. He is such a cool instructor. I can joke with him. He jokes right back So that will make all that stuff I have to learn easier. Now I know that he is a laid back average guy (not an anal stuck-up instructor).
  5. I would. Eventhough I didn't have to ask my new instructor for his. He just started talking about his training, where he trains, and who trains him. He went in the office and brought out his stuff. Most places have their certs on the wall, but he didn't (because of a recent remodel of the dojang). But he just showed them to me without asking I found out he doesn't teach the archery. He is still just a student himself.
  6. Ok. I did it. I got out of the contract and joined the other TKD dojang I am much happier here. They honored my rank. So that means, I have a lot to learn, but I'm up for the challege Thanks all for your support
  7. I just switched dojangs ...... again. I'm still a blue belt, but a lot closer to black ........ eeeekkkkkkkk. I have so much to learn. I'm freaked out. But yet, I'm up for the challege
  8. I Love my new dojang I have a lot to catch up on, but I'm up for a challege hehehehehe. The breakfalls really hurt right now LOL.
  9. I just switched dojangs. My new instructor DID honor my rank. The problem I have with it is that blue belt in the new dojang is a much higher rank than I was. I'm 2 ranks from black instead of 5. I also have to learn A LOT more than what I learned in the old TKD dojang (like breakfalls, rolls, joint locks, throws, and new step sparring combos). I am a little freaked out about it. But then again, I don't have to rush. I AM going to take my sweet ol' time before I test for my next rank
  10. Check this site out: https://www.bilang.com . They have a good "How-to" section.
  11. My dojang teaches 4 styles (I think). Tae Kwon Do, Kali, Japanese Archery, and Kickboxing. My instructor teaches Kali, archery, and TKD. But he showed me all his credentials, even pics today. He didn't hide anything. So, I'm not worried about him being a fake. If they don't have "proof" they CAN teach those styles, then they maybe fake. If there is several instructors there, that maybe ok, too.
  12. I went 4-5 days a week when I didn't have a life (when I did TSD) LOL. Now I go 3 days a week. Now that I switched dojangs, I have a lot of home practice to do, also.
  13. LOL. That would definitely work LOL.
  14. Dragon, that was a great post. It's the same way I feel. I wonder if that guy's friend actually took martial arts?
  15. Man, I'd love to go to Vegas. I do scratch-off lottery tickets. That's as far as I go with gambling. But I won almost 500 this year on them (not all at once, though).
  16. Yummy. That is my most fav, Sai. Bulgogi, that is. With a side of Kimchi and Saki. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I just ate, but I'm getting hungry again LOL.
  17. Yes! He did it on purpose LOL. He kinda shouted it one day. No one noticed till I started laughing. Then my instructor noticed, too. He had a good laugh and said, "Maybe you can do that kihap during a tourny match, but watch your mouth around the kids." Then in the adult class, my instructor did it sparring with him (the guy with the crazy kihap)! I just about fell over laughing again.
  18. I agree, Kickchick. When I started, I was not flexible at all. I couldn't even touch my toes! Now two and a half years later, I finally did a split last month (I mean all the way down to the ground), with out pain. What I did was work at it gradually. I worked on the tightest muscles the most, which for me was my hammies and groin area, like you. For me, the best time to stretch to gain flexibility was after class. You should stretch before any physical activity, but to gain flexibility, I also stretched after class. Because the muscles are warmed up, and it kept me from getting "stiff" after a good work out. I started to do that when I found that I wasn't getting anywhere with my flexibility. It worked.
  19. My new dojang (which is TKD) does teach those things. You are required to learn two or three of each at each belt rank.
  20. One of the weirdest Kihaps (kiai) I ever heard was a guy in my TSD dojang. He used to shout @$$ hole. The way he shouted it, I didn't noticed at first, but then I almost cried from laughing when I realized what he was shouting LOL.
  21. I moved this to "Grappling" so you will get more info from the ones who know more about it. I hope this helps
  22. I am going to move this to "Grappling." I know you will get more help there
  23. My fav is Korean food. But my fav chinese food is lo mien, and General To chicken. The spicer the better
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