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Everything posted by younwhagrl

  1. Thanks EternalRage! you start with your back leg and lift your body up with a straight leg kick motion..then you bring your front leg up and do a scissor motion, and you go from the inside of your body to the outside, and axe kick, but I just can't seem to get the inside out part right...and hoping i could get some tips!
  2. Great article! I do martial arts b/c of the friends i gained in it, the great family i have met in martial arts keeps me going..if I never had my martial arts family..I dunno where I would be, also the confidence martial arts has given me is HUGE..I used to be shy but since i started martial arts..I am not like that anymore..martial arts has changed my life for the better!!
  3. 1st degree red (3rd keup) in Youn Wha Ryu
  4. 1st degree red (3rd keup) in Youn Wha Ryu
  5. I am having a problem with this one kick, and as much as a practice it..it just doesn't want to come out. The kick is scissors inside out axe kick..maybe you guys can give me some tips on how to do this kick..I can get the scissor axe kick part..but the inside out..eh..it's just not there. Maybe you guys can help me..all is appreciated to. Thanks (in advance)
  6. right! and hopefully when testing time comes around you won't have to think about the form..it just comes out...I catch myself when we do forms in class..not even realizing what I'm doing b/c I've did the forms so much, that it just comes out b/c my body knows what it's supposed to do
  7. a kick i learned last thursday..i've found to be very effective and that is wheel roundhouse kick..any wheel kick for that matter can be effective, and they are my favorite too
  8. Here is some stuff that might help..tell them if they are good the WHOLE CLASS, and that you have time..tell them you guys will play a game, martial arts related of course..that seems to work in our class, and also what works is, if you guys do meditation before class, do meditation for 30 seconds, that is quite a long time for kids, and that will clear thier minds and make them calm..but..i'm just telling you what works in our class.
  9. I am definatly ALL FOR repitition! Grandmaster Han tells us we should at LEAST do our forms that are going to be on our test 300 times in between testings...I'm a strong believer in repition makes you better! In our organization we have this thing called the 300 club that you do your 3 testing forms 300 times, in between testing, just as grandmaster han said,..which is a total of 900 forms when it's all said and done...and for your accomplishments you get a free t-shirt..i've done it 7 times!
  10. fast black belt? I'm a 1st degree red belt..i still have a 2nd degree, and brown belt to go! Thanks for the warm welcomes guys!!
  11. I"m in agreeance with that! of course..I like to do push ups! That may sound funny but I like them! We do push ups before class, and sometimes we switch it up and do diamond push ups and judo push ups...the fun stuff!
  12. In your style of MA do you guys have fighting drills such as Sukwon (1-3), Yun gong (1&2), Tap Drill, Ridge Hand Drill (& advanced moving), backfist drill(&triple moving backfist), etc. I was just wondering b/c I luv them, and i was wondering if anyone felt the same way about them, or I was just weird..lol!
  13. Congrats again frightmaster! In class tonight the instructor was telling us a story about a person having to deal with a surprise testing..well they were at a testing one time, and the guy was a brown belt at the time..well this guy was demonstrating kicks with someone else, and Grandmaster Han stopped them, and he said come here! how long have you been brown belt? the guy said um..two months.. (we usually have to wait 6 months in between brown and black belt) well then Grandmaster Han asked oh do u know your forms and stuff? he said yes sir..he said oh..ok u test today..it was like that sudden! I like the surprises too, but it usually only happens to black belt and up in our organization. In our organization (white through brown belts) if you don't try you very hardest you don't test the next time we have testing which they are usually two months apart. If you don't think yourself, that you are ready..they still make you test because of that extra push..that's why we test every two months.
  14. As Aodhan said..u can probably do any style! 83..now that's impressive..the oldest we have in our organization is probably a 73 y/o 3rd dan!!
  15. Yeah Back step side kick..very powerful. I'm trying to think if I have any others..Wheel Back kick..powerful! but..it's a long kick and you can see it coming from a mile away.
  16. * Fun * Physical and Mental wellness * Social * Self-esteem * Facing my fears * Becoming my best When I first started I didn't know what to expect..I wasn't even interested in MA..but those are what I've come to see our my motivation!
  17. I would never accept a honorary belt. Unless I couldn't train anymore, and I was still an active member of the organization. Grandmaster Han (the person who brough Youn Wha to the USA) didn't accept his 10th dan because it was honorary.
  18. I've had 6 testings behind me and haven't failed one yet (knock on wood) but..our instructors don't let you test unless he thinks you are ready, we do pre-testing before the real thing, and that's when he determines if you are ready..the only way you'll fail if you're ready is if you go out there, and they say choon-bi and you walk off the floor..., if you do your best..you won't fail! I've never seen it happen yet.
  19. Well..i never was interested in Martial Arts, till my dad told me that this guy he works with teaches Martial Arts here in town..well I thought..this is not a thing girls do..at all..lol! Well BOY was I wrong..my first night..i fell in love with it, and the rest is history...the funny thing is..i thought girls couldn't do it..we have 9 girls in our class and 1 guy..it's pretty funny!
  20. I train in Youn Wha Ryu, and lets see...Basai is fun to watch..i enjoy it!..although I don't know it yet I'm still a 1st degree red, but my favorite form..or forms..is probably Palgue 7 (2nd blue) or Palgue 4 (1st green)...still kinda tied on those!
  21. I started when I was 15, I'm 16 now...I am definatly commited to it, I quite cheerleading for Martial Arts..haha! I know a 62 year old that just tested for her black belt, she started when she was 60 I believe...ur not too old!
  22. I study the palgue forms, then once we get to 2nd red we do name forms like Koryo etc. They are exhausting to me if you do them right, they are definatly NOT easy at all, learning is easy but trying to remember them, and doing them is the hard part, in our school we go all the way from basic 1 to your highest form, which mine right now is palgue 8, that's the exhausting part, but I enjoy doing forms! The best part of training in my opinion.
  23. Yes taekwondomom, we learn from our instructors that martial arts should not be used just to fight people because they hit you first. They tell us that the only way we should use it, if your life is in danger. Thanks for bringing that up.
  24. In our school, we start out with our streches and warming up, and we do situps and pushups, then we do kicks..then we do, as a class, basic technique as follows: all of this is in a front stance: down block center block center punch inside block outside chop inside chop double center block high block side punch (riding stance) Yellow belts and up after side punch in a back stance: double knife hand high double knife hand low double fist low (or double down block) This is what we do in the Youn Wha Ryu system, everyday, then after this we do forms!
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