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Everything posted by Chaz

  1. Jesus said "A man that can't defend his family is an infidel." (Something close to that, it may not be exact.) I agree with you, and so does God...
  2. Gee, I don't know, you tell me when somone trys to: Break into your home, steal your wallet, kidnap your kids, rap your wife, the list can go much longer in the world we live in today. I'm sorry but I just can't find logic in this question. I think most will agree with me, life is not lollipops and kittens...
  3. You need to get into San Soo man. Our art is about being stealthy, not tele-graphing, and being suddenly violent so that even if you come against a fighter that is more skilled than you, you don't give him the chance to be...
  4. Nothing wrong with a little encouragement and motivation...
  5. I think it has many aspects of fighting within it's styles, most chinese systems I've encountered are more compehensive than just, striking...grappling, theres more to it...
  6. Lets just say I'm 17 now, and I can't wait to be an 80 year old martial artist...
  7. Hey, it's entertaining...and thats the point right. how do we know it's even real...?
  8. I'd like to see that guy in a fight...
  9. I'd like to see one of those guys fight a white belt at my school, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't stand a chance...
  10. Sounds to me like you should be proud of yourself. From what you said you did, it sounds like you were practicing ALOT of restraint. I definately would not have been so kind to a man scaring the hell out of my daughter, that kind of behavior should be considered abuse. You were in a position where if you did lay him out, you would have been in your juritstiction. Kudos to you, I would have cracked.
  11. I always thought aikido was pretty cool, but I've heard that it just takes a large amount of practice in the art to make it effective for street situations... But thats only what I have been told...
  12. Sometimes pre-emptive striking is necessary. If someones approaching you with the tough guy attitude and you know he wants to hurt you, I doubt he'll be expecting you to rake his eyes out wiht your fingers... I find it as an essential strategy and a good peice of psychology if you ask me...
  13. Up to three stripes on each belt exceept for black... takes at least a year for a belt promotion. White Yellow Green Brown Black
  14. You have to remeber with teachers, Leadership is an essential quality to have if your going to teach other people on your own knowledge. Even if you are an amazing martial artist, you have to be able to lead people to help them be amazing as well. Get what I'm saying?
  15. It's entertaining to watch, but completely useless otherwise in my opinion... I'll probably watch it if I'm at home, but I'm not gonna set my tvo...
  16. I hate this god-forsaken word, religion... I am a christian myself, and I don't really know how to explain how I feel exactly, but I'll try... When we refer to christianity as religion, we are missing the point of what christianity really is... I can't explain this online but I will tell you. What does God tell you about this? Look in the Bible and pray, ask him, he'll tell you just as he has told me... Personally I feel my calling lies in Martial Arts, and I hope I'm right. Sorry if I wasn't much help... But sometimes the answer is there, you just have to seek it out.
  17. If your looking to be street effective and want to find an art with no *, may I recommend San Soo. It isn't karate, it is Kung Fu but it fits your description. San Soo is one of the most brutal and comprehensive arts there is and it has evolved for over 2000 years. This is what you want.
  18. You can certainly improve your Kung Fu with practice, but there are some things that only a master can give you to put you on your way to mastery as well. They don't give it all away, even in 5 years. To an extent you can train like this but you can only go so far...
  19. I would say it's practical to the MA real purpose, but I have no idea in sport... Hope I helped a little...
  20. How exactly do you train to do One-Finger Push-ups? Also, how do you do them correctly so you don't break your finger? Thank you
  21. I would prefer a line of clothing... I've tried stuff that looked like it, but it just wasn't the same. I think I just need to get a custom made GI. Thats probably what Bruce wore...
  22. You want to wear the same sort of clothing Bruce Lee did? Check the retro shops....ask them for anything gaudy from the late 1960's and early 1970's. Think Austin Powers style...that's about it. Heck, I know a guy that still has all that stuff in his closet...bell bottoms, flowing sleeves with flowers on them, wide lapels on the jackets...your origional platform shoes. I'll see if he wants to sell it. Retro stuff is pretty spendy though I think, plus shipping it to the UK. lol, I should have mentioned that I'm looking for training clothing such as the Frog button jackets and pants ect... I'm not interested in going back in time...but thanks anyways...
  23. Be spontanious... If you try and plan out whats gonna happen your gonna get hurt no matter what you think is gonna happen. If you really have to do this be confident about it. I you don't belive you can, you won't...
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