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Everything posted by Chaz

  1. Bruce Lee movies will always be my favorite because he actually had talent and physical strength. I like totally unbelivable Kung Fu movies too, but there isn't as much talent going on in those if any... So Bruce Lee Films. (Fists of Fury is my Favorite...)
  2. It all depends on the person I'd say. I wouldn't always choose a block in every situations...
  3. Never heard of it... Does sound worthy of looking into though... Is it something new?
  4. Too many reasons... All you can think of how bout that?
  5. I've been told chen style is the most hardcore, otherwise I know little about Tai Chi...
  6. Wait till night and buy some ninja suits! lol
  7. In our school, when you recieve a promotion in rank, you do the salute to our master. The salute is how you get your white belt... Other than that, not really...
  8. I'm pretty sure a boxer would demolish a Judo praticianer, if they were both experianced... Just from my experiances. I have friends in both...
  9. I took shotokan, it seemed very unrealistic to me, I didn't like it, so I moved on. Never taken TKD though...
  10. From what I've seen of it, looks really effective to me... Some things I've seen reminds me of San Soo...
  11. All depends on who when it comes right down to it... But boxing and wing chun stress speed dont they?
  12. Read below...
  13. Use a metronome from your local music store...
  14. I respect the chinese arts much more than most out there. Kung Fu is the ancestor of most all other arts, and my art is much more comprehensive than JJ and Karate... I've tried these others and nothing compares thus far... I also like the fluidness more than this straight line stuff, it generates more power. My home is in the chinese arts...
  15. You could say they're similar, all of our windmill blocks are designed to cause your opponent pain, or creating a vunerability such as off-setting balance. But, also to expose for attack... They sound pretty similar to me...
  16. Still seems like a foggy question to answer to me... Although, I'd like to think that the MA are always improving through it's succesors, but theres really no way to tell unless you go back in time.
  17. I'd have to agree with you... Restraint is a beautiful thing if your capable of it... It's saved me alot of headache. Literally in some cases
  18. It might serve him good if there were other young belts learning with him, then again, I'm not to fond of sparing as a training method if that's what this "combat class" is... If you plan on doing tournaments though, it's a great thing!
  19. I definately have a biase, but I've experianced enough different arts to know San Soo is something special, but some people would rather do tournaments instead... Whatever your preference, I happen to enjoy destruction if I'm dragged into a fight...
  20. I guess it all depends on situation... Would anyone else shoot the guy in the leg if you got the gun? Thats if he already isn't obeying your commands of getting on the ground and such...
  21. Part of my training is putting on the correct show for this legal system we have. I train to always have my hands up in front of my face and make sure my opponent and any wittnesses understand I don't want to fight... Even in self-defense, you can still get screwed if your not careful. I think if you do this, there is a clear action that shows your intentions, if he attacks through that, i would say your in pretty good shape...
  22. lol, I'm sorry I don't know what cloud hands are... I guess the best way I can describe windmills are, fluid circular movements used for blocking and transitions with your arms... What are cloud hands?
  23. Of course I'd say San Soo. If you want a million reasons why I belive so, PM me...and I'll get them all organized. Judging from your last post...You want to be in San Soo. One of our motos is "The best defense, is a good offense..." San Soo is one of the most brutal and comprehensive arts in the world and is also one of the least known of. It was a secret art for most of it's exsitance in China and many died for it's secrets... Even today it is one of MA's best kept secrets. Once again, PM if you wanna discuss it...
  24. Does anyone know of a place I can get a Bruce Lee Line of martial arts clothing. I am 5'7 1/2" tall and weigh 135 lbs. and my extra weight is made of mostly muscle in my mid-section. I have the same structure as the legend himself and I'm thankful for it, but I can never find a Gi that is comfortable and that fits me correctly. If I could find a Bruce Line of clothing I'd be in heaven... Anyone?
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