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Everything posted by Chaz

  1. How is it ineffective, and why would it be unfair? Regulating the art in a sparing session would take everything that makes it san soo...Everything that makes it san soo is what also makes it unfair in that sense: Strikes directed toward the groin, eyes, kidneys, and so on...thats my reasoning behind that statement.
  2. I was wondering if anyone out there taking san soo had any tricks or tips if a situation were to arise agaisnt boxing, kickboxing, kenpo karate or other quick arts of that nature. I have alot of freinds that take these and I'm just hopeing for more material to prove my art, because as all you San Soo practicianers know, sparing is not effective in San Soo, I simply refuse to do it at this point, if I did they'd say Im being unfair and too brutal anyway! Does anyone else relate to this? Anything will help, thanks a bunch!
  3. I never plan on fighting fair, if I have to that is... Fighting is surviving, if my survival depends on how fair I am, well I'll except the title of unfair as well as unstupid...
  4. One of the things I really like about my art is that everybody seems to develope there own sense of style in San Soo. All the Masters I've seen are truly amazing but theres always something that seperates them and all there students. Sometimes I wonder if thats where the "San Soo thug" steriotype came from, some peoples style in practice remind me of what a thug would do...a smart thug, even if they're not like that at all. But after all, San Soo is also known as "Chinese Street Fighting". I'm getting way off topic, sorry...just a thought...
  5. Maybe my sifu meant just in kung fu theres a 1%, japanese and korean styles seem to be dominant in America from what I've seen and heard. In my town there are only two kung fu studios and about 6 japanese systems present.
  6. Monkey style and drunken styles are definately the most entertaining to watch, but when it comes to practicallity, I favor my art the most...
  7. I'm a Christian, right now my faith has little to no meaning in my training, but I definately see potential as in every other art there is... I plan to explore that once my form is stronger and I have a better sense of my art...
  8. The way belt systems used to be done really shines light on this whole delema... I think starting with a white belt and then not being consided a black belt until your belt is black from your blood sweat and tears was the ultimate indication. Of course, alot of people these days would probably expidite the process...
  9. Im still partial to T-shirts, but I love Chinese Interloops...
  10. Im still partial to T-shirts...
  11. In the U.S. there is an average of 1% of the population known to take some form of martial arts. About 1% of that percentage are black belts. Just a fun fact, if my Sifu is correct...
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