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Everything posted by Chaz

  1. I Love San Soo
  2. Like people said, there are better ways to build character. But, I also think it's important to stand up for yourself, sometimes that's the best way to build confidence. I supose it all depends on the situation of the fight before your actions are justified.
  3. I'm a believer in the individual as well. Good Post
  4. This is a good example of not beliving everything you read.
  5. I would assume so, if you really wanted to. But I never have myself.
  6. Yes, in third grade. lol
  7. I don't stetch first for that very reason, but most of my movements don't require me to stretch, only to get my blood flowing.
  8. Shrowded in mystery and shadow... Play Tenchu
  9. There's no conventional way in San Soo, it's just personal preference. I think Japanese styles are a little more uniform as far as knots go.
  10. Where the forehead ends and the hair begins.
  11. I've always had good posture, but my focus has definatly increased since I've started MA.
  12. Snap/Front Kick
  13. Personally, I would never start my own discipline unless I saw something wrong with what I was currently/previously practicing. Or if I had a revelation that hasn't been commonly realized in todays Martial world (Like Bruce Lee had). Now don't get me wrong, I think everyone creates their own "style" after studing martial arts, or at least they should. But, ones style is different from ones discipline. Basically, I think it's a bad idea to just create a discipline seriously unless there's a good strong reason/philosophy behind it.
  14. Forms help me understand my art every time I do them. It helps me grasp the curves and mechanics of San Soo. Plus, they are fun!
  15. In San Soo we don't wear pads of any sort (Except for a cup, lol). But, what we do isn't traditional sparring. We call it free-sparring.
  16. I would like to find out about the dragon style of Kung Fu. I've tried to find information on google and such, but nothing to helpful. Anything will help, especially someone that takes it! Thanks
  17. Why would you want people to know you're a skilled Martial Artist? I can think of a million why not.
  18. Like most situations, it all depends on the one using it...
  19. Just my confidence and pride in my art, nothing more or less...
  20. In my experiance I pass through phases such as these, but I just keep going to get over those rough times. You just have to remember that time that you felt really good, and then realize that your better than that presently... Thats what I do...
  21. KILL HIM!!! Just kidding of course...
  22. I would say focus on one at a time, until you are proficient in each... Thats my humble opinion...
  23. Sounds like a major day-dream to me...
  24. I need help finding authentic handmade chinese polearms. Not fake crap, can anyone help me in my search? Thank You
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