we're not "dis"ing on people who have skill..... im not about to get into an arguement over this.... im glad u enjoy where u train, and i hope you kid grows up to be an enthusiastic, able and rounded martial artist.
its either a reverse side kick, a back piercing kick or a back kick..... a thunder round house sounds a bit weird.... but iget what u mean... at head height its a little impractical but at chest height it can be very effective. generally it is taught as a sparring techique.
i think the assumption that because its been done for centuries therefore works is a bit fallacious. Sparring has many forms.... it depends how you spar on how well it may prepare you for real life. some work - some may not.
course there can... go to a local dojang for TKD that has some tough training methods and ask someone to kick you in the head, lol.... its probably moving forward so has the entire body weight at speed behind it... personally id duck rather than experience the blow to the head.... but iagree its rather impractical.
ok string theory or super string theory.... in my understanding as a theoretical physics student has very little to do with the idea of ki..... string theory is an idea accounting for the vast innaccuracies between newtonian and quantum physics. There is little evidence or even conjecture that the body would be able to manipulate what is elementary [in the idea of small rather than elements in the ancient definition] energy.
and im very defensive about peoples positions on TKd, although not really biased about its effectiveness.... always good to know about your own biases though.
was it the 825 posts that gave it away. lol and i guess my impartiality.... although i have had a lot of imflammatory posts.... i just dont like assumptions... anyway thanks
I imagine, you will get al ot of people talkign about what a master is and very few saying that they believe themselves to be a master... usually its by other's recognition any way.
i think talking to your sensei is a good start, openly and honestly.... maybe try and think about what else is going on in your life that may be causing stress, etc.