actually... matter can be destroyed.... it can be turned into energy or combined with teh appropriate anti-matter to complete a high energy annihalation. =---------------------------- OK telepathy itself cannot be ruled out as possible in all honesty... however the ability would not be trainable.... secondly - u refer to the hyperthalmus as the neural control of the body's temperature to help in homeostasis.... this doesnt create energy.... its just allows stored energy to be burned to heat the body through blood flow- i will not disagree about the tibetan Yogi - but the task of overcomign extreme temperatures would be unsustainable. Thirdly - the ability to control ones' OVERALL body temperature is very different ability than to focus this into a high concentration area..... which would be necessary for any effect.... also remember teh body has no function to turn the THERMAL energy you refer to into anything usefull - so as far as physical projection goes this still doesnt help with an explanation.