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Everything posted by isshinryu5toforever

  1. In general I can't say I like the idea of modifying uniforms. I have a friend who is going to write a poem in kanji down the pant leg of his uniform. I didn't think it was a good idea, but the team and the league don't have rules against it, so if he wants to.
  2. I wasn't referring to someone's rank in the dojo necessarily. I'm thinking more the age factor. If SS is hosting the get together this summer I am guessing he is a little older than 13. I'm not going to venture into exact number, I'm just guessing a little older. And yes, as snakeeel said, it is about simnple respect. The discussion is open, but a certain level of tact should still be maintained. Besides that we can't swear at eachother on here, certain rules have been put down. We must respect those, I believe that we should respect eachother as well. for the original question, I know what you mean about teaching combos and techniques first, but a couple of places I have been that teach things like Northern Praying Mantis and Tiger Crane have wanted their students to use techniques as they are seen in the forms. Seemed odd to me, but I guess it works.
  3. lol, that thing was hillarious. Was that supposed to be scary? I think i've seen too many things like this before. None have scared me yet, but my roommate got freaked out because he was walking by right when it popped up
  4. when someone ran at me and I couldn't clinch because of rules, I kicked them right in the middle of the face with a front kick. When they look up at you from the flat of their back a time or two, they tend to settle down a little.
  5. The black trim v-neck? that's for black belts and above.
  6. A front kick is different flexibility though. That's more your hamstrings. Round kicks and side kicks rely on hip flexibility. Someone who can do a stradle (side split) can kick high sideways because of flexible hips and groin tendons. That is the flexibility you need.
  7. With enough dedication and training, anyone can become a black belt. Being a black belt is about perfecting the basics. Anyone can do that. The path can simply be more difficult for some than for others.
  8. If you want to be viewed as respectful in forums such as these, you need to have a better grasp on what sounds like it is tactful and what does not. Saying duh to someone who is your senior most definitely does not sound like it respectful.
  9. My parents just bought a black lab
  10. A warrior is only some of the things you mentioned. A warrior has a grasp of who he is as a human being. However, true warriors also have an allegiance to a cause or king. So are you a warrior? If you are who or what do you fight for? Yourself is not an acceptable answer to this question. In today's age unfortunately honor has become an empty word. A coward isn't necessarily someone who can't stand up for what he believes in. Some people don't have the strength to allow them to do this. A coward is someone who fails to do what is right even though they can make a difference. A doctor who fails to respond when someone is having a heartattack on an airplane, is someone I would characterize thusly. There are many definitions of a coward.
  11. He seems to have a 13 year old's sense of respect though. You do not say Duh to someone who is not only of a senior rank than you, but of senior status and age. Respect must be given to be expected. In the Northern Praying Mantis classes I have taken, using techniques from the forms is expected for beginner level sparring so they get a better grasp of the technique. I don't think Son Goku was quite clear on this point. It is more like one step sparring or sparring sets than what we think of as sparring. They are free as far as the techniques aren't preset, but they are required to adhere to using exact techniques as they are taken from the forms. I have seen this yield quite interesting results. When I say interesting I am thinking more awkward looking exchanges between people without the necessary athleticism to pull it off. Before I submit this one last word of advice. Son Goku, you may know that putting things is all caps means that you are yelling, it is impolite and in bad taste to ever yell at someone, especially those who are your seniors.
  12. you just need to work on your flexibility, either that or jump (not advised)
  13. not to get off topic too much, but karatekid are you in NYC?
  14. I've faced my sensei before, I didn't get injured though. Sorry nothing interesting like that. We do a Sanchin test for our black belt test.
  15. I'm a guy and I wasn't like huh?
  16. not just that but there are different kinds of white rice, Japanese white rice, Korean white rice (yum for the real stuff), and Chinest white rice.
  17. The massive, multiple kiais can raise the competitor's intensity level sometimes. For osme people that's what does it. For others I have seen very quiet forms, but the energy around them is amazing. To kiai a ton like I have seen, on almost every techinique, people can create this energy.
  18. It all depends on what is done within that time period. I know that I have taught lessons in 45 minutes before, but I also know that we usually go for an hour and a half. It is really up to what the instructor expects you to learn. With an hour and a half you can stretch in class and warm up, with 45 minutes I would expect the students to take care of that before the class began. This way, the full 45 minutes would be used for training, and not for stretching and warming up.
  19. I am a fan of perennail loser: Milwaukee Brewers and Chicago Cubs. The Twins are alright, if they're playing the Yankees then I'll definitely root for them. I tend to keep that to myself while I'm here though.
  20. If the attack is cleaner, stronger and faster than the block, and slips through the person's block, the defender will have lost the battle.
  21. You could be the hardest striker in the world, but if that strike doesn't connect and he gets inside of your mobile kicking range, you are in trouble. TKD has hand techniques too right? Don't forget those, because once he gets inside the effective range of your kicks, you better pray that your hands can bail you out. And of course, attempt to stay off the ground.
  22. I am 5'8" 185 lbs, and I have done just fine with the traditional bo. The tonfa may present a good option for you though. I have seen a few power katas done with those.
  23. In a real fight high kicks are almost never effective.
  24. Isn't krzychicano a woman? Anyways, what do kids know about love anyways? I am only 19. I have been in one relationship my entire life, and that was my freshman year of high school. It lasted 7 months, and then as quickly as it began it was done. We are still friends, but I don't think we actually figured anything out. We were 14-15. Dating was just a "cool" thing. I don't think people really figure out love and dating until they are a bit older, and bills, jobs, student loans *ahem*, and other particles of life beigin dropping in their laps. I am not saying that at 15 years old you don't understand emotions, I just think you don't understand what love and devotion really takes. I don't think the realization of true commitment really hits you at that age. Some will say I'm wrong, who knows I may be. I just know that I am 19, and I guess I thought I had a good grasp of what love is, but experience is slowly changing that. I have written some great love poetry and unrequited love poems, but that doesn't necessarily mean I understand love. That just means that I am good at channeling my emotions into something as evocative as poetry. You're young people, I'm a young person, live a little and don't let something as petty as having a girlfriend/boyfriend or not consume your being. When I say live, I don't mean go sew your wild oates, I just mean live for you. Have some fun with your buddies, watch movies while you've still got the time, stay up late, enjoy being a kid. Enjoy not having to worry about financial burden. Be carefree while you can, because it goes pretty quick.
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